Here’s a piece of local history: Shawn Mullins, an important part of the ’90s-era Atlanta singer-songwriter scene, who went on to chart pop hits like “Lullaby” in ’98 and “Beautiful Wreck” in 2006, was a regular performer at The Grey Eagle in its original Black Mountain location. When the venue moved to Asheville in ’99, Mullins put on one of the first shows in the new location. And though his visits to Western North Carolina have been less frequent over the last decade or so, it’s fitting that his tour for his new album, My Stupid Heart — on which he deftly balances songs of suffering with upbeat notes of hope, according to a press release — brings him back, kind of full-circle, to The Grey Eagle. Chuck Cannon opens the seated show Thursday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m. $15 advance/$18 day of show. Photo by David McClister
Smart bets: Shawn Mullins

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