Rob Elliot announces run for Reynolds District Representative to the Buncombe County Board of Education

Press release from Elliot for Education

Rob Elliot, from Fairview, NC is running as a candidate to serve as the Reynolds District Representative to the Buncombe County Board of Education. He has served diligently for many years as a positive advocate and volunteer for public schools in the Reynolds District and more broadly across the state of North Carolina. Rob is a Registered Forester and Wood Products Supply Chain Manager in western North Carolina. His children attend Reynolds District schools where he has served as PTA President at Fairview Elementary, and Advocacy Chair at Cane Creek Middle, among other roles. Rob served as an elected member of the Board of Directors for North Carolina PTA from 2017 to 2019, where he contributed to statewide public school advocacy initiatives. He also serves on the Haywood Community College Curriculum Advisory Committee and is currently the President-Elect of the North Carolina Forestry Association.

Rob Elliot will work, as a positive advocate, to collaborate with the Reynolds District and Buncombe County Schools community, to support a safe, healthy, public school system that works to close opportunity/achievement gaps and enable all kids to meet their full potential. As the son of two public school Teachers, Rob is also dedicated to policy development that better supports teachers, staff, and administrators. Through his many years of advocacy, Rob is also dedicated to the development of positive, constructive partnerships between schools, families, and community organizations. As the Reynolds District Representative to the Buncombe County Board of Education, he will work to support policies and practices that support teachers, encourage family/community partnerships and create a safe, healthy learning environment where all students can meet their full potential.

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