Free phone service for businesses that have lost access to their phone lines

From Ringfree phone services:

As part of our commitment to supporting the community in this difficult time, we are offering free temporary phone service to businesses impacted by the storm that are not currently using Ringfree services. Our goal is to help businesses stay connected as they work through recovery, even if their existing phone systems are down or they cannot access their business premises.

What We’re Offering:

  • Free Phone Service: For businesses that have lost access to their phone lines or had their systems damaged, we’re offering phone service at no cost during the recovery period. This is available to businesses who are still paying their current provider but need a helping hand right now.

  • No Contract, No Pressure: There are no strings attached. When they’re ready, they can return to their original provider.
  • Mobile & Desktop Apps: We will equip them with tools to make, receive, and transfer calls seamlessly from mobile or desktop apps, and even hold video meetings, ensuring they can continue their work from anywhere.

How to Get Started:

Please share this offer with businesses affected by the storm needing temporary phone service. They can reach out to us directly at:

Note: This offer is designed to assist businesses who are not currently using Ringfree services. For our valued existing customers, rest assured that we are fully available to provide all the support you need during this time.

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