Sister Kitten Animal Rescue collecting supplies for those impacted by Hurricane Ida

Press release from Sister Kitten Animal Rescue:

Hurricane Ida made landfall on August 29 devastating much of Louisiana. In its wake, Maggie Valley-based Sister Kitten Animal Rescue responded to assist with animal rescue and recovery efforts on the ground.

Sister Kitten worked with the Humane Society of Louisiana to deliver food and supplies to people and animals in need, fed animals sheltering in place, and rescued a family cat from a badly flooded home in LaPlace, Louisiana.

“The storm damage in Louisiana is widespread and extensive. Many areas will be without power and water for weeks to come,” said Eric Phelps, executive director of Sister Kitten. “The need is tremendous and we want to help make life better for people and animals who are suffering.”

Sister Kitten just returned to western North Carolina but is planning another trip to Louisiana in a week and collecting donations of much-needed items to deliver to people and animals still impacted.

Donated items can be dropped off between 8a and 5p until Friday, September 17 at Asheville Veterinary Associates West, 50 New Leicester Hwy, Asheville.

Needed items include:

-unopened bags of cat, dog, kitten, and
puppy food
-canned cat, dog, kitten, and puppy food
-puppy pads
-clumping and pine pellet cat litter
-Clorox wipes
-personal cleaning wipes
-baby wipes
-13-gallon and 39-gallon (or larger) trash
-paper towels
-stainless steel animal bowls
-chicken feed
-pig feed
-goat feed

If you would like to help with Sister Kitten’s hurricane recovery and relief
efforts but are unable to drop off donated items, please consider making a donation at

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