Painting exhibition by Perry Houlditch opens in Artist Resource Center Gallery, March 11


A Painting Exhibition by Perry Houlditch in the Artist Resource Center Gallery

Opening reception: March 11, 5:00 – 8:00pm

Perry Houlditch was born in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. He began studying art at Cleveland Community College and graduated in 2004 with an A.A. In 2007 he graduated from the University of North Carolina at Asheville with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. During his studies, he showcased two solo exhibitions, Repast for the Ouroboros and With Improbably Velocity. In 2009, his desire to explore led him to live in the United Kingdom, where he studied at London’s Atelier of Representational Art. In England, Perry lectured at the University of Essex on “The History of Artist Pigments and their Origin” and led workshops on “Traditional Paint Making and Colour Theory” for the Painter’s Palette. Further, he contributed works in the local exhibition entitled, Scenes of Essex. An exhibition of oil paintings that depict the natural beauty of the Central Appalachian landscape by Perry Houlditch will be on view February 26 – April 2, 2016 at the Asheville Area Arts Council ARC Gallery. During the exhibition’s reception on March 11 the artist will demonstrate his paint making process used to produce the works on exhibit.

“When you make your own paint you start to see everything a little differently, things connect a bit more. Perhaps, for me, I simply started to understand a little bit of chemistry and saw how art materials connect to nature, but I came to find over many years that this study is only the necessary foundation for something much more profound. Now, even further down the rabbit hole, it is no longer just an intrigue into what paint and paintings are made out of. It is my curiosity of this organic connection the artist can cultivate with their medium that drives me to continue crafting my own materials; ever tuning the instrument of my expression.” — Perry Houlditch

These works will be on exhibit February 26 – April 2, 2016 at the Asheville Area Arts Council located at 1 Page Avenue, Suite 143A, Asheville, NC 28801 in the historic Grove Arcade.

A reception and Paint Making Demonstration by Perry Houlditch will be held on March 11, 5:00 – 8:00pm.

For more information please visit or call us at 828.258.0710.

About Alli Marshall
Alli Marshall has lived in Asheville for more than 20 years and loves live music, visual art, fiction and friendly dogs. She is the winner of the 2016 Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize and the author of the novel "How to Talk to Rockstars," published by Logosophia Books. Follow me @alli_marshall

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