Western North Carolina’s live music venues may be temporarily closed due to COVID-19 concerns, but local artists remain active and are devising imaginative ways to share their work with audiences. Among the efforts is Asheville singer-songwriter Hannah Kaminer’s service that digitally connects fellow area artists with homebound music lovers for approximately 45-minute sets. Currently titled “Music for Quarantine” — Kaminer is also considering the name “Virtual Concert Service” — the program seeks to provide paid work for musicians who have had traditional gigs canceled, plus music and conversation for people struggling with a lack of human connection and/or are simply missing going to concerts. “I am still really working out the kinks, but I’m hoping that people will use it to connect with people who are feeling the effects of the social distancing/isolation,” Kaminer says. “I’m definitely thinking about my grandma and how she lives alone. So many people do!” hannahkaminer.com. Photo by Shonie Kuykendall
Smart Bets: Music for Quarantine

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