Weigh in on Election Services Early Voting Plan for the March 2022 primary election

Press release from Buncombe County:

Are you curious about the early voting plan for next year’s primary election? Do you have ideas or want to weigh in on voting locations? The Board of Elections would like to ask for the public’s feedback, and Election Services is excited to announce that the proposed early voting plan for the 2022 Primary Election is now available on our website for review.

“Cultivating conversation is something we know is vital to building trust,” notes Election Services Director Corinne Duncan. “Elections are more than just the process of casting a ballot on a certain day. By posting the draft plan early for review, our community can truly be part of the elections process with their feedback.”

Please complete a brief survey on our website and tell us what you think.  The Board will meet at 5:30 p.m., on Wednesday, Dec. 1 to review feedback and discuss the proposed plan. The public may also join this meeting in-person at our new location (Interchange Building – 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, NC 28801) or virtually.

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