From a press release:
Dr. Edward Reilly of Fairview Chiropractic Center announces his participation and support of both the Patriots Project and the Halos for Heroes campaign. As part of his participation, he is treating veterans for free in his office and in their homes. Long known for his service to many nonprofit and educational institutions in the community, Dr. Reilly’s work for these two programs is an extension of his commitment to service to the community where he lives and does business.
Founded by Dr. Tim Novelli, DC, of Canton, Ohio, The Patriots Project is a group of 800 chiropractors nationwide who have agreed to treat military veterans and their families at no charge. Dr. Novelli cited a recent, much-publicized effort by the Veteran’s Administration to seek out treatment for our nation’s veterans that does not involve drugs, shots, or surgery as the impetus behind his partnership with Magneceutical Health.
Magneceutical Health manufacturers the Magnesphere, a device that uses magnetic resonance therapy to relieve pain and enhance well being. Magneceutical Health’s CEO Alan Braswell and Dr. Novelli went a step beyond the scope of the Patriots Project to create the IndieGoGo campaign, Halos for Heroes. The HALO, the home version of the Magnesphere, is being offered for free to veterans around the country. Funding for the project is being provided from monies collected on through this popular crowd funding campaign site (see for more information).
As a Veteran; I applaud Dr. Edward Reilly’s commitment to the Veterans community, truly altruistic! I’d like to mention that the Dept. of Veterans Affairs pays for Chiropractic services via there “fee basis” department thru a VA Primary Care physician referral for Veterans who are enrolled with the VA and seeks treatment at a VA medical facility that DOES NOT staff a Doctor of Chiropractic. Much effort was made by The American Chiropractic Association along with several other lobbying groups to have chiropractic services covered. Several (if not most) VA medical Centers actually STAFF a licensed Doctor of chiropractic to treat Veterans.