Van Duncan seeks petition signatures for County Commission run

Press release from Committee to Elect Van Duncan:

The Committee to Elect Van Duncan County Commission Chair is mailing 15,000 petitions for signatures to registered voters of Buncombe County.

Former Sheriff Van Duncan will be running as an unaffiliated candidate which first requires him to obtain the signatures of 4% of registered voters in Buncombe County to get his name on the ballot in November, that’s almost 8,500 signatures.

The Board of Elections requires original signatures that must be recorded on the Form of Petition provided by the BOE as specified under Article 11 Nomination by Petition G.S. 163-122. The signatures collected must be verified by the Board of Elections as qualified registered voters by March 4th. The names must be legible and must match the names used on your voter registration cards.

If you receive a petition, please promptly print and complete the required information and mail it back with the self-addressed prepaid envelope included. Each petition allows for up to 20 signatures per page so please ask others you know to join you in signing the petition.

To see the ever expanding list of locations where you can sign the petition, go to the committee website: You can also download and print the petition form from the website as well.

Van Duncan served as the elected Sheriff for Buncombe County from 2006 through 2017. Duncan’s track record demonstrates his leadership. His approach to community policing built long standing relationships and trust throughout his term as the Sheriff . He believes that the voters of Buncombe County deserve an informed choice by allowing vigorous discussions of important issues. There is currently only one name on the ballot for Chairman of the Buncombe County Commissioners Board. If there is only one candidate on the ballot there will be no debate or discussion about very important issues facing the county.

Concern around Public Safety, increasing numbers of homeless and how the expanding Buncombe County debt will impact property taxes are among the reasons he is motivated to run for commission chair.

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2 thoughts on “Van Duncan seeks petition signatures for County Commission run

  1. Enlightened Enigma

    Bruce O’Connell also needs signatures for unaffiliated run !

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