Candidate filing begins in N.C.

Press release for the N.C. State Board of Elections:

Candidate filing began today at noon across North Carolina, with the State Board of Elections estimating that roughly 2,500 candidates will file before the deadline at noon December 21.

“2016 came early this year,” said Executive Director Kim Westbrook Strach. “We look forward to supporting the candidates and the voters as we approach the March 15 primary.”

An updated list of candidates will post periodically online.

The General Assembly in September moved the filing period to December in order to accommodate an earlier primary on March 15, the first election when voters will be asked to present acceptable photo ID at the polls.

“We are working with elections officials across the state to ensure that every poll worker is trained on photo ID requirements and exceptions,” said Strach. “Voters who cannot obtain photo ID can still vote by mail or at the polls.”

The State Board of Elections today released a series of training videos designed to educate poll workers on photo ID procedures.

About Able Allen
Able studied political science and history at Warren Wilson College. He enjoys travel, dance, games, theater, blacksmithing and the great outdoors. Follow me @AbleLAllen

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