We like Independence Day because it marks a time when the Founding Fathers were badasses, unafraid to tell the king of Great Britain to shove off. In their honor, we forget about rules. We blow things up and grill giant slabs of protein over flame, putting down loads of great American food that we may […]
The Blackbird restaurant will relocate to Asheville in September, plus the owners of Books and Breadboard are asking for a little help from their friends.
Travel + Leisure explores the Blue Ridge Parkway and the sights — and food — to be sampled along the way. Here’s a taste” “The Blue Ridge was clearly summoning us. Small-scale food operations with a keen sense of place and an upstart, indie spirit were breaking out all over, some to national acclaim. And […]
Robyn Jasko, author of Homesweet Homegrown: How to Grow, Make, and Store Food, No Matter Where You Live, hosts a book-signing on Friday, June 29, at Short Street Cakes.
Wilmington, NC: A suspect trying to escape from the law bit a police dog’s ear today. “Police spokeswoman Lucy Crockett says doctors on Sunday had to stitch back together the ear of the injured police dog named Maxx. Authorities were trying to arrest 22-year-old Travis Keith Glaspie who was wanted for a weekend shooting. Officers […]
Press release: The Salmonella attorneys of Marler Clark, The Food Safety Law Firm, along with Asheville law firm Roberts & Stevens, filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Florida woman who was hospitalized after contracting a Salmonella paratyphi B infection. The defendants named in the lawsuit are Asheville-based Smiling Hara Tempeh and Maryland-based Tempeh Online. […]
From the ACT: “A city man is facing charges after police say he was found walking naked this morning on Montford Avenue near the downtown. The man’s name was listed as John Doe 1188 because he had no identification with him and police could not confirm his identity, but officers believe he is a city […]
Tupelo Honey Cafe has signed on to produce a second nationally distributed cookbook with Andrews McMeel Publishin, to be launched in the spring of 2014. From the press release: “Author Elizabeth Sims and executive chef Brian Sonoskus will team up again to develop the new book. The new book follows the 2011 publication of Tupelo […]
mark your calendars; the Weinhaus has released its events for the month of July. Here they are, straight from the source: “Thursday, July 19th — The Grovewood Café is located behind the Grove Park Inn, in one of the seven historic Biltmore Industries buildings. The thick stone walls covered with historic photographs offer an elegant setting […]
Judson Berger of Fox News visited Asheville and praised our food scene (which is “budding”), calling Chai Pani a major highlight of the trip (“a niche restaurant that specializes in Indian street food – in Western North Carolina, so go figure,” he says). We also have great breweries (several, even, says Berger!), frog jam (jam […]
From the ACLU: “We’ve just filed a new federal case in North Carolina to ensure that kids being raised by lesbian or gay parents can have legally protected relationships with both of the parents who are raising them. North Carolina bans second parent adoption – which is the name for that kind of protection – […]
Carolina Epicurean interviewed Katy Button, chef of Cúrate recently, afterward trying some of her food. Here are the results (interview in its entirety after the jump): “She’s educated (Bachelor’s, Master’s, previous PhD student in neuroscience), has traveled the globe, worked at El Bulli (previously ranked “best restaurant in the world”), opened her own restaurant in […]
The Wedge hosts outdoor movies throughout the summer. With a pint, a lawn chair and a sweetheart, can you think of a better date night? Well, maybe you can, but we think it’s pretty great. Here’s the full schedule, via Pollinate Asheville: Saturday, June 16: Lars and the Real Girl Saturday, July 14: Thunder Road […]
“The city’s more than 1,000 workers will get a 2 percent raise with the possibility of another 1 percent or a one-time bonus, City Council members said late Tuesday night. Council members voted unanimously to give the workers a bigger raise than the 1 percent that had been initially proposed more than a month earlier. […]
Via Ashvegas blog: “It’s down to the final four restaurants in this year’s WNC Chef’s Challenge. Last year’s champion, Knife & Fork in Spruce Pine will face off against Lexington Avenue Brewing, while Biltmore Estate will go up against Boca. Those contests will be held Aug. 14 and Aug. 16. The final battle will be […]
On June 13, Mountain Xpress’ annual salute to WNC’s thriving culinary scene hits the streets. Eats and Drinks, our colorful and glossy guide to the best of local food (and beverage), can now be found on stands and in purple Xpress boxes throughout the area. To celebrate, we offer a sneak peek of the guide […]
Just when we think everyone knows the whole story about food trucks — or at least the important points — someone proves us wrong. John Boyle, an Asheville Citizen-Times columnist, received a question from a reader who seemed concerned about the sanitation of mobile vendors. We thought that we’d share the question and the lengthy […]
From the Asheville Bed and Breakfast Association: “Asheville is known for its historic buildings and homes set in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains as well as for its amazing food scene. The Asheville Bed & Breakfast Association Spring INN tour combines both of these in a two day event designed to delight your eyes and […]
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