“I was born and I’ve been running since, done things that make no sense,” Langhorne Slim sings at the beginning of “Strangers,” the single from his new album The Spirit Moves. Slim and his band, The Law, played that song on “Conan” — that’s something that makes a lot of sense, because more than a decade into Slim’s career as a troubadour, the mainstream public is catching on to his high-wattage charm and high-energy performances. But Asheville has long welcomed the fedora-wearing singer-songwriter. And while Slim and company usually play The Grey Eagle, they’ll headline The Orange Peel Wednesday, Oct. 21. Don’t miss out: The Spirit Moves is charged with thoughtful writing, propulsive folk-rock and an open-hearted embrace of love, adventure, personal growth and the pang of change. 9 p.m., $16 advance/$18 day of show. theorangepeel.net. Photo courtesy of the band
Smart bets: Langhorne Slim

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