On Thursday, Oct. 18, a pair of female indie-folk artists bring their smooth voices, acoustic guitars and original songs to the Isis Music Hall’s upstairs lounge. A native of West Virginia, Kipyn Martin was singing harmony before she learned to speak and has been playing guitar since the age of 8. When she’s not performing her own tunes, she tours with Allison Shapira as Joan & Joni, a musical tribute to Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell. Often compared to those two legendary singers, Kirsten Maxwell is originally from New York and now calls Nashville home. Her new self-titled EP was released over the summer and features full-band arrangements of her latest intimate works. The double bill begins at 7 p.m. $15. isisasheville.com. Photo of Martin by Brian Komatz
Smart Bets: Kipyn Martin and Kirsten Maxwell

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