Asheville’s hometown bruisers on wheels opened their season Saturday night, and photographer Jerry Nelson caught the action.
Author: Jon Elliston
Showing 43-63 of 351 results
Is there ever too much sunshine on government?
It’s Sunshine Week — the annual celebration of freedom of public information. Around the country, journalists, researchers, authors and citizens of many stripes are celebrating our collective right to know what government at all levels does. But at the local level, how much might be too much?

HATCHfest Asheville planning on a roll
An upcoming festival will bring a busload of creativity to Asheville — literally. Last week, organizers for the second annual HATCHfest Asheville, a multidisciplinary arts-and-mentoring event that takes place April 15 to 18, announced that one high-profile “guest” at the fest will be the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus.
Otter love at the WNC Nature Center?
Olive the otter has a new, male companion. WNC Nature Center’s video of their first encounter indicates that the two might get along swimmingly.
Asheville Affiliates name beneficiaries for 2010
Four lucky nonprofits will receive fundraising and event-planning assistance from the Asheville Affiliates, a volunteer group of young professionals. At a Feb. 25 fundraiser at Fiore's restaurant, Affiliate board President Jessica Hunter announced the four organizations selected this year: • Beauty Through Cancer • Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy • Asheville Community Theatre • The Asheville-Buncombe […]
Multimedia editor Jason Sandford leaving Xpress for Ashvegas
After serving as Mountain Xpress' multimedia editor for the past two years, veteran local journalist Jason Sandford is moving on to pump even more lifeblood into Ashvegas, his popular blog about all things Asheville. Eye on Asheville: Xpress' outgoing multimedia editor, Jason Sandford, who's preparing to pump up the volume of his blog, Ashvegas. Photo […]

Video: Electric Owls open first public show at Lexington Avenue Brewery
Last night, Asheville pop rockers Electric Owls opened the first public show to a packed house at the new Lexington Avenue Brewery listening room.

Faith leaders thank Asheville City Council for gay benefits vote
At a press conference this morning, an interfaith group of more than two dozen local religious leaders issued a “statement of appreciation” backing Asheville City Council’s recent vote in support of establishing same-sex domestic-partner benefits for city employees.
Full flavor
At the Mountain Xpress, where nothing matters more than local matters, our area's food culture is high on the menu — and we're about to spice it up even more. Cooking up the news for you: Longtime Xpress food editor Hanna Raskin (left) is stepping down to pursue food writing for AOL and other major […]

Council member Smith: Planning and Zoning Board appointments process should have gone differently
The appointment process for Asheville’s new Planning and Zoning Board members left out an important level of discussion, says City Council member and blogger Gordon Smith in a post tonight

Asheville Affiliates name beneficiaries for 2010
Four lucky nonprofits will receive fundraising and event-planning assistance from the Affiliates, a volunteer group of young professionals
Word from the street: Asheville Street Sentinel debuts to digest news for the homeless
Last week the nonprofit Asheville Homeless Network unveiled a new weekly publication, Asheville Street Sentinel. It's a single-page newsletter devoted to sharing up-to-date information on news relevant to the city's homeless population. Takin' it to the street: David Mayeux, a volunteer with the Asheville Homeless Network, with the first issue of the Asheville Street Sentinel. […]
An Oscar benefit for Haiti
Against the backdrop of the ongoing suffering in Haiti, the Carolina Cinema plans an Oscar-themed celebration to provide aid

Word from the street: Introducing the Asheville Street Sentinel
The Asheville Homeless Network’s new weekly publication debuted today

Video: Asheville’s Mardi Gras Parade, in all its glory
You gotta love a Valentine’s Day Mardi Gras, and today’s parade in downtown Asheville had costumed revelers hitting the streets to the beat of the city’s distinctive drum

Local ministers denounce City Council vote on same-sex domestic-partner benefits
In the aftermath of last night’s Council vote to support same-sex domestic-partner benefits for city employees, four local Baptist ministers held a press conference today to voice their displeasure, while saying they still welcome homosexuals into their congregations
Asheville Grown campaign seeks to buoy local businesses
If you made your way around downtown Asheville on a Saturday night last December, you might have noticed that staff members at several local businesses were wearing the same shirt. It was no coincidence: You were witnessing the birth of Asheville Grown. Growing local business: Local merchants are supporting the Asheville Grown campaign in numerous […]

The $141 million question: Who won the Powerball jackpot with a ticket bought in Asheville?
Today the state education lottery announced that a ticket-buyer in Asheville won the third Powerball jackpot, valued at $141 million. Who’s got the ticket?

Asheville Grown campaign seeks to buoy local businesses
If you made your way around downtown Asheville on a Saturday night last December, you might have noticed that staff members at several local businesses were wearing the same shirt. And it was no coincidence: What you were witnessing was the birth of the buy-local campaign dubbed Asheville Grown.
A new twist on reporting suspected "date rape" druggings
Reports of alleged local druggings that surfaced on Twitter recently have raised complex questions, and the answers are still coming in. Xpress reader Kimberly Miller first alerted us that two women had recently used the social-networking tool to spread the word that they'd been surreptitiously drugged while drinking at two different local bars. Miller, however, […]
Asheville to suspend transit services at 6:30 p.m., and will close other programs because of snow
In the face of 6 to 10 inches of expected snow, the city of Asheville has announced new closings and postponements