National Get Outdoors Day promotes outdoor activity

Press release from the United States Forest Service:

The Cradle of Forestry in America will celebrate National Get Outdoors Day, June 11, with outdoor skills demonstrations, activities and crafts. Admission to the site and all activities are free.

The National Get Outdoors Day campaign encourages Americans, especially youth, to pursue healthy and active outdoor lifestyles, connect with nature, and embrace public lands. In this spirit, the Cradle of Forestry will showcase outdoor adventure and camp and trail skills in its scenic setting with a variety of activities on June 11 including compass practice and map reading, demonstration of primitive fire making, guided trail walks, plant identification and nature oriented games and crafts

For details and updates on the day’s activities, call the Cradle of Forestry at 828-877-3130, go to, or the events tab on the Cradle of Forestry Historic Site Facebook page. The Cradle of Forestry is located outside Brevard, NC, on Hwy. 276 in the Pisgah National Forest, six miles north of Looking Glass Falls and four miles south of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

More than 80 Forest Service locations across the country will provide free recreational and educational activities as part of National Get Outdoors Day.

The USDA Forest Service has an ongoing commitment to engage children with nature through various programs in support of President Obama’s America’s Great Outdoors initiative and the First Lady’s Let’s Move! Outside campaign. The Forest Service has also collaborated with the Ad Council to develop a national campaign of television, radio, printed and outdoor public service announcements to re-connect families with nature. Visit

About John Mallow
John Mallow is a senior mass communication student and Editor-in-chief of The Blue Banner at UNC Asheville. He enjoys running, mountain biking, ska and punk music, pizza and beer. He also wrote this bio himself, in the third person. Follow me @jmallowjr

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