East End memories

It has been said that if you look at a good landscape painting, you can tell how the air would feel on your cheek if you were standing in that place. Andrea Clark’s photographs of the area of Asheville once called the East End have that quality. You can feel the breeze, hear the talk […]

Human nature

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the woods I grew up in. I mean, I didn’t actually grow up in dem woods, but I might as well have. Nestled in the burbs outside Philly, I was lucky enough to have a big stream and a wooded strip of land that ran behind my house […]

Two in the bush

“Psst, psst, psst!” I’m at the Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary on a freezing February morning with 20 birders from the local Audubon group. Binoculars hang from my neck, and in my hand is a copy of Roger Tory Peterson’s A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America (Houghton Mifflin, 2002). My […]


I appreciate the courage of Coven Oldenwilde’s taking on the Carolina Stompers [“Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Witch,” Commentary, Feb. 6]. I believe in many of Paganism’s sacred tenets. However, I disagree with the writers’ view that atheism leads to “the denial of all spirituality.” I might be an atheist if I weren’t such […]

Where were the pet solutions?

I echo the sentiments of the letter writer [“Pet Issue Missed the Mark,” Jan. 30] who expressed displeasure with the Pets issue [“Animal Magnetism, Jan. 23]. Many in our community are working hard to end the euthanasia of almost 5,000 dogs and cats in Buncombe County every year. What’s needed is more public awareness, and […]

The hunt for satisfacti­on

“We take dead animals and bring them back to life. And, I mean, there can be nothing—that I know of—more satisfying than that.” [“Practically Alive: The Art of Taxidermy Lives in Franklin,” Xpress, Feb. 13] Let us be clear: Bill Fuchs doesn’t just take dead animals; he takes their lives and then re-creates them (ostensibly […]

Coming out of the broom closet

I have recently noticed an increase in articles about and by those pertaining to the Wiccan order. As I have read these articles, I have found that information is lacking in some areas, as well as a feeling of being part of an unheard majority. I have noticed an undercurrent of truth, enveloped in opinion. […]

Health-care facts poorly researched

I’d like to respond to Thomas Kelemen-Beatty’s letter [“Nonsense or No Sense,” Jan. 23], in which he attempted to make the case that “we have the most expensive health-care system in the world, but far from the best.” He was probably using studies by the World Health Organization and Commonwealth Fund—which I find biased—that purport […]

Intrinsic evil

Just in time to meddle in our presidential election, Pope Benedict XVI has released his second encyclical titled “Spe Salvi” or “Saved by Hope.” In this document he attacks atheism, saying it has led to some of the “greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice” ever known. Wait a minute! What about the cruelty […]

Millican: the other choice

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” Henry David Thoreau wrote that, and I believe it is referring to my candidate for the presidency, Tom Millican—the only one who is striking at the root of America’s problems (http://tommillican.com). The freedoms of America, laid out […]

Open Hearts Art Center

Open Hearts Art Center is a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to serving community members with a variety of challenges, which include developmental, mental, physical and emotional disabilities. These unique individuals are able to reach their full potential through creative techniques, such as music, drama, dance, creative writing, ceramics and various visual-art methods. Open Hearts strives […]

Bobby Medford trial date motion

In this document, federal prosecutors defend the date of March 25 for the Bobby Medford trial, asserting that a roomful of evidence and an out-of-town judge necessitate a later date than usual. They also claim to have evidence that other WNC sheriffs were involved in the alleged ring of corruption surrounding illegal video poker machines. […]

Theodossis video-poker plea bargain

This plea bargain between federal prosecutors and Hot Dog King owner Demetros Theodossis, accused of running an illegal video poker operation, drops most of the charges against Theodossis in exchange for his cooperation in the ongoing investigation and his agreement to pay the IRS over $330,000 in proceeds he made from the operation. Click here […]

The comeback kids

The sophomore slump is musical cliché because, more often than not, it’s true. For every brilliant second album that tastefully expands of the qualities that endeared an audience to the artist, there are ten overblown, overproduced bands looking to make their masterpiece and falling flat on their collective faces. Perhaps the most dizzying fall in […]

It’s all about looking

Cathryn Griffin has “an eye.” This term, usually reserved for collectors and curators, simply means that this is a person with an uncanny ability to see things that the rest of us usually miss. And yet, her photography is infused with gentle irony and subtle wit and, occasionally, a kind of scary anticipation that hints […]

The art of obsession

If you venture off to New York during the summer, you might find that your favorite commercial gallery is showing work by an artist you never heard of. In Asheville, the seasons are reversed. Taiyo la Paix’s “Elizabeth (Ma Between Brain Surgeries)” Here, the galleries are more apt to exhibit work by new artists during […]