Hendersonville Motor Vehicles’ driver license offices will open earlier

From N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles:

Five additional N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles’ driver license offices will open earlier to serve customers beginning Sept. 3. The five offices will join 45 other driver license offices which provide extended service hours. The additional offices opening at 7 a.m. include Hendersonville at 125 Baystone Rd.

“Over the last two years DMV has expanded weekday office hours to help meet the increased customer demand brought about by explosive population growth,” said DMV Commissioner Wayne Goodwin. “Adding five more offices that open at 7 a.m. translates to thousands of additional customers receiving appointments and DMV services annually.”
In addition, 16,943 customers were serviced from June-August during Saturday peak season service hours at 16 driver license offices.  Those offices provided services such as driver license or ID cards, renewals or duplicate orders, address changes, REAL ID issuances, and road tests for customers that had already completed the knowledge and written tests.
“Our weekend hours proved to be both quite popular for customers statewide and very efficient for our workers in completing renewals, road tests, and other services,” said Goodwin. “Because of our Saturday success, that means there will be 17,000 fewer customers in line seeking DMV services in communities statewide.”
DMV offers driver license renewals and many other services online. Customers are encouraged to check the official DMV website at MyNCDMV.gov to see if their driver license needs can be met online.
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