Candidate Jordan Burchette responds to the hypothetical implementation of non-gendered facilities

Jordan Burchette. Photo courtesy of Burchette

Over the weekend, in response to Charlotte City Council’s decision to implement new ordinances around what some have dubbed LGBT protections, and the murmurs of support from advocates of similar action in the Asheville area, Republican county commission candidate Jordan Burchette joined prominent members of his party in voicing concerns about such a measure.

He went a step further than many other members of his party stating “it is dangerous enough in public without having to worry about who is lurking in the bathroom waiting to prey on the weak. As a father and husband, the idea that we would create an environment that allowed adult men into the same bathroom with women and children is ludicrous. If Buncombe County should pursue (sic) this avenue, I will make it my personal mission to ensure that every member of my family has their concealed carry permit and is properly armed and trained.”

The new Charlotte law expands on the city’s nondiscrimination ordinances by forbidding businesses to discriminate against LGBT people, in the same manner as existing laws around race, age, religion and gender. The most prominent and controversial part of the measure includes granting a concrete legal right to transgendered, non-gendered and questioning individuals to use the bathroom with which they best identify in any public establishment. In response to critics claims that it steps on the rights of private businesses to have “male” and “female” bathrooms, Charlotte’s city attorney pointed out that the ordinance does not in fact preclude having separately labeled bathrooms.

Republican leadership in the N.C. General Assembly has vowed to overturn the local ordinance in Charlotte. Governor Pat McCrory, a former mayor of Charlotte, has also spoken out against the law.

Burchette is married with one young daughter.

Complete statement from Jordan Burchette’s campaign:

In the wake of Charlotte City Council’s ruling to force the implementation of “gender neutral” facilities upon private business, we are hearing the liberal elite call for the same implementation in Buncombe County.

As this topic of discussion arises we should be made aware of some things together as a county.

It is a severe violation of property rights to force a private business to implement “gender neutral” facilities. This is an act of government overreach that should be fought fervently. There has been absolutely no statute or law put into place that would grant any level of government the power to enforce such a project. This is simply unlawful and severely threatens the property rights of Buncombe County’s citizens.

This is also an all out assault on religious liberty. It is not the goal of the LGBT community to simply be “included”, it is their goal to force their philosophy upon any and all who dare to disagree with them. The argument made by the LGBT community that they are being denied access to use facilities is absurd. No one – man, woman, gay, or straight, is being denied access to the restroom.

If we do not stand up now and speak in defense of our religious freedom, they will surely be taken away.

In addition, the forced implementation of “gender neutral” facilities is in fact discrimination against women and children. It is dangerous enough in public without having to worry about who is lurking in the bathroom waiting to prey on the weak. As a father and husband, the idea that we would create an environment that allowed adult men into the same bathroom with women and children is ludicrous. If Buncombe County should pursue this avenue, I will make it my personal mission to ensure that every member of my family has their concealed carry permit and is properly armed and trained.

Our elected Republican officials, churches, pastors, and families have remained quiet and peaceful through many disturbing times. It is beyond time to rise up and make our voices heard.

There is a place for political experiments… and it is not in the restroom.

About Able Allen
Able studied political science and history at Warren Wilson College. He enjoys travel, dance, games, theater, blacksmithing and the great outdoors. Follow me @AbleLAllen

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25 thoughts on “Candidate Jordan Burchette responds to the hypothetical implementation of non-gendered facilities

  1. Worried

    Making sure your entire family has a carry permit and is armed and trained? That’s a little over the top, don’t you think? Let me tell you one thing, if a man wanted to enter a women’s bathroom to “lurk and prey”, he’s going to do it with or without this new law. It’s a shame we have bigots like this in any type of political office. A terrible shame.

    • Lulz

      LOL, the only thing bigoted here is the responsibility placed on men. Blame men yet the predators in schools known as female teachers is excused because of simply being women. Surely female reporters are allowed in male locker rooms yet is the same thing happening in reverse LOL? HELL NO. The only thing one needs to be armed against is white knights and lefty loons that have more in common than they realize. And in that aspect, I won’t even have to fire a shot because thesetwo groups will eat each other in their bids to outdo one other. And as a male who kinda takes offense as being lumped into the category of being a pervert and a molester simply for being a male, you can take your stupid culture, your stupid country, and your stupid ideals and your stupid laws and shove them where the sun don’t shine LOL.

      • Worried

        I’m not the one man shaming, so you should probably direct that negativity to Brochette, who mentioned it in the first place.

        I’m not even going to dignify the remainder of your comment with a response.

  2. James

    If you’re born with a penis, you need to use the men’s bathroom. A vagina, the women’s bathroom. Men and women are not the same for multiple reasons including the obvious. Only the most delusional and diabolical people support this insanity passed by the Charlotte City Council. The Asheville City Council of course is 10x worse so this will likely come to be in Asheville. Hopefully the governor and the NC General Assembly will be successful in stopping it.

    • Worried

      Do you have kids? Have you ever had to take your child into the opposite gender’s bathroom? What happens when a dad has a little girl who needs help in the bathroom? What about the moms out there?

      You plan on sending your 3 year-old into the bathroom by themselves? Oh gosh, this sounds so diabolical. You should probably just make your kid pee in the street in this case, huh?

      • James

        What about the 14 year old pervert with a unhealthy addiction to pornography who hides out in the girls bathroom, pretending to be doing his business, only to be doing something else I don’t need to explain in graphic detail, while girls come and go in the stalls next to him. Or, how about the convicted 50 year old child molester who now has every legal right to hang out in the girls bathroom where potential, underage victims come inside not knowing what’s in the stall next to them. A parent taking a 2-5 year old inside a stall – with them – to use the bathroom is one thing but after a certain age, the sexes are expected to be separated when it comes to public bathrooms. I guarantee you, even the most liberal, Bernie-voting parent who cares about his/her children is against this insanity.

        • DreadT

          I think you’re missing the point here. Especially since you assume someone who is willing to commit a disgustingly horrible sex crime will be deterred by a Bathroom sign that says “Men” or “Women”. I can imagine the thought process, “darn, I was going to go in that bathroom, molest somebody and sexually gratify myself, but shucks, I can’t because it’s the wrong gender bathroom.”
          Those in opposition need to imagine the daily turmoil and inner conflict of a person born with both a penis and a vagina, or someone struggling with gender identity. They deserve the right to choose whatever bathroom they need. Maybe those in opposition can take a minute to think of someone other than themselves for a moment, get over the irrational fear instilled in you, and do the right thing. Maybe then, we can start focusing on other issues that have a real impact on improving everyone’s lives and the quality of life here in Asheville.

          • James

            No. Trans people who are just so tormented about not being able to use the opposite sexes bathroom need psychiatric help, not laws to enable their sickness. This is not a legitimate civil rights group, it is a sickness and the rest of us should not be held hostage and forced to comply with their insane demands. If you’re a man who thinks you’re a woman and vice verse, use the bathroom according to your real gender then go home and find a good psychiatrist.

        • luther blissett

          “What about the 14 year old pervert with a unhealthy addiction to pornography who hides out in the girls bathroom”

          Um, who is this person? And who is “the convicted 50 year old child molester” too?

          You have pretty vivid fantasies about who’s hanging out in bathrooms, James. You know that’s not typical, right? Maybe you should hang out with Mr Burchette and scope out all the public bathrooms in town because you seem pretty obsessed with who’s going in and out of them. Maybe go and talk to a professional after you’re done, but wash your hands first.

    • NFB

      “Hopefully the governor and the NC General Assembly will be successful in stopping it.”

      Ah, the party of small government and “home rule” strikes again!

    • hauntedheadnc
  3. DreadT

    OK James, so what you’ve just admitted to saying is: A man that dresses and looks exactly like a woman should use the Men’s restroom, and a woman that looks and dresses exactly like a man should use the Women’s restroom. I’m sure that won’t confuse anyone. Just remember not to become alarmed when you “see” a “woman” walking into the restroom with you.

    I believe you are the one that needs psychiatric help if you think we should dictate how others should feel about having sex organs of both genders. Funny, because I think you are more confused than most transsexuals. You are insane if you honestly believe you are being “held hostage.” Good grief….

    • James

      What the hell kind of society have we sunk to when people actually believe that transgenderism is normal? It is not normal people – IT. IS. A. SICKNESS. If a man really thinks he’s a woman and starts to dress like a woman, it’s pointless. He is a man, has male hormones, anatomy, inner male plumbing, a Adam’s apple and a natural tendency to grow body hair where women do not. These men are deceived by insanity into thinking they are something they are not and to prove my point, look at Bruce Jenner – he looks like what he is: a pathetic, crazy man dressed in drag. The same argument applies for women for the same anatomical reasons and not to mention the fact that something happens every month that makes it perfectly clear that she is not a man. This country’s culture has descended straight into the bowels of hell.

  4. Not mine

    Honestly….all this nonsense about mandating laws who can use a bathroom facility is over the top. I mean as I guy I don’t see other guys actually talking very much or having any real conversations while taking a whiz….now some do tend to talk loudly on their cell phone. So if you’re born female and have woman parts but insist on dressing and presenting yourself as a man….be my guest to sit on the piss covered seat and flatuant filled air known as most men’s restrooms. I’d say most of guys agree we ain’t checking for a penis and being it’s Asheville…if someone had a dress on I won’t care just stay on your side of the divider. But what’s concerning me seems the most tormented about bathroom access is those born as men but presenting as female, which seems to be those pushing most for these laws. But then again, if you truly feel that you’re a woman and going to all the effort to present that to the rest of us…..i don’t believe women are performing a visual inspection of other restroom occupants for compliance. We can all agree, your bathroom business is private business and regardless of sex or orientation….those who’d linger are creeps. You stay on your side of the wall and I’ll stay on mine.

  5. Charlie

    Excuse me, but do any of you know what a unisex bathroom is? It has a door which is locked when one person of either gender is using it. I can see that there are a lot of people who don’t get out much.

    • bsummers

      What kind of sick joke is that? Hazel Fobes was a great woman who served this community for years, until she died 8 years ago.

      Exactly how depraved are you, Tim? You want to take a swipe at Jeff Fobes, the publisher of XPress by dragging the memory of his mother into this troubling topic? You seriously need mental health care.

    • luther blissett

      Mouthpiece is anti big-government because whenever he uses a public bathroom, the EPA needs to send in a clean up crew.

  6. Yo

    I’m more terrified of this dude’s picture than this law. Bigots never win

    • The Real World

      @Yo — and somehow, it flies right over your head that you just made a bigoted comment. Amazing.

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