APD arrests two dozen suspects in special operation

From Asheville Police Department:

Detectives and officers with the Asheville Police Department arrested 27 offenders when they recently conducted a special operation in East Asheville targeting larceny and habitual offenders.

“We conducted the operation because of rising larceny cases and complaints from residents,” said Capt. Joe Silberman, Criminal Investigations Division Commander.  “This was a dedicated effort by the detectives and officers who staffed the operation, all of whom volunteered to work over their normal shifts or on their day off.  We were also able to work directly with businesses and members of the community to achieve a great overall result.”

In total, 27 people were arrested and charged on April 14 with various accounts of larceny, shoplifting and other crimes at various businesses in the East Asheville area.   There were 47 total charges, 15 of which were felonies, as well as 31 warrants served, 11 of which were felonies.  Additionally, 2.29 grams of methamphetamine seized and one firearm were recovered.

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