Dance dance evolution

The spark for Reborn came by way of a number of sources, from a bag of pantyhose to a photography series to the birth of Heather Maloy’s son. But Maloy, artistic director of Asheville’s Terpsicorps Theatre of Dance, says that she doesn’t set out to collaborate with artists of various media when she’s creating a […]

Quality over quantity

Not many opening acts get standing ovations, let alone return to the stage for an encore. But singer-songwriter Samantha Crain did when she opened for William Elliott Whitmore at The Grey Eagle last September. That night, she also played a couple of new songs: “Paint,” with the wrenching line, “I’m almost young this year, now […]

Camera ready

When the director calls "Action!" at the 48 Hour Film Project kickoff, it's no joke. Everyone involved, from writers of costumers to actors and camera crew better move at top speed because that 48 hour deadline is hard and fast. Short films are expected to be scripted, shot, edited and submitted in two whirlwind days. […]

Kabul together

Author Khaled Hosseini says his just-released novel, And the Mountains Echoed, began with a perfectly clear and vivid picture in his head. “It was this man walking across the desert, and he’s pulling a wagon,” says Hosseini. “In it, there’s a little girl, and a few steps behind there’s a boy who’s shadowing them.” That […]