Asheville opens survey on Asheland Avenue affordable housing development

Press release from the City of Asheville:

The Department of Community and Economic Development would like to hear from community members about future development on Asheland Avenue. The Haywood Street Congregation proposes to develop affordable housing on a lot currently owned by the City of Asheville. This project supports the city’s initiative to focus on city-owned lots for the building of affordable housing.
On Tuesday, Feb. 23, Asheville City Council will hear Haywood Street Congregation’s proposal to build 42 permanently affordable apartments on a 1.09 acre, city-owned site located on Asheland Avenue in the South French Broad neighborhood. Council will be asked to vote on whether the City should enter into a contract to sell land this parcel for $1 to Haywood Street Congregation for this affordable housing development. The sale is subject to zoning and finance contingencies and affordable housing deed restrictions. 
The online survey is open for the community to provide input now through Friday, Feb. 19. Your input will help inform City Council. Council will vote on this project Feb. 23. 
Background information:
In November 2016, city voters approved three bond referenda, one of which allocated $25 million for affordable housing. This initiative is led by the Community Development Division, in the Community and Economic Development Department. The City is looking at land it is not using or land that may be appropriate for another use, and considering where it may be more effective to use such sites for affordable housing. Of the funds set aside for affordable housing, $15 million of the $25 million affordable housing bond funds will further the City’s goals of identifying high-yield sites that could provide mixed-income housing and mixed housing-commercial models.
In 2019, the City passed its “Policies for Implementing Affordable Housing on City-owned Land.”  This set of policies established goals and procedures for the development of City land for affordable housing, including the sale of land at low or no cost to subsidize the cost of building affordable housing.
For more detailed information on this project, please visit
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One thought on “Asheville opens survey on Asheland Avenue affordable housing development

  1. Enlightened Enigma

    This property is tied up in perpetuity to be used as a buffer park and greenspace !!! NO to development !!!

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