Marshall Christmas Crawl, Dec. 8

Press release from Downtown Marshall Association:

Get in the holiday spirit with the downtown Marshall Association and the Madison County Arts Council as they host the second annual Christmas Crawl in downtown Marshall on Friday, December 8th. The festivities begin at 5:00pm and last until 9:00pm.

Numerous businesses will feature live music and stay open late, allowing people to shop for the holidays well into the evening. And for the second year in a row, the Madison County Arts Council Holiday Sale will offer Friday night shopping as well. With the recent relocation of the Arts Council, the Holiday Sale artists will be housed in a new venue at 31 North Main Street. Additionally, carriage rides through downtown Marshall will also be available by Sandy Bottom Trail Rides (weather permitting).

Rumor has it that Santa will be downtown making a list and checking it twice so be sure to find him as he “ho ho ho’s” through the shops. Learn to play dreidel at Zuma Coffee which will host an early Hanukkah celebration and feature latkes on the menu while the middle school jazz band entertains.

New events include a “Put Your Ugly On” Christmas sweater strut at Main Street Café and a Christmas Window Display Contest at participating merchants. Gift certificates from DMA members will be awarded for those donning the ugliest sweaters and a new traveling trophy “Charlie Brown Christmas Tree” donated by Brian Leonard of Appalachian Ironworks will be awarded to the best window display.

DMA community events like this are possible through a generous grant from the TDA. Please check the DMA business directory board outside Zuma for a complete listing of stores, events, times, and musical entertainment. We look forward to seeing you the night before the Christmas parade in downtown Marshall!

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