Mountain Soul Party finds its warm-weather match in the inaugural Summer Soul Party. “After two successful Mountain Soul Party events at the Isis Music Hall, my organizing partner Gregory Scott and I thought of so many more local soul bands we wanted to feature, so we expanded the Soul Party format to a second venue,” explains Juan Holladay. “Summer Soul Party takes place in summer, when doors and windows can be opened, and people can enjoy a nice breeze with some of this area’s best music for the soul.” The Secret B-Sides will headline the event — following the passing of that band’s keyboardist Jeff K’norr, his college roommate Mark Burin will join the group. Window Cat and King Garbage complete the lineup at Pisgah Brewing Co. on Saturday, July 29, at 8 p.m. $7/$10. Photo collage by Juan Holladay
Smart bets: Summer Soul Party

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