Buncombe County hosts 2024 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day walk to combat elder abuse

Press release from Buncombe County:

Buncombe County is home to over 78,367 older Americans over the age of sixty—making up nearly 30% of the population—who contribute their time, wisdom, and experience to our community. The older adult population in Buncombe County is one of the fastest growing in the state and is projected to continue to grow, marking the need to have structures, services, and policies in place to meet the needs of this population.

An important pillar in this is safety. This includes the prevention of abuse and neglect as well as increase the awareness of fraud, scam, and financial exploitation of older adults

In an effort to raise awareness of issues that impact older adults’ ability to safely age in place, partners in Buncombe County are coming together at Carrier Park on June 13 for the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Walk to highlight these issues and combat elder abuse and elder fraud.

Bring your family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors to the 2024 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Walk, a day to generate awareness and foster action to end elder abuse. Join us on Thursday, June 13 from 2-4 p.m. at Carrier Park located at 220 Amboy Road in Asheville. You can register for the walk here.

This multigenerational event is free to all and will include information about elder abuse, its impacts on our community, and information from local agencies that offer actions and support to combat elder abuse. Attendees can pick up reusable canvas grocery totes, magnets, and ice cream from Annie B’s Homemade Ice Cream while enjoying the outdoors at Carrier Park.

“World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the millions of adults worldwide who are abused, and exploited,” says Laurie Dotson-Taylor, Social Work Supervisor and co-chair of the event. “This is a global, societal, and health issue that impacts 1 out of every 10 Americans. Everyone, at every age, can stand up to elder abuse and we all hope that you will join us as we raise awareness and focus our attention of elder justice. Caring about elder abuse is caring about justice for all.”

The event is hosted by the Buncombe County Elder Justice Coalition in partnership with Land of Sky Area Agency on Aging, Buncombe County Adult and Aging Services, Legal Aid of North Carolina, Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, Van Winkle Law Firm, North Carolina State Employees’ Credit Union and North Carolina Department of Justice.

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