Cost-conscious moms and dads, mark your calendars: Wee Trade, the gigantic children’s consignment sale, returns to the WNC Agricultural Center for two weekends in February. Shoppers will find baby and children’s clothing and shoes, toys, books, bedding, furniture and equipment, all in excellent condition at bargain prices. Junior’s sizes, too. Many items will be discounted […]
Author: Susan Andrew
Showing 1-21 of 186 results
It’s time for Boca’s cameo
Asheville Mothers of Multiples Rummage Sale is Saturday, Sept. 22
From the Asheville Mothers of Multiples Club: Why pay retail for kids’ clothing, toys, and gear? Come to this enormous rummage sale, and find what you need for your kids this fall — from babies to juniors, you’ll find kids’ clothing and shoes, toys, books, videos, bikes, strollers and other gear, plus housewares, maternity, and […]

Off the chart: UNCA prof tracks CTS mother lode
Editor’s note: Five years after Xpress broke the news of severe contamination at the former CTS plant in south Asheville (see “Fail-Safe?” July 11, 2007, Xpress) the story is far from over. The property was officially designated a Superfund site this year, and tests last month showed high levels of toxic chemicals still leaching from […]
Sustainability in real life
Two years ago, enviro-activist Ned Doyle hit the pause button on the Southeast Environment and Energy Expo he brought to the Western North Carolina Agriculture Center every year. The event focused on clean energy and environmental conservation, and when last held in 2010, it drew about 8,000 participants. But once he reached that plateau, Doyle […]

Provocative alchemy: Harnessing art and the environment to inspire local teachers
What do you get when you cast a world-class artist, a devoted environmentalist, and a poet laureate together on one stage? Answer: a very fine alchemy, where art, science, and education merge, and — if the featured guests have their way — the results may provoke social transformation.

Critical steppingstone: Box Creek Wilderness gets reprieve
Every so often, wilderness gets a break. Consider the case of the Box Creek Wilderness, a 3,300-acre forest tract straddling the Rutherford/McDowell county line just east of Asheville.
Madison County organic growers question herbicide use along power lines
With French Broad Electric Membership Corporation set to apply herbicides to the power-line corridor in Madison County, organic farmers in Spring Creek are asking why there isn’t more public input on the way the utility manages the rights-of-way through their farms and near local streams.
Beyond Coal
There’s an ironic juxtaposition of the old and new along Interstate 26 as you approach Asheville, said Bruce Nilles, the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign director. The Progress Energy plant burns coal day and night to provide power to consumers across Western North Carolina, while a short distance away, along I-40 a six-acre solar farm […]

Box Creek Wilderness gets new lease on life after development plan fizzles
Large areas of untrammeled nature are increasingly hard to come by in North Carolina — especially where the mountains meet the Piedmont, the state’s most urbanized and densely populated region. But every so often, wilderness gets a reprieve. So it is with the Box Creek Wilderness, a 3,300-acre link between the Blue Ridge and the South Mountains just east of Asheville.
Sierra Club’s ‘Beyond Coal’ campaign takes aim at Asheville-area power plant
Bruce Nilles, director of Sierra Club’s ‘Beyond Coal’ campaign, spoke at the May 23 Green Drinks. His goal: Start a local conversation about retiring Progress Energy’s plant in Skyland and get WNC off coal for good.
Box Creek Wilderness recommended for enhanced protection
From the Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina: The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Natural Heritage Program’s (NHP) Advisory Committee has recommended that the State enter into a Registry agreement with the landowner of the privately held 3,300-acre Box Creek Wilderness, a State-designated Significant Natural Heritage Area (SNHA) on the Rutherford-McDowell county line. […]

Universal joint: UNCA teams with Astronomy Club to build new observatory
All eyes are on the skies: Eyes on the skies: Last month, UNCA announced a plan to partner with the Astronomy Club of Asheville to build a small observatory on the south-facing hillside at the north end of campus, at the end of Nut Hill Road. Key partners in the observatory plan include (from left) UNCA’s Brian Dennison and Judy Beck, and Bernie Arghiere, president of the Astronomy Club of Asheville. (photos by Max Cooper)

REVIEW: World-class guitarist Pierre Bensusan wows the Altamont
Bensusan’s gorgeous music is hard to pigeonhole, as it draws upon a wealth of styles from Celtic to middle-eastern to jazz and beyond, in a seamless blend that’s definitely more than the sum of its parts. “Astonishing” was the word overheard from the adjoining table, and it fits.
Beyond the brownfields: New Belgium’s Asheville project means land-use recycling
Along with the prospect of a new case of the brews, the Asheville site proposed for New Belgium Brewing Co.’s proposed East Coast facility would get cleaned up.

Beyond the brownfields
Along with the prospect of a new case of the brews, the Asheville site proposed for New Belgium Brewing Co.’s new East Coast facility would get cleaned up: Part of the Craven Street property qualifies for North Carolina’s brownfields program, a federal and state initiative that streamlines the redevelopment of property that may be contaminated. […]
Tacit approval? Minimal attendance for UNCA community meeting on proposed star lab
Not a soul turned out Thursday night, April 19, for an information session that was hosted by UNCA and meant to introduce the community to a joint plan with the Asheville Astronomy Club to build a new observatory on this south-facing hilltop on campus.

EPA promised water hookups, not filters, Mills Gap residents say
In the ongoing ground-water contamination case connected to the former CTS electroplating plant on Mills Gap Road in south Asheville, emails between the EPA and residents imply that agency action to get new water service was being considered last July. But municipal water hookups remain far from certain.

Green Scene: Analysis paralysis?
South Asheville’s Robinson Creek has been a PLAY SPACE for generations of kids in the once-rural Mills Gap Road community. But these days, residents warn their kids to stay AWAY FROM the stream. In recent decades, both Robinson and Dingle creeks — along with soil, air and ground water NEAR the former CTS of Asheville […]
Analysis paralysis? CTS, EPA sign new agreement; residents charge agency fraud
The building was demolished last fall, but residents keep pressing for a real clean up at the former CTS of Asheville site on Mills Gap Road.

Case dismissed, but it’s not over yet: Small growers vow to fight Monsanto
In her essay on the hazards attending genetic engineering, author Barbara Kingsolver raises the question: “What will it mean for a handful of agribusinesses to control the world’s ever-narrowing seed banks?” Asheville’s Sow True Seed has an idea, and they’re ready to fight back. (Cathryn Zommer shows off Sow True Seed’s “Harvest Goddess” street puppet, above.)