Kids Issue, Part 1: Dreamers

/ Issue

Cover Design Credit:

Scott Southwick

Cover Photography Credit:

Aleena Burns, 10th grade, Charles D. Owen High School
For this year’s Kids Issue, Xpress asked local K-12 students to create art and writing around the theme “What do you dream about?” They responded by sharing their funniest, scariest — and sometimes most profound — dreams through drawings, photos, essays, poems and short fiction.




  • Adaptive sports serve youths with special needs

    -by Jennifer A. Sheffield
    Adaptive sports for youth are also important for their parents. “We need each other,” says Stacie Hildenbrand of Mills River. “Representation is something we advocate for for our own children.…



  • Letter: Edwards’ option: resign in shame

    -by Letters
    "Wow, U.S. Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-11th District) must really feel stupid for having voted for the President Biden impeachment investigation now that the whole foundation for it has been revealed to have…
  • Letter: Opposed to Haw Creek rezoning

    -by Letters
    "The developer has offered no solutions to community concerns so far. Public hearings to date have been widely attended and in opposition to the project as proposed."
  • Letter: Dreaming of Asheville’s Central Park

    -by Letters
    "The ongoing I-26 expansion offers a unique opportunity for our city to obtain something we all deserve — additional space for pickleball."
  • The turbulent ’60s: A Jew in Asheville

    -by Jerry Sternberg
    "Meanwhile, despite the new respect that worldwide Jewry received after the war, antisemitism continued to rear its ugly head in Asheville, as demonstrated by two stories that community members shared…
  • Toy story

    -by Molton
  • Letter: Crosswalk enforcement needed

    -by Letters
    "Why even have crosswalks for Merrimon Avenue pedestrians if drivers refuse to observe them?"
  • Letter: Speak out for open government and libraries

    -by Letters
    "Decisions this consequential must be debated in public, with all the stakeholders involved — especially county residents, who, let’s remember, sit at the top of the county’s organizational chart. That’s not what…
  • ‘What a dump!’

    -by Brent Brown