CPP: The primary buzz, May 6 elections

Carolina Public Press

By Angie Newsome:

The ballots won’t be counted until Tuesday and not certified until days later, but for many of the races for the North Carolina General Assembly, the outcome of the primary — and even the general election next November — may be all but certain.

This year, there is no opposition for 12 of the 50 seats in the state Senate or for 43 of the 120 seats in the state House. Pundits and prognosticators on both sides of the partisan divide say about half of the races in each chamber are a lock.

Click here for the full story.

For a county-by-county election day guide from CPP, click here.

About Hayley Benton
Current freelance journalist and artist. Former culture/entertainment reporter at the Asheville Citizen-Times and former news reporter at Mountain Xpress. Also a coffee drinker, bad photographer, teller of stupid jokes and maker-upper of words. I can be reached at hayleyebenton [at] gmail.com. Follow me @HayleyTweeet

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