Recreational water advisory issued for Jones Cove Creek area

News release from Haywood County:
Haywood County, in conjunction with North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, is issuing a precautionary advisory pending a waterway clean-up and remediation for Jones Cove Creek, Richland Creek below Jones Cove Creek and the Pigeon River below Richland Creek in Clyde, NC.
A diesel fuel release impacted Jones Cove Creek near Jones Cove Road in Clyde, NC to the Waterville Dam at the Tennesse state line. There is currently ongoing clean-up and remediation of the impacted areas. While clean-up is ongoing, Haywood County Environmental Health Services Division is issuing a recreational water advisory for all of Jones Cove Creek, Richland Creek below Jones Cove Creek, Pigeon River below Richland Creek.
Jones Cove Creek and Richland Creek, is the primary waterway impacted from the diesel fuel release near Jones Cove Road.This is not a drinking water source. If you notice any discolored water, sheens, or fish kills in these water ways avoid coming into contact with these waters and report these conditions to(828) 356-2781.
Until the water is tested and declared safe, environmental and public health officials recommend:
Avoid swimming, wading or fishing in these areas until further notice.
Avoid skin contact with water, soil and sediment in or near the river.
If skin comes in contact with contaminated sediment or water, thoroughly wash the affected area with soap and water.
If you are concerned you, your family and/or pets have beenexposed to these waterways contact your health care provider or veterinarian.
For further information please contact Haywood County Emergency Management at 828-356-2781 or Haywood County Environmental Health Services at 828-356-2111.Additional information regarding health questions about fuel oils including kerosene are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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