Country-soul artists The Deslondes are based in New Orleans, but the band has at least one Asheville connection: fiddle and peddle steel player John James Tourville is also a member of local country group The Carolina Cud Chewers. The Deslondes also include Sam Doores, Riley Downing, Dan Cutler and Cameron Snyder. If you were to go by the band’s aesthetically pleasing Facebook page, it might look as if the musicians spend most of their time hanging out in parlors and back yards stocked with enviable vintage furniture. Happily, they also craft the kind of music that is not only entertaining but meaningful. “Country music is ostensibly what The Deslondes are playing on their self-titled New West debut,” says NPR, “but it’s country that seems like it never parted ways with [Woody] Guthrie’s populist strains of folk, or felt threatened by rock ‘n’ roll’s youthful ruckus.” The band performs at The Orange Peel Sunday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. The Devil Makes Three headlines. $20.
The Deslondes open for The Devil Makes Three at The Peel, Oct. 25

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