The Potters of Madison County Market currently count nine members in the group’s core: Shirl and Jim Parmentier, Rob Pulleyn, Josh Copus, Joey Sheehan, Barry Rhodes, Julie Covington, Becky Lloyd and Shane Mickey. But for its annual market show and sale, nearly twice as many guest potters from around the Southeast and beyond are invited to share their handmade functional and sculptural ceramics. Now in its eighth iteration, this year’s event takes place Saturday, April 14, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Marshall High Studios auditorium on the town’s island. Free to attend. Baked goods and coffee from OWL Bakery and lunches from the Smashbox Kitchen food truck will be available to purchase. Pottery by Becky Lloyd, photo by Tim Barnwell
Smart Bets: The Potters of Madison County Market

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