Losing weight is hard, and keeping it off may be even harder. Local experts share information and tips to help sustain a healthy weight after taking off some pounds.

Losing weight is hard, and keeping it off may be even harder. Local experts share information and tips to help sustain a healthy weight after taking off some pounds.
Here’s the first thing you need to know about fat: It’s complicated. “Fat is confusing for everybody because we don’t agree,” says Taft Draper, a Hendersonville-based registered dietitian. “The body is very complex, and everyone is different.” On the surface, it seems fairly simple. There are three main types of fat — unsaturated, saturated and […]
Home should be a place of safety, but the Environmental Protection Agency says indoor air pollution of spaces including residences is among the top five environmental risks to public health. While improving the air quality in your home might not be easy, there are some straightforward steps to assessing potential problems.
Salt can be good for you, even necessary for health, in certain quantities. But how do you decide whether and how much salt to shake on your food?
WNC experts and those who have experienced sexual harassment discuss the local effects of the #MeToo movement.
As greenways grow in popularity, the city of Asheville is looking into natural surface trails as a possible way to develop a greenway system that benefits people, the planet and the city’s pocketbook. But are greenways of dirt and gravel actually more green?