The Veterans Healing Farm announces new headquarters in Mills River

Press release from Veterans Healing Farm

The Veterans Healing Farm is pleased to announce that after nine months of searching, we have found our own property! “We are home!” said Alan Yeck, Executive Director. This new headquarters located at 138 Kimzey Road, Mills River will allow us to run our workshops, agritherapy, and community events year-round (something we were not able to do at our previous location)! Yeck continued, “This would not have been possible without all the support and prayers from the people of WNC and throughout the world. We had donations sent from across the country as well as U.S. military personnel living overseas.” While the new property belongs to the Veterans Healing Farm, and the bank, we remain 100% funded by donations and continue to rely on your generosity. Thank you!

We will be hosting a groundbreaking with the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce for the new gardens soon, as well as a ribbon cutting. All are welcome! Details will follow.

The Veterans Healing Farm was informed in January that the landowner was retiring and that their lease would not be renewed effective August 15, 2024. “We have been tirelessly searching for a new location since receiving that news in January,” said Megan Landreth, Director of Operations. “Now we begin a new chapter but the same focus, helping Veterans and their families. It’s a very exciting time!”

The Veterans Healing Farm is located at 138 Kimzey Road, Mills River, NC. We are a 501c3 nonprofit founded in 2013 to enhance the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our nation’s veterans and their families. For more information, please contact the Veterans Healing Farm at 828-595-6111 or via email at

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