Close to home

I’m nestled here in Twin Oaks, my cozy, sunny 1920 vintage residence in the Albemarle Park Historic District off Charlotte Street. It’s a special kind of Shangri-la designed by architect Richard Sharp Smith for Edwin Wiley Grove, some seven years after the completion of the Grove Park Inn, and some four years before Smith passed […]

Pro-union, pro-voting

I am a union member and I am politically active. Now, you probably already have pictures of the stereotypical card-carrying union thug, but this could not be further from the truth. I belong to a union because the people I work for are bullies, and unlike my neighbors, I have both the opportunity and ability […]

Mumpower is a hands-on leader

I have just completed several weeks of offering my liberal and conservative friends a deal: I would send Dr. Carl Mumpower $20 if they would give me $5 to send to his campaign. While the majority said they will vote for him, only two saw the importance of his message. The majority were so turned […]

Good reasons to vote for Hagan

With all the attention being paid to the contest between McCain and Obama, WNC voters may easily forget that we have an important race to decide for one of the state’s two U.S. Senate seats. Elizabeth Dole has been a disappointing senator, voting 92 percent of the time for the Bush/Cheney policies that have brought […]

Perdue’s ready for the job

North Carolina needs a governor who cares about all the people of North Carolina, not just the rich. As an educator, Bev Perdue understands the importance of our children’s education, as well as the ability to afford it. Bev Perdue will be a governor who supports our efforts for cleaner air and water. She has […]

Scapegoati­ng is always evil

There’s been lots of talk in the news about the McCain campaign’s recent attacks against Obama, but I’ve seen almost nothing about the racially charged mail campaign that the Republican Governors Association is waging against Bev Perdue for North Carolina’s gubernatorial race. About two weeks ago, I received a mail flier from the RGA that […]

Stop the robo insults

I am appalled, disgusted and angry regarding the robo calls that I have received from the North Carolina GOP. They are filled with deception, lies and smears. There is no mention of what McCain wants to do for our country. I would be angry with any political party sending out robo calls such as these. […]

Icing on the presidenti­al cake

Walter Plaue’s letter [stated] that he was disappointed because he heard three Afro-Americans say they were voting for Sen. Obama because he was black [“A Closer Look at the Political ‘Race,’” Oct. 15]. He must not hear his own race. Racists have called Sen. Obama vile names, [and] millions of them will not vote for […]

Be all that you can be—or used to be

Barack Obama is no longer a presidential candidate, but a pre-Madonna archetype for the not-so-Anglo-Saxon America of today. Everything about him, from his ill-proportioned face to his international background, embodies the new American. A thrown-aside, No-Child-Left-Behind generation with obligations to clean up our parent’s mistakes: their industrialized economic, environmental and political mistakes. A few Sundays […]

Asheville on Bikes

Asheville on Bikes cultivates a culture of commuter and urban cycling through celebrations and community participation. The group believes that biking has a direct impact on the health of our environment and citizens. Bicycle socials, like the upcoming Pumpkin Pedaller, are meant to unite the community around cycling. Asheville on Bikes designs rides that offer […]

Smart craft

“North Carolina is steeped in the crafts,” says Asheville-based sculptor and furniture maker Brent Skidmore, whose work is featured in Possibilities: Rising Stars of Contemporary Craft in North Carolina. That show, on display at the Jones Gallery of the Mint Museum of Craft + Design in Charlotte, features six up-and-coming artists, selected by the Mint […]

A tradition of style

Asheville knows style. Local designers have blossomed in recent years and take regular opportunities to parade their creations. But for fashion fans who want a first-hand look at this year’s trends from world-renowned designers, Ebony Fashion Fair promises fashion-week-worthy big-name style. “We will see cutting-edge trends and rare collections of clothes for men and women,” […]

Leave the coast clear

This letter is in response to Buncombe County [commissioner] candidate Don Yelton’s suggestion to drill off the N.C. coast for oil, build refineries in the Wilmington area and build a petroleum reserve on top of the dioxin-filled sludge in Canton [“Create a Petroleum Reserve?,” Letters, Oct. 8]. In my opinion, this would only lead us […]

Outdoors: Hiking with Platypus

Five years ago, I would have titled this column “Hiking with Big Dog.” Prior to that, it would have been “Hiking with Fruit Loops.” This gives you both a chronological history of our family dogs and an insight into our dietary preferences. But I’m also reminded of the privilege I’ve enjoyed over the last 15 […]

Well, shoot

The director of the N.C. Justice Academy calls her outdoor shooting range the “sound of freedom.” On the contrary, shooting from early morning to late at night only 200 to 300 feet from residences is the sound of a police state. Depriving people of the value of their property without compensation—no, that’s not freedom; that’s […]