WLOS to host day-long food drive

PRESS RELEASE from Children First/Communities in Schools of Buncombe County


WLOS will sponsor an all-day food drive for the second year in a row 4:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday, June 6, at Carolina Furniture Concepts, 2617 Hendersonville Road (past Airport Road). All nonperishable food items and personal care products collected during this drive will benefit the Children First/Communities in Schools food pantry

If you have a few minutes in your day and a few extra nonperishable groceries in your cupboards, please come visit us at the Carolina Furniture Concepts parking lot (past Airport Road), on Friday, June 6, and show your support of the 200+ families the food pantry serves each year, and say hello to our staff, board members and volunteers!

Last year’s food drive brought in an additional 150 boxes of nonperishable food for the food pantry, which was a huge boost for the food pantry and the families it serves.

WLOS is also holding a food drive at the Waynesville location of Carolina Furniture Concepts, 121 Eagles Nest Road Waynesville.  All food from this drive will support Communities In Schools of the Great Smoky Mountains.

Special Thanks to WLOS News 13 , Two Men and a Truck , Carolina Furniture Concepts, UnderDog Fitness and Training and New Horizons Church.



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