Wow, U.S. Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-11th District) must really feel stupid for having voted for the President Biden impeachment investigation now that the whole foundation for it has been revealed to have been Russian lies.
Of course, it was always just his blatantly partisan waste of our tax dollars, but he’s now exposed as being too gullible to sit in Congress or, even worse, a Russian agent. Edwards’ only option is to resign in shame.
— Lawrence Turk Hendersonville
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21 thoughts on “Letter: Edwards’ option: resign in shame”
…as you well know, Edwards and his have no shame, none. They’re incapable of it. As for Russian lies.. you honestly think your disingenuous as the day is long congressman really cares about the origin and validity of any “evidence” when it comes to Biden and his “crime family”? In fact, absolutely anything that comes out of the dictator Putin’s repressive regime is more than acceptable to Edwards and his MAGA devotees. Edwards isn’t going anywhere… nor are his constituents. We’re stuck with them and their Putin admiring/ Rump worshiping/ anti-democratic/ wannabe fascist agenda as long as delusion and dementia reign in the GOP. sigh.
Thank you, Voirdire, I agree. My call for MAGAt Edwards’ resignation is hyperbolic wishful thinking intended to drive home a point, nothing more.
Peace, vrede.
…a point well made and well taken. ..thank you.
Kristen Burns-Warren
* Voirdire 1 week ago …as you well know, Edwards and his have no shame, none. They’re incapable of it. As for Russian lies.. you honestly think your disingenuous as the day is long congressman really cares about the origin and validity of any “evidence” when it comes to Biden and his “crime family”? In fact, absolutely anything that comes out of the dictator Putin’s repressive regime is more than acceptable to Edwards and his MAGA devotees. Edwards isn’t going anywhere… nor are his constituents. We’re stuck with them and their Putin admiring/ Rump worshiping/ anti-democratic/ wannabe fascist agenda as long
First what is up with all these fake name mystery icons?
It reminds me of the thousands of fake name emails our president Joe Biden was caught using so I am curious on why the subterfuge as well as the theme of constant stereotyping and derogatory personal attacks on castes individuals of which you deride in labeling yet you all fail to give even a single fact to back up your baseless stereotypical labeling.
Why is there a theme going on here with all of these fake nabe monikers that stereotype publicly people with their actual real identities legal names /human names and yet at the same time all of you here publicly that stereotyped others all kept your identities HIDDEN WHILE omitting any fact finding to back up why you wrote your claims!
How do you justify your stereotype labels of people you claim in such baseless claims without backing up your stereotype labeling with a single support of facts?
I see the theme here writing certain people according to you people with faked manes are –
“ magats”
“traitors “
“MAGA Devotees”
“rump worshipping “
“ wannabe fascists”
“No shame, none!”
“GQP spammers” all without “ any evidence?
What’s your facts to support these claims?
Why do you feel you know all these people so well? What research have you shown in your derogatory labeling?
The icon voirdire claims to be able to speak for others? I noticed this also when I was personally asked if I am a Russia spy or duped so I answered the other fake name moniker that appears might relate to the origin word for a light horse, horse saddle or expensive tack or a -Hunter…
I just wonder what gives you all in your mind that entitlement to claim to know “ Edwards and his have no shame?” Can you give any reply with facts?
Why do you portray to know the emotions of shame in others by what appears actually attempting to shame whom you point out by name according to you “ are Edwards and his” so you claim to know them all so well yet how precisely do you claim this with showing zero facts?
Since Russia lies was brought up and “ Putin worshippers” I will list some Russia lies and with facts backing the Russian lies were done by democrats!
Is it not true that the democrats were busted for lying of Russia and how democrats were factually caught spreading false Russia allegations?
Did the bogus Steel Dossier happen yes or no? Was the Steele Dossier not faked lies?
Did the infamous democrat spurned Russia disinformation not pay up in court for the malfeasances yes or no?
Did the democrat liars spreading lies of Russian disinformation not get caught in the “ dirty fifty one letter yes or no?
Did our administration not once but they’ve now sanction Russian oligarchs MINUS Russian oligarchs that dud businesses with the Biden’s yes or no?
Here is a valid point nobody pushes:
It was Joe Biden himself that wanted the government to monitor all bank accounts of $600 dollars so why is it do NOT monitor the Biden’s accounts early over that with receipts of foreign unexplained money?
A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans’ bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”
So right here “regardless of even accusations of wrong doing” Joe Biden pushed for the IRS to have automatic access to not only bank accounts but other firms of cash accounts but refuses to answer and explain why Biden family have over twenty million from foreign accounts moved into the Biden’s USA accounts. Why not ask Joe Biden why he won’t explain these millions since it’s shown here he was for it (monitoring of banking over the $600) before he was shut down as opposition went against it.
I would say what this looks like a good amount of individuals!
Fox quote
The busy Biden brand businesses quick look
Third Friday LLC Michael E Lewitt
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit last week against a company and a specific business deal that directly involves President Biden’s younger brother, James Biden.
The complaint was filed in the Southern District of Florida against Third Friday Management and Michael Lewitt, a business associate of James Biden’s. The SEC alleges that Third Friday and Lewitt participated in “fraudulent conduct and gross breaches of fiduciary duty” to their clients, the fund and investors.
How similar was Christopher Steele paid to “ inform” and he lied and fisa warrants filed out after and all other malfeasances fine after like the dirty fifty one letter to the dirty Clinton campaign court silent pay out? I mean when did Steele get arrested or rearrested for lying? He didn’t.
Now what about WhiteHouse stenographer whistleblower to then then VP Joe Biden who factually filled out an fbi complaint and is not arrested? Is what he said then true? Why did for YEARS the fbi say this fbi informant needs to not us e his nave divulged for his safety suddenly change?
Why did not Smirnov but the fby payer/hirers folks keep on redacting his stuff and saying we don’t name names to protect them back then said not the gop but the fbi said -yes this guy is a “ credible informant “ to a sudden 180 on Valentine’s Day 2024?
The informant whose cover now blown and legal scholars questioned his re-arrest from his meeting with his legal council plus his two year live in girlfriend cover was blown so now this informant is in news now known to still be working on gaining intel so see he is a guy like Christopher Steele or even McCormick whose job it was to relay what he over hears.
So it seems now it’s over the bribery but you can see in news reporters broke that piece years ago tapes are archived in the internet playback on bribes years ago plus Burisma executives were interviewed that said the exact opposite of what this administration said on Birusma corruption and Victor Shokin. The truth is the WhiteHouse refuses still to hand in her the Tada Joe Biden rough drafts so that’s telling to not simply comply but see that’s not the only non compliance.. There has been lawsuits through FOIA to gain transparency and thus far Joe Biden is in the public ways and means committee online transparency pledge findings listed to have met almost every single one of Hunter Biden’s business associates so just switch the names to Trump of in doing.
The fake Joe Biden emails also are not all handed over then there’s new searches in the Biden’s credit cards as well there should be as so far over 30 million was funneled and Still unexplained y a single Biden the legitimacy of how they all solidified into Biden accounts for immense foreign wealth sources.
Now news has yet again shown Joe Biden is sanctioning Russian oligarch but yet AGAIN the NY Post just reported not the Russian oligarchs AGAIN that did business with Hunter Biden!! Even treasurer Janet Yellen refused LAST time to explain these Russian oligarchs omitted from our government’s sanctions!!
When you look at all the facts, they are stacking up!!
It’s a thorough job Robert Hur performed filled with honest interview quotes, meticulous images such as one box of our nations top secrets dumped in a torn up disheveled topped cardboard box in the Joe Biden garage of which Robert Hur showed in great detail the classified materials with handwritten labels beside a dog bed, beside a Zappos shoe box, a bucket and various other waste.
It’s was driven home repeatedly as well it should when one finds a smoking gun of admission of knowing the items are classified in which Robert Hur repeats in his passages of Joe Biden telling his ghostwriter “ he found the classified documents.”
The box in the garage stash dump Robert Hur meticulous photographed the box upon discovery then took images of each folder which had newer items placed among our nations top secrets one to me was interesting of the eight million dollar retainer fee to Joe Biden for his book.
The senate boxes multiple stacked inside the same garage of Joe Biden’s senate papers included top security information so that also have me pause especially after the most recent Eric Schwerin testimony where Schwerin said he worked for Joe Biden for free. News abounded of questions why if all people would Joe Biden tap Eric Schwerin to the assignment of all his senator documents?
I question why the public has been so blatantly lied to. The senator troves where reported to be 1,850 boxes moved in trucks on pallets plus additional digital media to UPENN where numerous communications involved the copyrights as well as the public told they will continue to be stored from the public eye there until Joe Biden retires but now I know a closet filled with his senator papers including top secret information was hoarded and stashed along with various other places in just this one of many locations. I so far have yet to tabulate the grand total of top secrets but it’s way more vast than what was originally speculated. The senator papers Joe Biden has NO AUTHORITY at all as well for any senator to take home or take anywhere outside the secured government given facilities yet Joe Biden is proven had them stacked up white boxes in his garage closet of which I saw no lock.
The door in the garage dubbed long ago in the news as garage gate or garage-a-lago In images by Robert Hur in his finalized package shows also to the side of the roll up door appears in images to have what looks a hole where a deadbolt might have been above the odd shaped lever not round door handle so I unclear if the door by the search performed did that or if it’s the lighting making it appear a giant hole to the outside, but I also noticed a window with no bars and mentions of the hallway also to the garage so no this was never a secured location butby meticulous interviews Robert Hur described the known individuals that moved about in that area and it’s a long list from movers to other family members!
I truly don’t know how anyone can trust Joe Biden’s competence as it’s shown brick by brick Joe Joseph R. Biden “ willfully “ did this according to Robert Hur and Joseph R. Biden shared sometimes verbatim to his ghostwriter classified information.
The ghostwriter ( Mark Zwoniger) was written to be surprised to be interviewed and stated he didn’t think he ever would be, but the fact that intel the ghostwriter had was not all retrieved should give the public even more worry as what was in the missing unable to retrieve information he had stored?
There appears to me and also Robert Hur’s conclusions crimes and willful don’t by Joe Biden but Robert Hur explains the mental state of the president and Joe even during his interview with him Joe Biden couldn’t even recall at first the dates of which he was vp when interviewed as president.
The pattern of negligence is astounding as Robert Hur takes you back in time to exhibit how classified materials wouid travel via Joe Biden out of secured government facilities.
here are some reflective quotes-
“ the return of classified briefing books without all their contents frustrated the Executive Secretary team. 1/f1
“In response , Hogan implemented additional security procedures described below 152 But even after those measures were implemented, the Executive Secretary team CONTINUED to struggle to retrieve CLASSIFIED books from Mr. Biden”
Here is another quote-
“ August 2010 briefing of Mr. Biden on the handling of classified materials Days after the Top Secret, code word book went missing in 2010, Hogan met with Mr. Biden to discuss the handling of classified material. 1’54 Before the meeting , she prepared a briefing memo for him.” Y15 The memo, which was addressed to Mr.Biden and dated August 17, 2010.
Later on down the explanation’s on the mishandling of top secrets was how the top secrets were not being secured but left out on a table despite all the bridging to not do so. It was explained that Biden military aids often left the classified materials out on the round table per Biden’s request. This was noted as IG9.
Robert Hur in his exhaustive investigation of interrogation found only one military aid out of eight he interviewed recalling a safe ever being used to state classified materials. 174
Several aids Robert Hur interviewed also reported “classified material being left out on the second floor of the naval observatory 177 or in the Delaware home 178.
Joe Biden’s notecards
“ In contrast, Mr. Biden head his notecards close and his staff did not review them. After the administration , Mr. Biden brought his notebooks home with him and stored then in UNSECURED locations that WERE NOT AUTHORIZED to store classified information-even though the notebooks, like the notecards contained CLASSIFIED information up to the Top Secret level and includes Sensitive Compartmented information, including some from compartments used to protect information concerning HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES” 182
Here is another quick quote of Joe Biden saying how nobody knew he had notebooks or notecard plus how nobody was even sure what the naval observatory new safe installed was for or what was stored in the new safe.
“ why the safe was installed or what was stored in it.” 234f
“At the same time Mr. Biden’s staff was considering how to handle the notecards, he told his ghostwriter “ they didn’t even know” he had the notecards containing similar CLASSIFIED notes.” Pg 68
Further on quote “ he may have been advised to keep the notecards in a secured location.”
Other quote that stood out to me
“ McGrail explained the Mr. Biden knew classified information “ needs to be maintained in a secure facility (h) e was the was chairman of the foreign relations committee … (h) e understands how it works.” 271
“ Some pf the notecards found in the Delaware home remain top classified up to the top level .” 31G
“One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)” is the title song for one of the trademark segments in Sesame Street. In it, the adult actor presented four items, three of which matched, and one that was different. The words of the song asked the children viewing the show to figure out which one “doesn’t belong”.
Kristen Burns-Warren
I don’t think only option means what you think it does.
Agreed, indy499. “Edwards’ only option is to resign in shame,” is a tongue-in-cheek rhetorical device implying a level of integrity, honor and accountability not currently present in the GQP and especially not in Chuck Edwards’ character. Thanks.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Indy 499,
Here you are again telling people that you don’t think they know what they think they know it means- yet you had no problem before posting to me publicly on mountain x that according to you “I was undoubtedly a global elitist “when I wrote about the border crisis.
All I read in here is from a group making wild accusations of people they personally publicly name call
“ magats”
“traitors “
“MAGA Devotees”
“rump worshipping “
“ wannabe fascists”
“No shame, none!”
“don’t think only option is what you think it does”
“GQP spammers” all without any evidence?
What’s your facts to support these claims?
while simultaneously keeping all yourselves hidden under fake name icons?
That reminds me again of all the latest reveals of fake named thousands of email pseudonyms the Biden’s are in the news to have been corresponding back and forth.
What I see is innuendos and zero facts.
Kristen Burns-Warren
The only threat to Edward’s seat is in the Republican primary. Thus, he only has to care what the Republican primary voting base thinks. This is why he never bothers to reply to messages I send via his congressional website or any other method.
Of course, neither does Ted Budd.
Ditto, NFB. At the behest of equally rotten former State Rep Chuck McGrady, State Sen Chuck Edwards never replied to me, either. We NC11 voters have quite the legacy:
“Chainsaw” Charly Taylor
DINO Heath Shuler
Felonious MAGAt Mark Meadows
MAGAt and now Floridian MadCaw
Now Chuck Edwards
Yuck. We’re not just RepuQ, we’re nationally infamous RepuQ.
Kristen Burns-Warren
vrede icon,
You write of never receiving a reply back yet exemplified by you not replying back after you publicly asked my if I was a Russian agent or just duped by them.” I then replied yet you remain silent.
What is the definition of your “ repuQ” as it also is not in dictionaries? What are the facts you based your comments here of-
“ equally ROTTEN “
“Dino “
“Felonious magat?”
So with the facts presented here it appears you will complain online in remarks of when one doesn’t reply back to you -yet you refuse to reply back -when you personally and publicly asked me questions so which is it or with you is it hypocritically double standards?
Kristen Burns-Warren
Easy tiger. I’m having trouble getting MX to change my email address in my profile. So, I’m not getting notifications and only now thought to check the conversation. I’ll try to help out your inability to figure out my terminology, but I suspect that you haven’t even tried.
Let me begin by encouraging you to learn how to quote accurately. Chronic changes in case is not doing so.
“RepuQ” is a statement of the fact that the GOP has been captured by the conspiratorial Qidiots. Haven’t you noticed?
“Equally rotten” is OBVIOUSLY an opinion. Rep Chuck McGrady started off good, but eventually bought into the GOP’s extreme racist gerrymandering as defined by the 4th Circuit.
DINO – Democrat In Name Only. If you are unaware of how conservative former US Rep Heath Shuler was, that’s on you.
“Chainsaw” – If you are unaware of how pro-logging everywhere all the time former US Rep Charly Taylor was, that’s on you.
Felonious MAGAt – If you are unaware of how TRE45QN Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has only avoided felony charges by turning snitch, that’s on you.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Dear “vrede,
My name is not “Tiger.”
I only mention this as it appears your inability to refer to me by my name and since your comment here is on “ how to quote accurately” perhaps you can try addressing me by my real name?
You went also into assumptions of me as in not trying. Are assumptions accurate?
I do see your explanations for some of your stereotype labeling of humans.
I just don’t understand you especially the remark “RepuQ” is a statement of the fact that the GOP has been captured by the conspiratorial Qidiots. Haven’t you noticed?” But that’s okay with me to never understand you really, as you don’t even use a real name but remark as exemplified in your remarks here on other humans real names attached to your stereotypes labels.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Enlightened Enigma
and then there’s Thom Thillis the traitor … I told him he was a D- grade candidate to start … sickening Senator.
Kristen Burns-Warren
To mystery icon enlightened enigma,
Obviously the person icon “enlightened enigma” publicly ridiculed/name called a traitor and a “ d grade” candidate Thom Tillis past muster and was factually ELECTED, so I don’t know what hypothetical bell curve innuendo you are referring to as in grade D you refer. I do see all the fake name icon users on this post only managed to stereotype label people publicly by name yet theses individuals shored their own real names plus give zero facts what they based their bashing innuendos on.
I saw Russia come up a couple of times . Let me show you what’ was omitted –
Since Russia lies was brought up and “ Putin worshippers” I will list some Russia lies and with facts backing the Russian lies were done by democrats! I encourage everyone look at history FACTS.
Is it not true that the democrats were busted for lying of Russia and how democrats were factually caught spreading false Russia allegations? True if false?
Did the bogus Steel Dossier happen yes or no? Was the Steele Dossier not faked lies? Yes or no?
Did the infamous democrat spurned Russia disinformation not pay up in court for the malfeasances yes or no?
Did the democrat liars spreading lies of Russian disinformation not get caught in the “ dirty fifty one letter yes or no?
Did our administration not once but TWICE now sanction Russian oligarchs MINUS Russian oligarchs that dud businesses with the Biden’s yes or no?
What grade would you hypothetically give these performers?
Here is a valid point nobody pushes:
It was Joe Biden himself that wanted the government to monitor all bank accounts of $600 dollars so why is it do NOT monitor the Biden’s accounts early over that with receipts of foreign unexplained money?
A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans’ bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”
So right here “regardless of even accusations of wrong doing” Joe Biden pushed for the IRS to have automatic access to not only bank accounts but other firms of cash accounts but refuses to answer and explain why Biden family have over twenty million from foreign accounts moved into the Biden’s USA accounts. Why not ask Joe Biden why he won’t explain these millions since it’s shown here he was for it (monitoring of banking over the $600) before he was shut down as opposition went against it.
I would say what this looks like a good amount of individuals!
Fox quote
The busy Biden brand businesses quick look
Third Friday LLC Michael E Lewitt
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit last week against a company and a specific business deal that directly involves President Biden’s younger brother, James Biden.
The complaint was filed in the Southern District of Florida against Third Friday Management and Michael Lewitt, a business associate of James Biden’s. The SEC alleges that Third Friday and Lewitt participated in “fraudulent conduct and gross breaches of fiduciary duty” to their clients, the fund and investors.
How similar was Christopher Steele paid to “ inform” and he lied and fisa warrants filed out after and all other malfeasances fine after like the dirty fifty one letter to the dirty Clinton campaign court silent pay out? I mean when did Steele get arrested or rearrested for lying? He didn’t.
Now what about WhiteHouse stenographer whistleblower to then then VP Joe Biden who factually filled out an fbi complaint and is not arrested? Is what he said then true? Why did for YEARS the fbi say this fbi informant needs to not us e his nave divulged for his safety suddenly change?
Why did not Smirnov but the fby payer/hirers folks keep on redacting his stuff and saying we don’t name names to protect them back then said not the gop but the fbi said -yes this guy is a “ credible informant “ to a sudden 180 on Valentine’s Day 2024?
The informant whose cover now blown and legal scholars questioned his re-arrest from his meeting with his legal council plus his two year live in girlfriend cover was blown so now this informant is in news now known to still be working on gaining intel so see he is a guy like Christopher Steele or even McCormick whose job it was to relay what he over hears.
So it seems now it’s over the bribery but you can see in news reporters broke that piece years ago tapes are archived in the internet playback on bribes years ago plus Burisma executives were interviewed that said the exact opposite of what this administration said on Birusma corruption and Victor Shokin. The truth is the WhiteHouse refuses still to hand in her the Tada Joe Biden rough drafts so that’s telling to not simply comply but see that’s not the only non compliance.. There has been lawsuits through FOIA to gain transparency and thus far Joe Biden is in the public ways and means committee online transparency pledge findings listed to have met almost every single one of Hunter Biden’s business associates so just switch the names to Trump of in doing.
The fake Joe Biden emails also are not all handed over then there’s new searches in the Biden’s credit cards as well there should be as so far over 30 million was funneled and Still unexplained y a single Biden the legitimacy of how they all solidified into Biden accounts for immense foreign wealth sources.
Now news has yet again shown Joe Biden is sanctioning Russian oligarch but yet AGAIN the NY Post just reported not the Russian oligarchs AGAIN that did business with Hunter Biden!! Even treasurer Janet Yellen refused LAST time to explain these Russian oligarchs omitted from our government’s sanctions!!
When you look at all the facts, they are stacking up!!
It’s a thorough job Robert Hur performed filled with honest interview quotes, meticulous images such as one box of our nations top secrets dumped in a torn up disheveled topped cardboard box in the Joe Biden garage of which Robert Hur showed in great detail the classified materials with handwritten labels beside a dog bed, beside a Zappos shoe box, a bucket and various other waste.
It’s was driven home repeatedly as well it should when one finds a smoking gun of admission of knowing the items are classified in which Robert Hur repeats in his passages of Joe Biden telling his ghostwriter “ he found the classified documents.”
The box in the garage stash dump Robert Hur meticulous photographed the box upon discovery then took images of each folder which had newer items placed among our nations top secrets one to me was interesting of the eight million dollar retainer fee to Joe Biden for his book.
The senate boxes multiple stacked inside the same garage of Joe Biden’s senate papers included top security information so that also have me pause especially after the most recent Eric Schwerin testimony where Schwerin said he worked for Joe Biden for free. News abounded of questions why if all people would Joe Biden tap Eric Schwerin to the assignment of all his senator documents?
I question why the public has been so blatantly lied to. The senator troves where reported to be 1,850 boxes moved in trucks on pallets plus additional digital media to UPENN where numerous communications involved the copyrights as well as the public told they will continue to be stored from the public eye there until Joe Biden retires but now I know a closet filled with his senator papers including top secret information was hoarded and stashed along with various other places in just this one of many locations. I so far have yet to tabulate the grand total of top secrets but it’s way more vast than what was originally speculated. The senator papers Joe Biden has NO AUTHORITY at all as well for any senator to take home or take anywhere outside the secured government given facilities yet Joe Biden is proven had them stacked up white boxes in his garage closet of which I saw no lock.
The door in the garage dubbed long ago in the news as garage gate or garage-a-lago In images by Robert Hur in his finalized package shows also to the side of the roll up door appears in images to have what looks a hole where a deadbolt might have been above the odd shaped lever not round door handle so I unclear if the door by the search performed did that or if it’s the lighting making it appear a giant hole to the outside, but I also noticed a window with no bars and mentions of the hallway also to the garage so no this was never a secured location butby meticulous interviews Robert Hur described the known individuals that moved about in that area and it’s a long list from movers to other family members!
I truly don’t know how anyone can trust Joe Biden’s competence as it’s shown brick by brick Joe Joseph R. Biden “ willfully “ did this according to Robert Hur and Joseph R. Biden shared sometimes verbatim to his ghostwriter classified information.
The ghostwriter ( Mark Zwoniger) was written to be surprised to be interviewed and stated he didn’t think he ever would be, but the fact that intel the ghostwriter had was not all retrieved should give the public even more worry as what was in the missing unable to retrieve information he had stored?
There appears to me and also Robert Hur’s conclusions crimes and willful don’t by Joe Biden but Robert Hur explains the mental state of the president and Joe even during his interview with him Joe Biden couldn’t even recall at first the dates of which he was vp when interviewed as president.
The pattern of negligence is astounding as Robert Hur takes you back in time to exhibit how classified materials wouid travel via Joe Biden out of secured government facilities.
here are some reflective quotes-
“ the return of classified briefing books without all their contents frustrated the Executive Secretary team. 1/f1
“In response , Hogan implemented additional security procedures described below 152 But even after those measures were implemented, the Executive Secretary team CONTINUED to struggle to retrieve CLASSIFIED books from Mr. Biden”
Here is another quote-
“ August 2010 briefing of Mr. Biden on the handling of classified materials Days after the Top Secret, code word book went missing in 2010, Hogan met with Mr. Biden to discuss the handling of classified material. 1’54 Before the meeting , she prepared a briefing memo for him.” Y15 The memo, which was addressed to Mr.Biden and dated August 17, 2010.
Later on down the explanation’s on the mishandling of top secrets was how the top secrets were not being secured but left out on a table despite all the bridging to not do so. It was explained that Biden military aids often left the classified materials out on the round table per Biden’s request. This was noted as IG9.
Robert Hur in his exhaustive investigation of interrogation found only one military aid out of eight he interviewed recalling a safe ever being used to state classified materials. 174
Several aids Robert Hur interviewed also reported “classified material being left out on the second floor of the naval observatory 177 or in the Delaware home 178.
Joe Biden’s notecards
“ In contrast, Mr. Biden head his notecards close and his staff did not review them. After the administration , Mr. Biden brought his notebooks home with him and stored then in UNSECURED locations that WERE NOT AUTHORIZED to store classified information-even though the notebooks, like the notecards contained CLASSIFIED information up to the Top Secret level and includes Sensitive Compartmented information, including some from compartments used to protect information concerning HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES” 182
Here is another quick quote of Joe Biden saying how nobody knew he had notebooks or notecard plus how nobody was even sure what the naval observatory new safe installed was for or what was stored in the new safe.
“ why the safe was installed or what was stored in it.” 234f
“At the same time Mr. Biden’s staff was considering how to handle the notecards, he told his ghostwriter “ they didn’t even know” he had the notecards containing similar CLASSIFIED notes.” Pg 68
Further on quote “ he may have been advised to keep the notecards in a secured location.”
Other quote that stood out to me
“ McGrail explained the Mr. Biden knew classified information “ needs to be maintained in a secure facility (h) e was the was chairman of the foreign relations committee … (h) e understands how it works.” 271
“ Some pf the notecards found in the Delaware home remain top classified up to the top level .” 31G
“One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)” is the title song for one of the trademark segments in Sesame Street. In it, the adult actor presented four items, three of which matched, and one that was different. The words of the song asked the children viewing the show to figure out which one “doesn’t belong”.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Kristen Burns-Warren
Icon “ enlightened enigma”,
What facts do you have to publicly call a senator a “ traitor” and also a “ d grade” and a “ sickening senator?”
Obviously facts are clear, he was elected , so I ask you what bell curve hypothetical theory are you publicly claiming NC senator Thom Tillis is according to you a -“traitor “ and a “d grade “ and “ sickening “ senator?
I can pull up all the many fda recalls of “ sickness “ and nope Thom Tillis didn’t pop up in a single recall , just loads of other FDA recalls of “ sickness “ , so I am just asking you what “facts “ you based this public statement to call an ELECTED NC senator by public letter mailed then printed into the public eyes your chosen human to describe that according to you Thom Tillis is – “ a traitor, a d grade and a sickening senator, as you listed no facts you based this public posted on Mountain X very personal accusations. When did you tell him this as you claim?
Let’s look at all the “ secrets “ going on the press and only the press tells the public.
1- was the piles of many later discovered government top secrets Joe Biden not only stashed away going as far back as his senator days but turned out that handlers and movers and shippers to other states and to other offices like Chinatown was all off by twenty months and off with number of handlers one stated as “ unknown.”
So now we more things that was kept secret to the pubic that Joe Biden lied to the public about not knowing he had these too secrets to also lying of not having any interactions or knowledge of his families business dealings!
3-Democrats want to brainwash the public to believe it’s customary for Joe Biden to randomly interact with these businesses associates of his families! The democrats want you to believe Joe Biden showing up to all these family business lunches, dinners, shaking hands or saying hello on the phone to his families business associates is customary but it’s not customary and it’s a known tactic to get any influential person to show up at a business meeting because it’s uncustomary and it impresses the business clients seeing or even able to say hello to a powerful person and not all of these meetings was when Joe Biden was out of office.
3-We now know secrets of all these banks that they flagged as suspicious Biden transactions are not lies but now public information and no not because the Biden’s explained it to the public , as a matter of fact the Biden’s including grandchildren refuse to voluntarily explain why they received all this foreign money that was funneled into Biden family accounts that went through shell companies.
4-Now the public finally learns and not because the Biden’s told the public of all these fake name emails the Biden’s corresponded to.
5-Now we know the secrets that the art sales of Hunter Biden buyers was known to Hunter Biden the WhiteHouse promised “ would be kept secret “ from Hunter Biden was A LIE – but that’s only a small part of “new secrets “the public now learned of and once again not because any Biden came forward voluntarily and explained it to the public.
6-Now we know the secrets of the two Hunter Biden business ventures they did then two land the same job with our government mystery appointment to our historical preservation abroad so that’s Elizabeth Naftali and Eric Schwerin yet now we also find our another secret as in Naftali has no records for her years in this job!
Now we heard Eric Schwerin say he worked for Joe Biden “for free “ so -many “secrets coming to light “ and never by a Biden coming forward to explain any of it voluntarily.
The truth is we now know the bulk salrs high dollar of Hunter Biden art was from big democrat donors and one is Hunter Biden’s own personal lawyer Kevin Morris who does so much funding for not just one Biden bit in news funds the ex wife the new wife too in helping out in rent in the news to many other funding of the Biden family extensions.
7-Now we know more secrets and not by a single Biden that admitted it to the public not on the Kathy Chung testimony that she was the one to instructed members of the Biden to install no trace signal apps in their phones and the Biden’s followed that instructions then personal high officials in government past or present had their personal phone numbers oases around to the Biden’s such as the Clinton’s and Loretta Lymch so yes more secrets revealed but not by a single Biden voluntarily telling that information.
8-Now we know if that secret retainer fee book deal of millions think Robert Bir said eight million dollars that Joe Biden talked to his ghost writer telling him too secrets in the report then was the kept secret until now ghostwriter admission that he found out an investigation was going on and dented his intel then we nearby not all of it was retrieved plus we learned one of the many troves of our government top secrets stashes of Joe Biden he then added to that box that book retainer fee and images shied that box of top secrets by a dog bed, a empty zappps brand shoe box, a bucket and you see old basket and fake flowers amid other clutter of which our country’s top secrets were dumped on the floor by his prized corvette which is shown often taken out by his son for photo ops.
Democrats keep on embarrassing themselves and lying while they are at! Let’s look at some of the most recent democrat public behaviors. See Bizpac news.
Jasmine Crockett acted in my opinion like a bully with her who knows who that personal assistant walking behind her was, holding up a Ken Buck poster.
The result was see the public’s comments wondering off -did she have any point ,any question, any purpose at the meeting? What Jasmine Crockett was doing when she was not interviewing but more like -talking to herself -while she demanded Tony Bobolinski be quiet is called deflection.
Ken Buck poster she had behind her for her timed minutes yet let me tell you what was not in that poster!!
Ken Buck wanted amendment 25 put on Joe Biden but that of course was totally left out of that home made bulletin board back drop plus that Ken Buck is early retiring as he never appears much interested in doing much besides candid media talks but when he wanted amendment 25 on Joe Biden few reported that statement of his do let me just back up facts democrats lie about and continue to accuse republican of being the liars.
Facts are overwhelming Joe Biden LIED and LIES to the public for which he serves! Facts are Joe Biden said he had no involvement with his family’s businesses then we find out that was a big lie and how Joe Biden interacted with almost all of Hunter Biden’s business associates!
Fact are the Biden’s bank records don’t lie!
Facts are the Hunter Biden verified laptop had a “ money laundering code attached.” No it was not added by republicans but by the fbi according to the news and house ways and means transcript’s.
Facts are with Ken Buck Jasmine Crockett wanted to use as her personal assistant on a billboard said this of Joe Biden -being unfit for president!!
Maybe Jasmine Crockett is unaware of the following factual evidence so let me remind her and others!
Exhibit A- Rep. Ken Buck urges Biden Cabinet to remove him from presidency – YouTube
February 26, 2024
Press Release
WASHINGTON — Today, Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives calling on Vice President Harris and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment:
“The Hur report officially addressed what many Americans have long witnessed with their own eyes – that President Biden is no longer fit to successfully discharge the critical duties of his office. Numerous instances were articulated in the report, and have played out in full public view, showing President Biden’s apparent cognitive decline and lack of mental stamina.
“The societal challenges and security threats our country faces are innumerable and require a chief executive with both strong mental and physical faculties. The time has come for the vice president and the Cabinet to put our country first and move forward on invoking the 25th Amendment.”
For rest of Ken Bucks statement see link below as Jasmine Crockett omitted this to the public with her solo billboard of Ken Buck background while she spoke to herself.
Now let’s see the press reaction to the most recent Jasmine Crockett public behavior and also look at video public commenters.
Democrats continued to show their disrespect during Wednesday’s House Oversight Hearing on the Biden impeachment inquiry as Hunter Biden’s former business partner testified.
One of many eyebrow-raising moments came when Rep. Jasmine Crockett berated Tony Bobulinski as she seemed to filibuster for a few minutes instead of asking her question.
“So far in this hearing, it has felt like the worst episode of The Apprentice. I’m sure you’re familiar with that show,” the Texas Democrat said as she claimed Republicans were trying to help former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election by making up allegations against President Joe Biden.
“It seems like my colleagues, and maybe you and some others are trying to become the next vice president of the United States of America. You’re auditioning or something like that,” she told Bobulinski, questioning his credibility while not letting him speak.
“And, sir, I definitely have always had issues with your credibility, as I know that you are very well aware of. So let me remind you of what happened behind closed doors,” Crockett said.
“Well, you should ask Ro Khanna about my credibility,” Bobulinski responded.
“I haven’t asked you a question. Okay? When I ask you a question that’s when you answer. Otherwise, I’m talking,” the Democrat snapped.
“Excuse me?” a shocked Bobulinski replied.
“With my time because it’s my time,” Crockett snarked before continuing.
“I want to be clear that when we were behind closed doors, you called a number of people liars. You called the Wall Street Journal liars. You called Cassidy Hutchinson a liar. You call the FBI a liar. You called Rob Walker a liar. You call James Gillard a liar. You called Hunter Biden a liar. You call Jim Biden a liar. And just today, you added to your list. You called my colleague, Congressman Mr. Goldman, a liar as well,” the congresswoman said.
“It seems like, according to you, the only person that’s telling the truth is you. And everyone else is lying. But I want to move on to something else,” she declared.
“Is that a question?” Bobulinski asked.
“It’s not a question. Okay. You’ll know when I ask you a question, I promise,” Crockett replied.
“The tense exchange set off a wave of reactions on social media where many wondered what her point was if there was any at all.”
Please read the public’s reaction in the comments section!
Now the democrats lies and deflection didn’t stop there.
Let’s look at the rest of the theater performers that include Jaime Raskin, AOC and Jared Moskowitz.
“Hunter Biden wasn’t there. After insisting that he wanted to publicly clear his name, he’s gotten rather shy. “
“Representatives Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin—both lawyers—and Mr. Goldman, a former prosecutor with the [Southern District of New York], will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. Hunter Biden’s defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name—”
That’s when Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, the ranking Democrat on the committee, interrupted Bobulinski’s opening statement multiple times to throw a hissy fit at Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.).
“Much to his chagrin, Raskin found out that witnesses at these hearings aren’t bound by rules of decorum that force them to be decent to partisan wolves who are trying to railroad them. Bobulinski is a cool customer. The calm way he was leveling his accusations made them seem all the more plausible. “
Hunter Biden demanded a hearing on Capitol Hill and then didn’t show up. Perhaps he should have, because his allies in the Democratic caucus aren’t handling things well.
In the gift that just keeps on giving, Tony Bobulinski’s testimony once again produced a must-see moment, this time involving the esteemed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The congresswoman tried to pin the witness down on noting “specific crimes” he witnessed Hunter and Joe Biden commit.
I guess she wasn’t expecting him to be ready with an actual answer because he triggered her harder than a long day at the range.
Next latest news on democrats busted titled -AOC tries to ensnare Bobulinski, but she accidentally exposes her own ignorance of the law instead: ‘RICO is not a crime’
Let’s see what other craziness ! Oh yes the childish acts by
See examples like this in the news titled
Florida Democrat wears Putin mask to impeachment hearing
Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) donned a rubber mask of Russian President Vladimir Putin on his way to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s hearing investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings Wednesday, mocking the GOP effort.
Moskowitz told media outside the hearing that he was there to thank Chair Jim Comer (R-Ky.) “for taking all of our intelligence and using it in the committee,” he said, acting as Putin.
All of the above show’s proof on democrats unprofessional behaviors and the public comments are proof positive the public doesn’t applaud these horrid behaviors of the democrats mentioned above that are public servants!
deeper dive into Jasmine Crocketts latest LIES.
First off Jasmine Crockett does innuendos as nobody has proven what Tony Bobulinski alleged was lies.
“It seems like my colleagues, and maybe you and some others are trying to become the next vice president of the United States of America. You’re auditioning or something like that,” she told Bobulinski, questioning his credibility while not letting him speak.
“And, sir, I definitely have always had issues with your credibility, as I know that you are very well aware of. So let me remind you of what happened behind closed doors,” Crockett said.
“Well, you should ask Ro Khanna about my credibility,” Bobulinski responded.
“I haven’t asked you a question. Okay? When I ask you a question that’s when you answer. Otherwise, I’m talking,” the Democrat snapped.
“Excuse me?” a shocked Bobulinski replied.
“With my time because it’s my time,” Crockett snarked before continuing.
“I want to be clear that when we were behind closed doors, you called a number of people liars. You called the Wall Street Journal liars. You called Cassidy Hutchinson a liar. You call the FBI a liar. You called Rob Walker a liar. You call James Gillard a liar. You called Hunter Biden a liar. You call Jim Biden a liar. And just today, you added to your list. You called my colleague, Congressman Mr. Goldman, a liar as well,” the congresswoman said.
“It seems like, according to you, the only person that’s telling the truth is you. And everyone else is lying. But I want to move on to something else,” she declared.
“Is that a question?” Bobulinski asked.
“It’s not a question. Okay. You’ll know when I ask you a question, I promise,” Crockett replied.
We saw the transcripts of the interview by FBI Joshua Walker about the four seasons meeting where Joe Biden according to Walker was called from office to attend to business meeting and showed up! Once that statement was factually recorded the FBI agent not specializing NOT in money laundering but in child abductions and child pornography according to the news dropped the interview right there and didn’t pursue any more questions! Later the entire study changed but it’s on record of what was originally said!
As for the author Cassidy Hutchinson that is a took now in a lawsuit by Tony Bobolinski where Cassidy Hutchinson according to Tony Bobolinski lied about him and shd decided to write things in her novel using Tony Bobolinski portrayed in very sinister, negative ways so let me be clear right now -its all innuendos and facts are nobody in that picture was wearing a ski mask and definitely in that grainy picture was the biggest male turned with face not shown wearing a ski mask at all as she claimed nor is there evidence of a photo of any envelope swapped during a Trump rally so that could have been a lie or could have been rally souvenir but she decided to use it as her book writing smear as well as in the news.
“Enough,” in which Hutchinson recalled that Bobulinski wore a “ski mask” during a secretive encounter with Trump’s then-chief of staff, Mark Meadows, at a campaign rally in Rome, Georgia
First off the ski mask wearer she claimed was quoted in this article by her to be Tony Bobulinski is false so wouldn’t he be maybe and it’s a guess the big guy with like orange hair with no face covering at all and a ball cap?
Who knows who really are in the picture as it’s is so grainy and shows little of faces and zero envelope and the other guy also isn’t in a ski mask and other maybe a black scarf??
The whole statement of Bobinski as a ski mask wearer is not proven true at all but stated to make him appear in a sinister way which no person in the photo is seen even passing to the other any object period.
Why then next would anyone by interested to listen to more innuendoes?
Maybe they swapped something but it could by anything even fan based trump memorabilia rally stuff , who knows it’s all speculation and pure conjectures.
NYPost quotes-
Hutchinson, a star witness for the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, made headlines in June 2022 when she claimed President Donald Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of his SUV and drive up to join his supporters at the Capitol.
That purported incident, which Hutchinson said was relayed to her by a White House official, was disputed by the official, a Secret Service agent in the SUV at the time, and the driver.
Let me remind you what people do to gain book fans. Look no further than the transcripts of Robert Hur on Joe Biden willingly using government top secrets and reading then out loud to his ghostwriter then when the ghostwriter found out an investigation was underway he deleted his intel and that all of it was not recovered. Let me remind you that according to Robert Hur transcript the book retainer fee was added to the garage floor dumped box of our government top secrets of many scattered, handled by many and moved in personal vehicles to multiple locations.
Let me remind you of Jasmine Crocketts use of people she claimed one was her biggest fan.
Other new you don’t hear democrats taking about is the family of Botham Jean side of the story of expressing feeling used for political gain.
News quotes by
The family of Botham Jean, the Dallas man slain by an off-duty police officer in 2018, has asked congressional candidate Jasmine Crockett to stop using their name for political gain.
“Botham’s name is not an endorsement you can parade, and his legacy is not a sound bite you can use to garner media coverage,” the family wrote in an open letter. “As a result, we have requested our family’s legal team to issue a cease-and-desist letter.”
Botham Jean’s mother, Allison Jean, told The Dallas Morning News on Wednesday that she was upset that Crockett, in her view, was using the Jean family to advance her campaign to replace Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson in Congress.
She said that Crockett’s website incorrectly stated that she represented Botham Jean’s family. Crockett has taken that statement down from her campaign website and told The News it was a mistake.
“I don’t like politicians misrepresenting my family, especially my son, who is not here to defend himself, for political mileage,” Allison Jean told The News.
Crockett has not stated publicly or in campaign materials that she’s endorsed by the Jean family.
But Allison Jean said she is also upset that in a 2020 podcast, Crockett said that Botham Jean’s father was one of her biggest fans.
She indicated in her video that my husband is one of her huge fans,” Jean said. “But that is not true. My husband is not on social media. He doesn’t know Jasmine currently, so I don’t know how you can be a fan of somebody that he doesn’t know.”
Of the many disputes that followed the leaking of Hunter Biden’s laptop contents, one of the thorniest has been the case of the April 2015 dinner at Cafe Milano.
Emails from the cache suggested that Hunter Biden hosted a dinner in a private room at the tony Washington restaurant that included both his father and an executive from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which had appointed Hunter Biden to its board. An email from the executive, dated immediately following the dinner, thanked Hunter Biden for the chance to meet his father.
As the media litigated the controversy, the White House insisted, in increasingly forceful terms, that no meeting between Biden and the executive had occurred.
At the time of the dinner, Joe Biden was heading U.S. anti-corruption initiatives in Ukraine. They included efforts by the State Department to recover assets allegedly obtained corruptly by Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, who had granted the company lucrative resource licenses while serving as the country’s ecology minister. Zlochevsky has denied wrongdoing.
While attendees of the Cafe Milano dinner agree that Joe Biden was present, his representatives issued repeated denials of any meeting between the then-vice president and Pozharskyi.
And some attendees of the dinner had made public statements that bolstered the notion that, despite the emails suggesting a Biden-Pozharskyi encounter, the two men had never met.
Archer testified that both Pozharskyi and Joe Biden also attended the dinner, an account that is consistent with Hunter Biden’s leaked emails.
Archer’s testimony specifically contradicted claims relayed in a Washington Post fact-check that Biden had not even sat down at the dinner and had only spoken to one other attendee: Alex Karloutsos, a Greek Orthodox cleric.
“That’s not correct reporting,” Archer testified.
“Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s basically running the Republican conference, shows up in campaign paraphernalia, and then these people want to lecture Joe Biden because he delivered a strong and forceful speech that made them uncomfortable because he exposed their lies and shamelessness?” Jeffries continued.
“We have one message for extreme MAGA Republicans who want to lecture us about decorum: Get lost; you’re a joke. Exhibit A: Marjorie Taylor Greene. Exhibit B: George Santos.”
Apparently Jaime Raskin might be a legitimate blind man again
who used this grainy photo that no way shows Tony Bobolinski wearing a ski mask!!
Where’s the ski mask kids? I think if asked to a classroom of kindergartners every child would say the person on the left is wearing no mask! Can Raskin get really specific here and circle like with a marker that mask?
Ask the kiddos in any kindergarten class -do they see any envelope? All kiddos would answer no!
Ask Raskin to circle with a marker the envelope!!
A photo taken by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson allegedly shows then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows meeting with businessman Tony Bobulinski, according to Hutchinson’s attorney.
Cassidy Hutchinson
First off that has to be one of the worst photos I have ever seen! It’s grainy, faces unrecognizable and tons of “ glare” so that’s from lights not darkness ! See the radials of light streaming down and the red hat fully illuminated so not at all some “ shady” area! I see folks above in the bleachers!
I can plainly see the person on the right facing the photographer on left wearing a red ball cap is wearing NO mask and the other wears a scarf!
“Mr. Bobulinski claims under oath that he was not wearing a mask, that Mr. Meadows did not hand him anything, and that Ms. Hutchinson was ‘fabricating facts,'” Hutchinson’s lawyer wrote in the letter. “Perhaps Mr. Bobulinski’s memory is impaired about the meeting, and a picture would help refresh his recollection.”
Lie number one quote
Exhibit A- The photo appears to show the pair meeting at night between SUVs with Bobukinski wearing a hat and a black mask.
Exhibit B Answer of truth -“Are you wearing a ski mask?” Bobukinski was asked and replied, “I was not wearing a ski mask.”
More baseless innuendos exhibit C-
“Ms. Hutchinson took a photo of Mr. Bobulinski meeting with Mr. Meadows from her vantage point just on the other side of the vehicle from their conversation,” Jordan wrote in his letter. “A copy is attached to this letter. Mr. Bobulinski may be somewhat hard to make out in this image — since he is wearing his Penn State hat … and a mask.”
Read the public comments to the Jaime Raskin performance above video!!
What a lie and waste of time by liar Jaime Raskin!!
Now of course Hakeem Jeffries left out the bold face lie Joe Biden did blaming republicans on the border crisis!!
Why leave out Joe Biden has almost fifty years to fix things not continue on neglecting the border crisis!! Let’s talk facts! Joe Biden cared this much to vigor the borders how many times all his years as senator? Answer zero trips!!
How many trips as VP did Joe Biden care enough to visit our borders as he keeps on saying he inherited the border crisis and excuses of how it is a broken system but his predecessors include himself !! What has he done? He visited zero as VP!!
Put a high wall on the border was senator Joe Biden Jeffries obviously forgot!!
Two that’s right only two trips for photo ops second of which Joe Biden made headlines appearing most in that press tiny area for his speech!!
Why not talk Joe our border czar said years ago she did her border czar job! W she saying now?
Talk the truth on how this administration has made our borders factually less secure than Trump had them and tell the truth how democrats incentivize still “ illegal” and even say that dreaded word attached to our countries immigration and facts are de-incentivizing “ legal immigration!” Tell the truth fir once!!
Tell the truth of who built the immigration cages!!
Tell the truth on what Barack Obama himself said was feasible numbers of immigrant entry !!
Border crisis by Jeffrey H Anderson city journal
Quotes that stood out to me and quotes of which I agree and also ponder why our administration would do this.
Example news quotes-
Under presidents of both parties before 2021, those trying to enter the U.S. illegally at least had to evade the authorities. This hasn’t been true under Biden.
The difference in the number of releases under Biden and under his immediate predecessor is like the contrast between the Himalayas and a pitcher’s mound. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics, in December 2020, the last full month under President Donald Trump, the USBP released 17 aliens into the U.S. In December 2023, the most recent month for which statistics are available under Biden, the USBP released 191,142 aliens into the U.S. In other words, the USBP released 0.009 percent as many aliens into the U.S. during the final month under Trump as it did during the most-recent month under Biden—for every one alien released under Trump, 11,244 were released under Biden. That’s not a normal increase; it’s a flash flood.
According to CBS News, during a so-called shutdown of the border, the bill “would preserve asylum at official ports of entry”—indeed, it “would require U.S. border officials to continue processing more than 1,400 asylum-seekers daily at these official border crossings.” So, this means that another half-a-million illegal aliens would be released into the U.S. annually, even if the border were “shut down” all year.
In truth, the reason why there are so many aliens to detain is because word has gotten out that if you come and request asylum, you’ll be released into the U.S.—and this has been the case since Biden took office. As Judge Wetherell put it in a 2023 immigration case, the Biden administration’s actions have been “akin to posting a flashing ‘Come In, We’re Open’ sign on the southern border.” As word has spread, the numbers at the border have massively increased, with the most recent month on record (December 2023) being the worst month to date.
And a commenters quote-
Wim de Vriend
a day ago
As a former immigrant I must say this whole purposely-created mess disgusts me. Before entering into the US I had to promise and swear — among many other things — that I would not take advantage of government welfare in its various forms, and to strengthen that promise I had to have a US citizen’s guarantee to support me financially should I need it. What Biden’s actions add up to is enabling not only another huge drain on the US Treasury and a bigger national debt but a veritable invasion of the country — which amounts to treason. But then, it’s obvious that Biden’s most fervent supporters are anti-American radicals.
And as Milton Freedman said, you cannot have a welfare state AND open borders.
Biden officials said they would continue to use the order, known as Title 42, to expel families and single adults. But a week into Biden’s term, Mexican authorities said they would no longer accept the return of some families, especially in the Rio Grande Valley, the busiest area for unlawful crossings.
Word soon spread that families with children younger than 7 years old were being allowed to enter the United States and released from custody. Families fitting that profile began rushing to that span of the border, where U.S. agents were already overwhelmed by soaring numbers of teens and children arriving alone.
This next March quote sentiment is still going on today!! Let me get the WhiteHouse spokeswoman quote “ it ebbs and flows “ lie!!
With criticism from Republicans and some Democrats growing, Biden officials rejected the characterization of the influx as a “crisis,” insisting it was a challenge brought by seasonal migration trends that were consistent with historical patterns.
The message made it worse quotes-
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the administration’s message to asylum seekers was to stay home until the United States could restore full protections. “We are not saying, ‘Don’t come,’ ” he told reporters at the White House on March 1. “We are saying, ‘Don’t come now because we will be able to deliver a safe and orderly process to them as quickly as possible.’ ”
The message didn’t work, and border crossings skyrocketed through the first several weeks of March as a record number of unaccompanied minors were taken into custody. Migrants arriving as part of a family groups jumped to 53,623 in March, a sevenfold increase from January. So many single adults were crossing and attempting to evade capture that border agents said they were struggling to respond as they recorded nearly 1,000 “got-away” incidents each day.
The arrival of so many teens and children sent HHS officials scrambling to open emergency shelters, and Mayorkas mobilized the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help.
By Julia Ainsley
This year U.S. border agents have encountered a “growing number of individuals” on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist trying to enter the country via the southern border, according to the Homeland Threat Assessment released Thursday by the Department of Homeland Security.
As of July, 160 migrants whose identities match those on the Terrorist Screening Dataset had been apprehended by Customs and Border Protection trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border during fiscal year 2023, compared to 100 in fiscal year 2022. Fiscal years end on Sept. 30.
rest of story –
Biden Administration loses 85k unaccompanied immigrant children
The House Oversight Committee’s National Security Subcommittee held a hearing this week on the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Alien Children Program. Robin Dunn Marcos, director of the office, appeared, but if you watch that hearing you’ll learn a lot more from the questions than the answers — because there weren’t many answers on key issues, such as the fate of 85,000 children the office has apparently lost contact with. Someone needs to put a up a large “Help Wanted” sign in Washington, because the American people are desperately in need of accountability on migrant children — both in the government and in the media
Border guards suicides under the Biden administration skyrockets
The Center Square) – Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, testified before Congress about the hardships Border Patrol agents are experiencing.
Last year was especially hard, he said, with 17 agents committing suicide.
“To put that in perspective,” he said, the New York Police Department’s roughly 35,000-man force, they lost 4 to suicide.
“We see a lot of stuff out there that the average person doesn’t see. What hits folks the hardest is what happens with the children,” he said, referring to human trafficking and unaccompanied young children being brought across.
Try and find and commiseration speech on this by our president and vice president because I can’t find a single speech.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Childish, laughably verbose and wildly inaccurate GQP spam that no one will ever read, Kristen. The entire nation is immensely tickled that the whole foundation for the Biden impeachment “investigation” has been revealed to be Russian lies. Are you a Russian agent, too, or just a dupe of them?
Kristen Burns-Warren
Vrede icon,
GQP stereotyping cannot be found in Merriam-Webster to Cambridge dictionary definition but in the “ urban dictionary” and the not always accurate Wikipedia. So according to the loose interpretation this person that never met me and had no idea my political affiliation claims I am spreading what is stated as “ GQP spam” and at the same fine refusing to show anything I wrote was lies.
This person in pseudo name moniker claims to be an “expert on the entire nations emotions!” Yes this person claims to be the tracker of the entire nations emotions of “ tickled!”
Let me run that quote again that is shown in the remark “ The entire nation is immensely tickled that the whole foundation for the Biden impeachment “investigation” has been revealed to be Russian lies. is?
First off , it is LIES that you claim on
the ENTIRE NATION you have no claim to speak for of any of their entire nation emotions period!
Second, prove not innuendo anything I posted is “ wildly inaccurate!
Third , prove what is actually proven -is a Russian lie as you claim.
Fourth ,the fact that you ask if I am a Russian agent or just a dupe because I disagree with your opinions also reflects your hated with anyone that differs in opinion. No I am not a dupe or a Russian agent nor will I stay silent when someone makes derogatory questions personally about me which you did publicly.
Fifth, prove nobody will ever read what I posted because I don’t see how you could back that up with facts either.
Sixth, look at facts I posted and debunk the facts since you asked me if I am “a dupe or a Russian spy too!”
Seventh, Point out what of any facts you have that support your question you posed asking me personally do see this is personal- if I was duped and point out on what basis you formed that query to her very personal of asking if I am a Russian spy or duped!
Kristen Burns-Warren
Lord Barfington
Now tell us the moon landing was a hoax! I read it on the Internet! It has to be true!
Kristen Burns-Warren
Since you verede asked publicly if I was duped or a Russian spy let me then ask back these Russia topic questions to your fake name icon.
Is it not true that the democrats were busted for lying of Russia and how democrats were factually caught spreading false Russia allegations?
Did the bogus Steel Dossier happen yes or no?
Did the infamous democrat spurned Russia disinformation not pay up in court for the malfeasances yes or no?
Did the democrat liars spreading lies of Russian disinformation not get caught in the “ dirty fifty one letter yes or no?
Did our administration not once but they’ve now sanction Russian oligarchs MINUS Russian oligarchs that dud businesses with the Biden’s yes or no?
Here is a valid point nobody pushes:
It was Joe Biden himself that wanted the government to monitor all bank accounts of $600 dollars so why is it do NOT monitor the Biden’s accounts early over that with receipts of foreign unexplained money?
A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans’ bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”
So right here “regardless of even accusations of wrong doing” Joe Biden pushed for the IRS to have automatic access to not only bank accounts but other firms of cash accounts but refuses to answer and explain why Biden family have over twenty million from foreign accounts moved into the Biden’s USA accounts. Why not ask Joe Biden why he won’t explain these millions since it’s shown here he was for it (monitoring of banking over the $600) before he was shut down as opposition went against it.
I would say what this looks like a good amount of individuals!
Fox quote
The busy Biden brand businesses quick look
Third Friday LLC Michael E Lewitt
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit last week against a company and a specific business deal that directly involves President Biden’s younger brother, James Biden.
The complaint was filed in the Southern District of Florida against Third Friday Management and Michael Lewitt, a business associate of James Biden’s. The SEC alleges that Third Friday and Lewitt participated in “fraudulent conduct and gross breaches of fiduciary duty” to their clients, the fund and investors.
How similar was Christopher Steele paid to “ inform” and he lied and fisa warrants filed out after and all other malfeasances fine after like the dirty fifty one letter to the dirty Clinton campaign court silent pay out? I mean when did Steele get arrested or rearrested for lying? He didn’t.
Now what about WhiteHouse stenographer whistleblower to then then VP Joe Biden who factually filled out an fbi complaint and is not arrested? Is what he said then true? Why did for YEARS the fbi say this fbi informant needs to not us e his nave divulged for his safety suddenly change?
Why did not Smirnov but the fby payer/hirers folks keep on redacting his stuff and saying we don’t name names to protect them back then said not the gop but the fbi said -yes this guy is a “ credible informant “ to a sudden 180 on Valentine’s Day 2024?
The informant whose cover now blown and legal scholars questioned his re-arrest from his meeting with his legal council plus his two year live in girlfriend cover was blown so now this informant is in news now known to still be working on gaining intel so see he is a guy like Christopher Steele or even McCormick whose job it was to relay what he over hears.
So it seems now it’s over the bribery but you can see in news reporters broke that piece years ago tapes are archived in the internet playback on bribes years ago plus Burisma executives were interviewed that said the exact opposite of what this administration said on Birusma corruption and Victor Shokin. The truth is the WhiteHouse refuses still to hand in her the Tada Joe Biden rough drafts so that’s telling to not simply comply but see that’s not the only non compliance.. There has been lawsuits through FOIA to gain transparency and thus far Joe Biden is in the public ways and means committee online transparency pledge findings listed to have met almost every single one of Hunter Biden’s business associates so just switch the names to Trump of in doing.
The fake Joe Biden emails also are not all handed over then there’s new searches in the Biden’s credit cards as well there should be as so far over 30 million was funneled and Still unexplained y a single Biden the legitimacy of how they all solidified into Biden accounts for immense foreign wealth sources.
Now news has yet again shown Joe Biden is sanctioning Russian oligarch but yet AGAIN the NY Post just reported not the Russian oligarchs AGAIN that did business with Hunter Biden!! Even treasurer Janet Yellen refused LAST time to explain these Russian oligarchs omitted from our government’s sanctions!!
When you look at all the facts, they are stacking up!!
It’s a thorough job Robert Hur performed filled with honest interview quotes, meticulous images such as one box of our nations top secrets dumped in a torn up disheveled topped cardboard box in the Joe Biden garage of which Robert Hur showed in great detail the classified materials with handwritten labels beside a dog bed, beside a Zappos shoe box, a bucket and various other waste.
It’s was driven home repeatedly as well it should when one finds a smoking gun of admission of knowing the items are classified in which Robert Hur repeats in his passages of Joe Biden telling his ghostwriter “ he found the classified documents.”
The box in the garage stash dump Robert Hur meticulous photographed the box upon discovery then took images of each folder which had newer items placed among our nations top secrets one to me was interesting of the eight million dollar retainer fee to Joe Biden for his book.
The senate boxes multiple stacked inside the same garage of Joe Biden’s senate papers included top security information so that also have me pause especially after the most recent Eric Schwerin testimony where Schwerin said he worked for Joe Biden for free. News abounded of questions why if all people would Joe Biden tap Eric Schwerin to the assignment of all his senator documents?
I question why the public has been so blatantly lied to. The senator troves where reported to be 1,850 boxes moved in trucks on pallets plus additional digital media to UPENN where numerous communications involved the copyrights as well as the public told they will continue to be stored from the public eye there until Joe Biden retires but now I know a closet filled with his senator papers including top secret information was hoarded and stashed along with various other places in just this one of many locations. I so far have yet to tabulate the grand total of top secrets but it’s way more vast than what was originally speculated. The senator papers Joe Biden has NO AUTHORITY at all as well for any senator to take home or take anywhere outside the secured government given facilities yet Joe Biden is proven had them stacked up white boxes in his garage closet of which I saw no lock.
The door in the garage dubbed long ago in the news as garage gate or garage-a-lago In images by Robert Hur in his finalized package shows also to the side of the roll up door appears in images to have what looks a hole where a deadbolt might have been above the odd shaped lever not round door handle so I unclear if the door by the search performed did that or if it’s the lighting making it appear a giant hole to the outside, but I also noticed a window with no bars and mentions of the hallway also to the garage so no this was never a secured location butby meticulous interviews Robert Hur described the known individuals that moved about in that area and it’s a long list from movers to other family members!
I truly don’t know how anyone can trust Joe Biden’s competence as it’s shown brick by brick Joe Joseph R. Biden “ willfully “ did this according to Robert Hur and Joseph R. Biden shared sometimes verbatim to his ghostwriter classified information.
The ghostwriter ( Mark Zwoniger) was written to be surprised to be interviewed and stated he didn’t think he ever would be, but the fact that intel the ghostwriter had was not all retrieved should give the public even more worry as what was in the missing unable to retrieve information he had stored?
There appears to me and also Robert Hur’s conclusions crimes and willful don’t by Joe Biden but Robert Hur explains the mental state of the president and Joe even during his interview with him Joe Biden couldn’t even recall at first the dates of which he was vp when interviewed as president.
The pattern of negligence is astounding as Robert Hur takes you back in time to exhibit how classified materials wouid travel via Joe Biden out of secured government facilities.
here are some reflective quotes-
“ the return of classified briefing books without all their contents frustrated the Executive Secretary team. 1/f1
“In response , Hogan implemented additional security procedures described below 152 But even after those measures were implemented, the Executive Secretary team CONTINUED to struggle to retrieve CLASSIFIED books from Mr. Biden”
Here is another quote-
“ August 2010 briefing of Mr. Biden on the handling of classified materials Days after the Top Secret, code word book went missing in 2010, Hogan met with Mr. Biden to discuss the handling of classified material. 1’54 Before the meeting , she prepared a briefing memo for him.” Y15 The memo, which was addressed to Mr.Biden and dated August 17, 2010.
Later on down the explanation’s on the mishandling of top secrets was how the top secrets were not being secured but left out on a table despite all the bridging to not do so. It was explained that Biden military aids often left the classified materials out on the round table per Biden’s request. This was noted as IG9.
Robert Hur in his exhaustive investigation of interrogation found only one military aid out of eight he interviewed recalling a safe ever being used to state classified materials. 174
Several aids Robert Hur interviewed also reported “classified material being left out on the second floor of the naval observatory 177 or in the Delaware home 178.
Joe Biden’s notecards
“ In contrast, Mr. Biden head his notecards close and his staff did not review them. After the administration , Mr. Biden brought his notebooks home with him and stored then in UNSECURED locations that WERE NOT AUTHORIZED to store classified information-even though the notebooks, like the notecards contained CLASSIFIED information up to the Top Secret level and includes Sensitive Compartmented information, including some from compartments used to protect information concerning HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES” 182
Here is another quick quote of Joe Biden saying how nobody knew he had notebooks or notecard plus how nobody was even sure what the naval observatory new safe installed was for or what was stored in the new safe.
“ why the safe was installed or what was stored in it.” 234f
“At the same time Mr. Biden’s staff was considering how to handle the notecards, he told his ghostwriter “ they didn’t even know” he had the notecards containing similar CLASSIFIED notes.” Pg 68
Further on quote “ he may have been advised to keep the notecards in a secured location.”
Other quote that stood out to me
“ McGrail explained the Mr. Biden knew classified information “ needs to be maintained in a secure facility (h) e was the was chairman of the foreign relations committee … (h) e understands how it works.” 271
“ Some pf the notecards found in the Delaware home remain top classified up to the top level .” 31G
“One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)” is the title song for one of the trademark segments in Sesame Street. In it, the adult actor presented four items, three of which matched, and one that was different. The words of the song asked the children viewing the show to figure out which one “doesn’t belong”.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Kristen Burns-Warren
It appears I did get some replies even by “ verede “ fake name icon commenter.
Why is it yesterday I received only certain selected emails times beginning yesterday from a “ Lord Barfington” that stated from Mountain x the pseudonym icon replied yet no post is shown by Mountan X a Lord Barfington ? Could it be the name ( fake) itself shows the type of non serious reply? I was really looking forward to that remark!!
Next, three emails arrived at very odd times, that’s right three emails stated from Mountain X times time stamped 3:56 am from Vrede, Email stated from Mountain X vrede again 4:13am and 4:42 am but there’s no posts visible? It appears Vrede was possibly blocked.
Now I also tried to post some replies that failed but some of mine were successful.
So these findings I find most interesting is Mountain X platform varies with posting, thumbs up or down varies as well as reports to you via emails on posts that simply aren’t posted and no emails when some posts are successful.
I was not expecting to see a post of calling a senator of NC “a traitor on a public forum “-so that was a first for me as was the other stereotype labeling of humans of which dictionaries do not list.
Kristen Burns-Warren
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…as you well know, Edwards and his have no shame, none. They’re incapable of it. As for Russian lies.. you honestly think your disingenuous as the day is long congressman really cares about the origin and validity of any “evidence” when it comes to Biden and his “crime family”? In fact, absolutely anything that comes out of the dictator Putin’s repressive regime is more than acceptable to Edwards and his MAGA devotees. Edwards isn’t going anywhere… nor are his constituents. We’re stuck with them and their Putin admiring/ Rump worshiping/ anti-democratic/ wannabe fascist agenda as long as delusion and dementia reign in the GOP. sigh.
Thank you, Voirdire, I agree. My call for MAGAt Edwards’ resignation is hyperbolic wishful thinking intended to drive home a point, nothing more.
Peace, vrede.
…a point well made and well taken. ..thank you.
* Voirdire 1 week ago …as you well know, Edwards and his have no shame, none. They’re incapable of it. As for Russian lies.. you honestly think your disingenuous as the day is long congressman really cares about the origin and validity of any “evidence” when it comes to Biden and his “crime family”? In fact, absolutely anything that comes out of the dictator Putin’s repressive regime is more than acceptable to Edwards and his MAGA devotees. Edwards isn’t going anywhere… nor are his constituents. We’re stuck with them and their Putin admiring/ Rump worshiping/ anti-democratic/ wannabe fascist agenda as long
First what is up with all these fake name mystery icons?
It reminds me of the thousands of fake name emails our president Joe Biden was caught using so I am curious on why the subterfuge as well as the theme of constant stereotyping and derogatory personal attacks on castes individuals of which you deride in labeling yet you all fail to give even a single fact to back up your baseless stereotypical labeling.
Why is there a theme going on here with all of these fake nabe monikers that stereotype publicly people with their actual real identities legal names /human names and yet at the same time all of you here publicly that stereotyped others all kept your identities HIDDEN WHILE omitting any fact finding to back up why you wrote your claims!
How do you justify your stereotype labels of people you claim in such baseless claims without backing up your stereotype labeling with a single support of facts?
I see the theme here writing certain people according to you people with faked manes are –
“ magats”
“traitors “
“MAGA Devotees”
“rump worshipping “
“ wannabe fascists”
“No shame, none!”
“GQP spammers” all without “ any evidence?
What’s your facts to support these claims?
Why do you feel you know all these people so well? What research have you shown in your derogatory labeling?
The icon voirdire claims to be able to speak for others? I noticed this also when I was personally asked if I am a Russia spy or duped so I answered the other fake name moniker that appears might relate to the origin word for a light horse, horse saddle or expensive tack or a -Hunter…
I just wonder what gives you all in your mind that entitlement to claim to know “ Edwards and his have no shame?” Can you give any reply with facts?
Why do you portray to know the emotions of shame in others by what appears actually attempting to shame whom you point out by name according to you “ are Edwards and his” so you claim to know them all so well yet how precisely do you claim this with showing zero facts?
Since Russia lies was brought up and “ Putin worshippers” I will list some Russia lies and with facts backing the Russian lies were done by democrats!
Is it not true that the democrats were busted for lying of Russia and how democrats were factually caught spreading false Russia allegations?
Did the bogus Steel Dossier happen yes or no? Was the Steele Dossier not faked lies?
Did the infamous democrat spurned Russia disinformation not pay up in court for the malfeasances yes or no?
Did the democrat liars spreading lies of Russian disinformation not get caught in the “ dirty fifty one letter yes or no?
Did our administration not once but they’ve now sanction Russian oligarchs MINUS Russian oligarchs that dud businesses with the Biden’s yes or no?
Here is a valid point nobody pushes:
It was Joe Biden himself that wanted the government to monitor all bank accounts of $600 dollars so why is it do NOT monitor the Biden’s accounts early over that with receipts of foreign unexplained money?
A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans’ bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”
So right here “regardless of even accusations of wrong doing” Joe Biden pushed for the IRS to have automatic access to not only bank accounts but other firms of cash accounts but refuses to answer and explain why Biden family have over twenty million from foreign accounts moved into the Biden’s USA accounts. Why not ask Joe Biden why he won’t explain these millions since it’s shown here he was for it (monitoring of banking over the $600) before he was shut down as opposition went against it.
October 25,2023
I would say what this looks like a good amount of individuals!
Fox quote
The busy Biden brand businesses quick look
Third Friday LLC Michael E Lewitt
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit last week against a company and a specific business deal that directly involves President Biden’s younger brother, James Biden.
The complaint was filed in the Southern District of Florida against Third Friday Management and Michael Lewitt, a business associate of James Biden’s. The SEC alleges that Third Friday and Lewitt participated in “fraudulent conduct and gross breaches of fiduciary duty” to their clients, the fund and investors.
How similar was Christopher Steele paid to “ inform” and he lied and fisa warrants filed out after and all other malfeasances fine after like the dirty fifty one letter to the dirty Clinton campaign court silent pay out? I mean when did Steele get arrested or rearrested for lying? He didn’t.
Now what about WhiteHouse stenographer whistleblower to then then VP Joe Biden who factually filled out an fbi complaint and is not arrested? Is what he said then true? Why did for YEARS the fbi say this fbi informant needs to not us e his nave divulged for his safety suddenly change?
Why did not Smirnov but the fby payer/hirers folks keep on redacting his stuff and saying we don’t name names to protect them back then said not the gop but the fbi said -yes this guy is a “ credible informant “ to a sudden 180 on Valentine’s Day 2024?
The informant whose cover now blown and legal scholars questioned his re-arrest from his meeting with his legal council plus his two year live in girlfriend cover was blown so now this informant is in news now known to still be working on gaining intel so see he is a guy like Christopher Steele or even McCormick whose job it was to relay what he over hears.
So it seems now it’s over the bribery but you can see in news reporters broke that piece years ago tapes are archived in the internet playback on bribes years ago plus Burisma executives were interviewed that said the exact opposite of what this administration said on Birusma corruption and Victor Shokin. The truth is the WhiteHouse refuses still to hand in her the Tada Joe Biden rough drafts so that’s telling to not simply comply but see that’s not the only non compliance.. There has been lawsuits through FOIA to gain transparency and thus far Joe Biden is in the public ways and means committee online transparency pledge findings listed to have met almost every single one of Hunter Biden’s business associates so just switch the names to Trump of in doing.
The fake Joe Biden emails also are not all handed over then there’s new searches in the Biden’s credit cards as well there should be as so far over 30 million was funneled and Still unexplained y a single Biden the legitimacy of how they all solidified into Biden accounts for immense foreign wealth sources.
Now news has yet again shown Joe Biden is sanctioning Russian oligarch but yet AGAIN the NY Post just reported not the Russian oligarchs AGAIN that did business with Hunter Biden!! Even treasurer Janet Yellen refused LAST time to explain these Russian oligarchs omitted from our government’s sanctions!!
When you look at all the facts, they are stacking up!!
It’s a thorough job Robert Hur performed filled with honest interview quotes, meticulous images such as one box of our nations top secrets dumped in a torn up disheveled topped cardboard box in the Joe Biden garage of which Robert Hur showed in great detail the classified materials with handwritten labels beside a dog bed, beside a Zappos shoe box, a bucket and various other waste.
It’s was driven home repeatedly as well it should when one finds a smoking gun of admission of knowing the items are classified in which Robert Hur repeats in his passages of Joe Biden telling his ghostwriter “ he found the classified documents.”
The box in the garage stash dump Robert Hur meticulous photographed the box upon discovery then took images of each folder which had newer items placed among our nations top secrets one to me was interesting of the eight million dollar retainer fee to Joe Biden for his book.
The senate boxes multiple stacked inside the same garage of Joe Biden’s senate papers included top security information so that also have me pause especially after the most recent Eric Schwerin testimony where Schwerin said he worked for Joe Biden for free. News abounded of questions why if all people would Joe Biden tap Eric Schwerin to the assignment of all his senator documents?
I question why the public has been so blatantly lied to. The senator troves where reported to be 1,850 boxes moved in trucks on pallets plus additional digital media to UPENN where numerous communications involved the copyrights as well as the public told they will continue to be stored from the public eye there until Joe Biden retires but now I know a closet filled with his senator papers including top secret information was hoarded and stashed along with various other places in just this one of many locations. I so far have yet to tabulate the grand total of top secrets but it’s way more vast than what was originally speculated. The senator papers Joe Biden has NO AUTHORITY at all as well for any senator to take home or take anywhere outside the secured government given facilities yet Joe Biden is proven had them stacked up white boxes in his garage closet of which I saw no lock.
The door in the garage dubbed long ago in the news as garage gate or garage-a-lago In images by Robert Hur in his finalized package shows also to the side of the roll up door appears in images to have what looks a hole where a deadbolt might have been above the odd shaped lever not round door handle so I unclear if the door by the search performed did that or if it’s the lighting making it appear a giant hole to the outside, but I also noticed a window with no bars and mentions of the hallway also to the garage so no this was never a secured location butby meticulous interviews Robert Hur described the known individuals that moved about in that area and it’s a long list from movers to other family members!
I truly don’t know how anyone can trust Joe Biden’s competence as it’s shown brick by brick Joe Joseph R. Biden “ willfully “ did this according to Robert Hur and Joseph R. Biden shared sometimes verbatim to his ghostwriter classified information.
The ghostwriter ( Mark Zwoniger) was written to be surprised to be interviewed and stated he didn’t think he ever would be, but the fact that intel the ghostwriter had was not all retrieved should give the public even more worry as what was in the missing unable to retrieve information he had stored?
There appears to me and also Robert Hur’s conclusions crimes and willful don’t by Joe Biden but Robert Hur explains the mental state of the president and Joe even during his interview with him Joe Biden couldn’t even recall at first the dates of which he was vp when interviewed as president.
The pattern of negligence is astounding as Robert Hur takes you back in time to exhibit how classified materials wouid travel via Joe Biden out of secured government facilities.
here are some reflective quotes-
“ the return of classified briefing books without all their contents frustrated the Executive Secretary team. 1/f1
“In response , Hogan implemented additional security procedures described below 152 But even after those measures were implemented, the Executive Secretary team CONTINUED to struggle to retrieve CLASSIFIED books from Mr. Biden”
Here is another quote-
“ August 2010 briefing of Mr. Biden on the handling of classified materials Days after the Top Secret, code word book went missing in 2010, Hogan met with Mr. Biden to discuss the handling of classified material. 1’54 Before the meeting , she prepared a briefing memo for him.” Y15 The memo, which was addressed to Mr.Biden and dated August 17, 2010.
Later on down the explanation’s on the mishandling of top secrets was how the top secrets were not being secured but left out on a table despite all the bridging to not do so. It was explained that Biden military aids often left the classified materials out on the round table per Biden’s request. This was noted as IG9.
Robert Hur in his exhaustive investigation of interrogation found only one military aid out of eight he interviewed recalling a safe ever being used to state classified materials. 174
Several aids Robert Hur interviewed also reported “classified material being left out on the second floor of the naval observatory 177 or in the Delaware home 178.
Joe Biden’s notecards
“ In contrast, Mr. Biden head his notecards close and his staff did not review them. After the administration , Mr. Biden brought his notebooks home with him and stored then in UNSECURED locations that WERE NOT AUTHORIZED to store classified information-even though the notebooks, like the notecards contained CLASSIFIED information up to the Top Secret level and includes Sensitive Compartmented information, including some from compartments used to protect information concerning HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES” 182
Here is another quick quote of Joe Biden saying how nobody knew he had notebooks or notecard plus how nobody was even sure what the naval observatory new safe installed was for or what was stored in the new safe.
“ why the safe was installed or what was stored in it.” 234f
“At the same time Mr. Biden’s staff was considering how to handle the notecards, he told his ghostwriter “ they didn’t even know” he had the notecards containing similar CLASSIFIED notes.” Pg 68
Further on quote “ he may have been advised to keep the notecards in a secured location.”
Other quote that stood out to me
“ McGrail explained the Mr. Biden knew classified information “ needs to be maintained in a secure facility (h) e was the was chairman of the foreign relations committee … (h) e understands how it works.” 271
“ Some pf the notecards found in the Delaware home remain top classified up to the top level .” 31G
“One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)” is the title song for one of the trademark segments in Sesame Street. In it, the adult actor presented four items, three of which matched, and one that was different. The words of the song asked the children viewing the show to figure out which one “doesn’t belong”.
Kristen Burns-Warren
I don’t think only option means what you think it does.
Agreed, indy499. “Edwards’ only option is to resign in shame,” is a tongue-in-cheek rhetorical device implying a level of integrity, honor and accountability not currently present in the GQP and especially not in Chuck Edwards’ character. Thanks.
Indy 499,
Here you are again telling people that you don’t think they know what they think they know it means- yet you had no problem before posting to me publicly on mountain x that according to you “I was undoubtedly a global elitist “when I wrote about the border crisis.
All I read in here is from a group making wild accusations of people they personally publicly name call
“ magats”
“traitors “
“MAGA Devotees”
“rump worshipping “
“ wannabe fascists”
“No shame, none!”
“don’t think only option is what you think it does”
“GQP spammers” all without any evidence?
What’s your facts to support these claims?
while simultaneously keeping all yourselves hidden under fake name icons?
That reminds me again of all the latest reveals of fake named thousands of email pseudonyms the Biden’s are in the news to have been corresponding back and forth.
What I see is innuendos and zero facts.
Kristen Burns-Warren
The only threat to Edward’s seat is in the Republican primary. Thus, he only has to care what the Republican primary voting base thinks. This is why he never bothers to reply to messages I send via his congressional website or any other method.
Of course, neither does Ted Budd.
Ditto, NFB. At the behest of equally rotten former State Rep Chuck McGrady, State Sen Chuck Edwards never replied to me, either. We NC11 voters have quite the legacy:
“Chainsaw” Charly Taylor
DINO Heath Shuler
Felonious MAGAt Mark Meadows
MAGAt and now Floridian MadCaw
Now Chuck Edwards
Yuck. We’re not just RepuQ, we’re nationally infamous RepuQ.
vrede icon,
You write of never receiving a reply back yet exemplified by you not replying back after you publicly asked my if I was a Russian agent or just duped by them.” I then replied yet you remain silent.
What is the definition of your “ repuQ” as it also is not in dictionaries? What are the facts you based your comments here of-
“ equally ROTTEN “
“Dino “
“Felonious magat?”
So with the facts presented here it appears you will complain online in remarks of when one doesn’t reply back to you -yet you refuse to reply back -when you personally and publicly asked me questions so which is it or with you is it hypocritically double standards?
Kristen Burns-Warren
Easy tiger. I’m having trouble getting MX to change my email address in my profile. So, I’m not getting notifications and only now thought to check the conversation. I’ll try to help out your inability to figure out my terminology, but I suspect that you haven’t even tried.
Let me begin by encouraging you to learn how to quote accurately. Chronic changes in case is not doing so.
“RepuQ” is a statement of the fact that the GOP has been captured by the conspiratorial Qidiots. Haven’t you noticed?
“Equally rotten” is OBVIOUSLY an opinion. Rep Chuck McGrady started off good, but eventually bought into the GOP’s extreme racist gerrymandering as defined by the 4th Circuit.
DINO – Democrat In Name Only. If you are unaware of how conservative former US Rep Heath Shuler was, that’s on you.
“Chainsaw” – If you are unaware of how pro-logging everywhere all the time former US Rep Charly Taylor was, that’s on you.
Felonious MAGAt – If you are unaware of how TRE45QN Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has only avoided felony charges by turning snitch, that’s on you.
Dear “vrede,
My name is not “Tiger.”
I only mention this as it appears your inability to refer to me by my name and since your comment here is on “ how to quote accurately” perhaps you can try addressing me by my real name?
You went also into assumptions of me as in not trying. Are assumptions accurate?
I do see your explanations for some of your stereotype labeling of humans.
I just don’t understand you especially the remark “RepuQ” is a statement of the fact that the GOP has been captured by the conspiratorial Qidiots. Haven’t you noticed?” But that’s okay with me to never understand you really, as you don’t even use a real name but remark as exemplified in your remarks here on other humans real names attached to your stereotypes labels.
Kristen Burns-Warren
and then there’s Thom Thillis the traitor … I told him he was a D- grade candidate to start … sickening Senator.
To mystery icon enlightened enigma,
Obviously the person icon “enlightened enigma” publicly ridiculed/name called a traitor and a “ d grade” candidate Thom Tillis past muster and was factually ELECTED, so I don’t know what hypothetical bell curve innuendo you are referring to as in grade D you refer. I do see all the fake name icon users on this post only managed to stereotype label people publicly by name yet theses individuals shored their own real names plus give zero facts what they based their bashing innuendos on.
I saw Russia come up a couple of times . Let me show you what’ was omitted –
Since Russia lies was brought up and “ Putin worshippers” I will list some Russia lies and with facts backing the Russian lies were done by democrats! I encourage everyone look at history FACTS.
Is it not true that the democrats were busted for lying of Russia and how democrats were factually caught spreading false Russia allegations? True if false?
Did the bogus Steel Dossier happen yes or no? Was the Steele Dossier not faked lies? Yes or no?
Did the infamous democrat spurned Russia disinformation not pay up in court for the malfeasances yes or no?
Did the democrat liars spreading lies of Russian disinformation not get caught in the “ dirty fifty one letter yes or no?
Did our administration not once but TWICE now sanction Russian oligarchs MINUS Russian oligarchs that dud businesses with the Biden’s yes or no?
What grade would you hypothetically give these performers?
Here is a valid point nobody pushes:
It was Joe Biden himself that wanted the government to monitor all bank accounts of $600 dollars so why is it do NOT monitor the Biden’s accounts early over that with receipts of foreign unexplained money?
A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans’ bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”
So right here “regardless of even accusations of wrong doing” Joe Biden pushed for the IRS to have automatic access to not only bank accounts but other firms of cash accounts but refuses to answer and explain why Biden family have over twenty million from foreign accounts moved into the Biden’s USA accounts. Why not ask Joe Biden why he won’t explain these millions since it’s shown here he was for it (monitoring of banking over the $600) before he was shut down as opposition went against it.
October 25,2023
I would say what this looks like a good amount of individuals!
Fox quote
The busy Biden brand businesses quick look
Third Friday LLC Michael E Lewitt
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit last week against a company and a specific business deal that directly involves President Biden’s younger brother, James Biden.
The complaint was filed in the Southern District of Florida against Third Friday Management and Michael Lewitt, a business associate of James Biden’s. The SEC alleges that Third Friday and Lewitt participated in “fraudulent conduct and gross breaches of fiduciary duty” to their clients, the fund and investors.
How similar was Christopher Steele paid to “ inform” and he lied and fisa warrants filed out after and all other malfeasances fine after like the dirty fifty one letter to the dirty Clinton campaign court silent pay out? I mean when did Steele get arrested or rearrested for lying? He didn’t.
Now what about WhiteHouse stenographer whistleblower to then then VP Joe Biden who factually filled out an fbi complaint and is not arrested? Is what he said then true? Why did for YEARS the fbi say this fbi informant needs to not us e his nave divulged for his safety suddenly change?
Why did not Smirnov but the fby payer/hirers folks keep on redacting his stuff and saying we don’t name names to protect them back then said not the gop but the fbi said -yes this guy is a “ credible informant “ to a sudden 180 on Valentine’s Day 2024?
The informant whose cover now blown and legal scholars questioned his re-arrest from his meeting with his legal council plus his two year live in girlfriend cover was blown so now this informant is in news now known to still be working on gaining intel so see he is a guy like Christopher Steele or even McCormick whose job it was to relay what he over hears.
So it seems now it’s over the bribery but you can see in news reporters broke that piece years ago tapes are archived in the internet playback on bribes years ago plus Burisma executives were interviewed that said the exact opposite of what this administration said on Birusma corruption and Victor Shokin. The truth is the WhiteHouse refuses still to hand in her the Tada Joe Biden rough drafts so that’s telling to not simply comply but see that’s not the only non compliance.. There has been lawsuits through FOIA to gain transparency and thus far Joe Biden is in the public ways and means committee online transparency pledge findings listed to have met almost every single one of Hunter Biden’s business associates so just switch the names to Trump of in doing.
The fake Joe Biden emails also are not all handed over then there’s new searches in the Biden’s credit cards as well there should be as so far over 30 million was funneled and Still unexplained y a single Biden the legitimacy of how they all solidified into Biden accounts for immense foreign wealth sources.
Now news has yet again shown Joe Biden is sanctioning Russian oligarch but yet AGAIN the NY Post just reported not the Russian oligarchs AGAIN that did business with Hunter Biden!! Even treasurer Janet Yellen refused LAST time to explain these Russian oligarchs omitted from our government’s sanctions!!
When you look at all the facts, they are stacking up!!
It’s a thorough job Robert Hur performed filled with honest interview quotes, meticulous images such as one box of our nations top secrets dumped in a torn up disheveled topped cardboard box in the Joe Biden garage of which Robert Hur showed in great detail the classified materials with handwritten labels beside a dog bed, beside a Zappos shoe box, a bucket and various other waste.
It’s was driven home repeatedly as well it should when one finds a smoking gun of admission of knowing the items are classified in which Robert Hur repeats in his passages of Joe Biden telling his ghostwriter “ he found the classified documents.”
The box in the garage stash dump Robert Hur meticulous photographed the box upon discovery then took images of each folder which had newer items placed among our nations top secrets one to me was interesting of the eight million dollar retainer fee to Joe Biden for his book.
The senate boxes multiple stacked inside the same garage of Joe Biden’s senate papers included top security information so that also have me pause especially after the most recent Eric Schwerin testimony where Schwerin said he worked for Joe Biden for free. News abounded of questions why if all people would Joe Biden tap Eric Schwerin to the assignment of all his senator documents?
I question why the public has been so blatantly lied to. The senator troves where reported to be 1,850 boxes moved in trucks on pallets plus additional digital media to UPENN where numerous communications involved the copyrights as well as the public told they will continue to be stored from the public eye there until Joe Biden retires but now I know a closet filled with his senator papers including top secret information was hoarded and stashed along with various other places in just this one of many locations. I so far have yet to tabulate the grand total of top secrets but it’s way more vast than what was originally speculated. The senator papers Joe Biden has NO AUTHORITY at all as well for any senator to take home or take anywhere outside the secured government given facilities yet Joe Biden is proven had them stacked up white boxes in his garage closet of which I saw no lock.
The door in the garage dubbed long ago in the news as garage gate or garage-a-lago In images by Robert Hur in his finalized package shows also to the side of the roll up door appears in images to have what looks a hole where a deadbolt might have been above the odd shaped lever not round door handle so I unclear if the door by the search performed did that or if it’s the lighting making it appear a giant hole to the outside, but I also noticed a window with no bars and mentions of the hallway also to the garage so no this was never a secured location butby meticulous interviews Robert Hur described the known individuals that moved about in that area and it’s a long list from movers to other family members!
I truly don’t know how anyone can trust Joe Biden’s competence as it’s shown brick by brick Joe Joseph R. Biden “ willfully “ did this according to Robert Hur and Joseph R. Biden shared sometimes verbatim to his ghostwriter classified information.
The ghostwriter ( Mark Zwoniger) was written to be surprised to be interviewed and stated he didn’t think he ever would be, but the fact that intel the ghostwriter had was not all retrieved should give the public even more worry as what was in the missing unable to retrieve information he had stored?
There appears to me and also Robert Hur’s conclusions crimes and willful don’t by Joe Biden but Robert Hur explains the mental state of the president and Joe even during his interview with him Joe Biden couldn’t even recall at first the dates of which he was vp when interviewed as president.
The pattern of negligence is astounding as Robert Hur takes you back in time to exhibit how classified materials wouid travel via Joe Biden out of secured government facilities.
here are some reflective quotes-
“ the return of classified briefing books without all their contents frustrated the Executive Secretary team. 1/f1
“In response , Hogan implemented additional security procedures described below 152 But even after those measures were implemented, the Executive Secretary team CONTINUED to struggle to retrieve CLASSIFIED books from Mr. Biden”
Here is another quote-
“ August 2010 briefing of Mr. Biden on the handling of classified materials Days after the Top Secret, code word book went missing in 2010, Hogan met with Mr. Biden to discuss the handling of classified material. 1’54 Before the meeting , she prepared a briefing memo for him.” Y15 The memo, which was addressed to Mr.Biden and dated August 17, 2010.
Later on down the explanation’s on the mishandling of top secrets was how the top secrets were not being secured but left out on a table despite all the bridging to not do so. It was explained that Biden military aids often left the classified materials out on the round table per Biden’s request. This was noted as IG9.
Robert Hur in his exhaustive investigation of interrogation found only one military aid out of eight he interviewed recalling a safe ever being used to state classified materials. 174
Several aids Robert Hur interviewed also reported “classified material being left out on the second floor of the naval observatory 177 or in the Delaware home 178.
Joe Biden’s notecards
“ In contrast, Mr. Biden head his notecards close and his staff did not review them. After the administration , Mr. Biden brought his notebooks home with him and stored then in UNSECURED locations that WERE NOT AUTHORIZED to store classified information-even though the notebooks, like the notecards contained CLASSIFIED information up to the Top Secret level and includes Sensitive Compartmented information, including some from compartments used to protect information concerning HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES” 182
Here is another quick quote of Joe Biden saying how nobody knew he had notebooks or notecard plus how nobody was even sure what the naval observatory new safe installed was for or what was stored in the new safe.
“ why the safe was installed or what was stored in it.” 234f
“At the same time Mr. Biden’s staff was considering how to handle the notecards, he told his ghostwriter “ they didn’t even know” he had the notecards containing similar CLASSIFIED notes.” Pg 68
Further on quote “ he may have been advised to keep the notecards in a secured location.”
Other quote that stood out to me
“ McGrail explained the Mr. Biden knew classified information “ needs to be maintained in a secure facility (h) e was the was chairman of the foreign relations committee … (h) e understands how it works.” 271
“ Some pf the notecards found in the Delaware home remain top classified up to the top level .” 31G
“One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)” is the title song for one of the trademark segments in Sesame Street. In it, the adult actor presented four items, three of which matched, and one that was different. The words of the song asked the children viewing the show to figure out which one “doesn’t belong”.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Icon “ enlightened enigma”,
What facts do you have to publicly call a senator a “ traitor” and also a “ d grade” and a “ sickening senator?”
Obviously facts are clear, he was elected , so I ask you what bell curve hypothetical theory are you publicly claiming NC senator Thom Tillis is according to you a -“traitor “ and a “d grade “ and “ sickening “ senator?
I can pull up all the many fda recalls of “ sickness “ and nope Thom Tillis didn’t pop up in a single recall , just loads of other FDA recalls of “ sickness “ , so I am just asking you what “facts “ you based this public statement to call an ELECTED NC senator by public letter mailed then printed into the public eyes your chosen human to describe that according to you Thom Tillis is – “ a traitor, a d grade and a sickening senator, as you listed no facts you based this public posted on Mountain X very personal accusations. When did you tell him this as you claim?
Kristen Burns-Warren
Joe Biden impeachment points
You know why after all this time is one honest journalist reporting this “ secret filing” to the public?
Let’s look at all the “ secrets “ going on the press and only the press tells the public.
1- was the piles of many later discovered government top secrets Joe Biden not only stashed away going as far back as his senator days but turned out that handlers and movers and shippers to other states and to other offices like Chinatown was all off by twenty months and off with number of handlers one stated as “ unknown.”
So now we more things that was kept secret to the pubic that Joe Biden lied to the public about not knowing he had these too secrets to also lying of not having any interactions or knowledge of his families business dealings!
3-Democrats want to brainwash the public to believe it’s customary for Joe Biden to randomly interact with these businesses associates of his families! The democrats want you to believe Joe Biden showing up to all these family business lunches, dinners, shaking hands or saying hello on the phone to his families business associates is customary but it’s not customary and it’s a known tactic to get any influential person to show up at a business meeting because it’s uncustomary and it impresses the business clients seeing or even able to say hello to a powerful person and not all of these meetings was when Joe Biden was out of office.
3-We now know secrets of all these banks that they flagged as suspicious Biden transactions are not lies but now public information and no not because the Biden’s explained it to the public , as a matter of fact the Biden’s including grandchildren refuse to voluntarily explain why they received all this foreign money that was funneled into Biden family accounts that went through shell companies.
4-Now the public finally learns and not because the Biden’s told the public of all these fake name emails the Biden’s corresponded to.
5-Now we know the secrets that the art sales of Hunter Biden buyers was known to Hunter Biden the WhiteHouse promised “ would be kept secret “ from Hunter Biden was A LIE – but that’s only a small part of “new secrets “the public now learned of and once again not because any Biden came forward voluntarily and explained it to the public.
6-Now we know the secrets of the two Hunter Biden business ventures they did then two land the same job with our government mystery appointment to our historical preservation abroad so that’s Elizabeth Naftali and Eric Schwerin yet now we also find our another secret as in Naftali has no records for her years in this job!
Now we heard Eric Schwerin say he worked for Joe Biden “for free “ so -many “secrets coming to light “ and never by a Biden coming forward to explain any of it voluntarily.
The truth is we now know the bulk salrs high dollar of Hunter Biden art was from big democrat donors and one is Hunter Biden’s own personal lawyer Kevin Morris who does so much funding for not just one Biden bit in news funds the ex wife the new wife too in helping out in rent in the news to many other funding of the Biden family extensions.
7-Now we know more secrets and not by a single Biden that admitted it to the public not on the Kathy Chung testimony that she was the one to instructed members of the Biden to install no trace signal apps in their phones and the Biden’s followed that instructions then personal high officials in government past or present had their personal phone numbers oases around to the Biden’s such as the Clinton’s and Loretta Lymch so yes more secrets revealed but not by a single Biden voluntarily telling that information.
8-Now we know if that secret retainer fee book deal of millions think Robert Bir said eight million dollars that Joe Biden talked to his ghost writer telling him too secrets in the report then was the kept secret until now ghostwriter admission that he found out an investigation was going on and dented his intel then we nearby not all of it was retrieved plus we learned one of the many troves of our government top secrets stashes of Joe Biden he then added to that box that book retainer fee and images shied that box of top secrets by a dog bed, a empty zappps brand shoe box, a bucket and you see old basket and fake flowers amid other clutter of which our country’s top secrets were dumped on the floor by his prized corvette which is shown often taken out by his son for photo ops.
Democrats keep on embarrassing themselves and lying while they are at! Let’s look at some of the most recent democrat public behaviors. See Bizpac news.
Jasmine Crockett acted in my opinion like a bully with her who knows who that personal assistant walking behind her was, holding up a Ken Buck poster.
The result was see the public’s comments wondering off -did she have any point ,any question, any purpose at the meeting? What Jasmine Crockett was doing when she was not interviewing but more like -talking to herself -while she demanded Tony Bobolinski be quiet is called deflection.
Ken Buck poster she had behind her for her timed minutes yet let me tell you what was not in that poster!!
Ken Buck wanted amendment 25 put on Joe Biden but that of course was totally left out of that home made bulletin board back drop plus that Ken Buck is early retiring as he never appears much interested in doing much besides candid media talks but when he wanted amendment 25 on Joe Biden few reported that statement of his do let me just back up facts democrats lie about and continue to accuse republican of being the liars.
Facts are overwhelming Joe Biden LIED and LIES to the public for which he serves! Facts are Joe Biden said he had no involvement with his family’s businesses then we find out that was a big lie and how Joe Biden interacted with almost all of Hunter Biden’s business associates!
Fact are the Biden’s bank records don’t lie!
Facts are the Hunter Biden verified laptop had a “ money laundering code attached.” No it was not added by republicans but by the fbi according to the news and house ways and means transcript’s.
Facts are with Ken Buck Jasmine Crockett wanted to use as her personal assistant on a billboard said this of Joe Biden -being unfit for president!!
Maybe Jasmine Crockett is unaware of the following factual evidence so let me remind her and others!
Exhibit A- Rep. Ken Buck urges Biden Cabinet to remove him from presidency – YouTube
Exhibit B
February 26, 2024
Press Release
WASHINGTON — Today, Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives calling on Vice President Harris and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment:
“The Hur report officially addressed what many Americans have long witnessed with their own eyes – that President Biden is no longer fit to successfully discharge the critical duties of his office. Numerous instances were articulated in the report, and have played out in full public view, showing President Biden’s apparent cognitive decline and lack of mental stamina.
“The societal challenges and security threats our country faces are innumerable and require a chief executive with both strong mental and physical faculties. The time has come for the vice president and the Cabinet to put our country first and move forward on invoking the 25th Amendment.”
For rest of Ken Bucks statement see link below as Jasmine Crockett omitted this to the public with her solo billboard of Ken Buck background while she spoke to herself.
More news exhibit C
Ken Buck unveils resolution calling on Cabinet to remove Biden under 25th Amendment
Exhibit D
Relatively Sane-Seeming Republican Ken Buck Now Demanding Kamala Harris Boot Biden From Office via 25th Amendment | Vanity Fair
I could go on but five examples of truths seems effective. It was in Esquire, The Guardian, Miami Herald, NY Post etc…
Exhibit E
Impeachment skeptic calls on Harris to remove Biden via 25th Amendment – Live Updates – POLITICO
Now let’s see the press reaction to the most recent Jasmine Crockett public behavior and also look at video public commenters.
Democrats continued to show their disrespect during Wednesday’s House Oversight Hearing on the Biden impeachment inquiry as Hunter Biden’s former business partner testified.
One of many eyebrow-raising moments came when Rep. Jasmine Crockett berated Tony Bobulinski as she seemed to filibuster for a few minutes instead of asking her question.
“So far in this hearing, it has felt like the worst episode of The Apprentice. I’m sure you’re familiar with that show,” the Texas Democrat said as she claimed Republicans were trying to help former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election by making up allegations against President Joe Biden.
“It seems like my colleagues, and maybe you and some others are trying to become the next vice president of the United States of America. You’re auditioning or something like that,” she told Bobulinski, questioning his credibility while not letting him speak.
“And, sir, I definitely have always had issues with your credibility, as I know that you are very well aware of. So let me remind you of what happened behind closed doors,” Crockett said.
“Well, you should ask Ro Khanna about my credibility,” Bobulinski responded.
“I haven’t asked you a question. Okay? When I ask you a question that’s when you answer. Otherwise, I’m talking,” the Democrat snapped.
“Excuse me?” a shocked Bobulinski replied.
“With my time because it’s my time,” Crockett snarked before continuing.
“I want to be clear that when we were behind closed doors, you called a number of people liars. You called the Wall Street Journal liars. You called Cassidy Hutchinson a liar. You call the FBI a liar. You called Rob Walker a liar. You call James Gillard a liar. You called Hunter Biden a liar. You call Jim Biden a liar. And just today, you added to your list. You called my colleague, Congressman Mr. Goldman, a liar as well,” the congresswoman said.
“It seems like, according to you, the only person that’s telling the truth is you. And everyone else is lying. But I want to move on to something else,” she declared.
“Is that a question?” Bobulinski asked.
“It’s not a question. Okay. You’ll know when I ask you a question, I promise,” Crockett replied.
“The tense exchange set off a wave of reactions on social media where many wondered what her point was if there was any at all.”
Next example in the news
Please read the public’s reaction in the comments section!
Now the democrats lies and deflection didn’t stop there.
Let’s look at the rest of the theater performers that include Jaime Raskin, AOC and Jared Moskowitz.
“Hunter Biden wasn’t there. After insisting that he wanted to publicly clear his name, he’s gotten rather shy. “
“Representatives Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin—both lawyers—and Mr. Goldman, a former prosecutor with the [Southern District of New York], will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. Hunter Biden’s defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name—”
That’s when Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, the ranking Democrat on the committee, interrupted Bobulinski’s opening statement multiple times to throw a hissy fit at Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.).
“Much to his chagrin, Raskin found out that witnesses at these hearings aren’t bound by rules of decorum that force them to be decent to partisan wolves who are trying to railroad them. Bobulinski is a cool customer. The calm way he was leveling his accusations made them seem all the more plausible. “
Hunter Biden demanded a hearing on Capitol Hill and then didn’t show up. Perhaps he should have, because his allies in the Democratic caucus aren’t handling things well.
In the gift that just keeps on giving, Tony Bobulinski’s testimony once again produced a must-see moment, this time involving the esteemed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The congresswoman tried to pin the witness down on noting “specific crimes” he witnessed Hunter and Joe Biden commit.
I guess she wasn’t expecting him to be ready with an actual answer because he triggered her harder than a long day at the range.
Next latest news on democrats busted titled -AOC tries to ensnare Bobulinski, but she accidentally exposes her own ignorance of the law instead: ‘RICO is not a crime’
Let’s see what other craziness ! Oh yes the childish acts by
See examples like this in the news titled
Florida Democrat wears Putin mask to impeachment hearing
Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) donned a rubber mask of Russian President Vladimir Putin on his way to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s hearing investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings Wednesday, mocking the GOP effort.
Moskowitz told media outside the hearing that he was there to thank Chair Jim Comer (R-Ky.) “for taking all of our intelligence and using it in the committee,” he said, acting as Putin.
All of the above show’s proof on democrats unprofessional behaviors and the public comments are proof positive the public doesn’t applaud these horrid behaviors of the democrats mentioned above that are public servants!
deeper dive into Jasmine Crocketts latest LIES.
First off Jasmine Crockett does innuendos as nobody has proven what Tony Bobulinski alleged was lies.
“It seems like my colleagues, and maybe you and some others are trying to become the next vice president of the United States of America. You’re auditioning or something like that,” she told Bobulinski, questioning his credibility while not letting him speak.
“And, sir, I definitely have always had issues with your credibility, as I know that you are very well aware of. So let me remind you of what happened behind closed doors,” Crockett said.
“Well, you should ask Ro Khanna about my credibility,” Bobulinski responded.
“I haven’t asked you a question. Okay? When I ask you a question that’s when you answer. Otherwise, I’m talking,” the Democrat snapped.
“Excuse me?” a shocked Bobulinski replied.
“With my time because it’s my time,” Crockett snarked before continuing.
“I want to be clear that when we were behind closed doors, you called a number of people liars. You called the Wall Street Journal liars. You called Cassidy Hutchinson a liar. You call the FBI a liar. You called Rob Walker a liar. You call James Gillard a liar. You called Hunter Biden a liar. You call Jim Biden a liar. And just today, you added to your list. You called my colleague, Congressman Mr. Goldman, a liar as well,” the congresswoman said.
“It seems like, according to you, the only person that’s telling the truth is you. And everyone else is lying. But I want to move on to something else,” she declared.
“Is that a question?” Bobulinski asked.
“It’s not a question. Okay. You’ll know when I ask you a question, I promise,” Crockett replied.
We saw the transcripts of the interview by FBI Joshua Walker about the four seasons meeting where Joe Biden according to Walker was called from office to attend to business meeting and showed up! Once that statement was factually recorded the FBI agent not specializing NOT in money laundering but in child abductions and child pornography according to the news dropped the interview right there and didn’t pursue any more questions! Later the entire study changed but it’s on record of what was originally said!
As for the author Cassidy Hutchinson that is a took now in a lawsuit by Tony Bobolinski where Cassidy Hutchinson according to Tony Bobolinski lied about him and shd decided to write things in her novel using Tony Bobolinski portrayed in very sinister, negative ways so let me be clear right now -its all innuendos and facts are nobody in that picture was wearing a ski mask and definitely in that grainy picture was the biggest male turned with face not shown wearing a ski mask at all as she claimed nor is there evidence of a photo of any envelope swapped during a Trump rally so that could have been a lie or could have been rally souvenir but she decided to use it as her book writing smear as well as in the news.
“Enough,” in which Hutchinson recalled that Bobulinski wore a “ski mask” during a secretive encounter with Trump’s then-chief of staff, Mark Meadows, at a campaign rally in Rome, Georgia
First off the ski mask wearer she claimed was quoted in this article by her to be Tony Bobulinski is false so wouldn’t he be maybe and it’s a guess the big guy with like orange hair with no face covering at all and a ball cap?
Who knows who really are in the picture as it’s is so grainy and shows little of faces and zero envelope and the other guy also isn’t in a ski mask and other maybe a black scarf??
The whole statement of Bobinski as a ski mask wearer is not proven true at all but stated to make him appear in a sinister way which no person in the photo is seen even passing to the other any object period.
Why then next would anyone by interested to listen to more innuendoes?
Maybe they swapped something but it could by anything even fan based trump memorabilia rally stuff , who knows it’s all speculation and pure conjectures.
NYPost quotes-
Hutchinson, a star witness for the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, made headlines in June 2022 when she claimed President Donald Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of his SUV and drive up to join his supporters at the Capitol.
That purported incident, which Hutchinson said was relayed to her by a White House official, was disputed by the official, a Secret Service agent in the SUV at the time, and the driver.
Let me remind you what people do to gain book fans. Look no further than the transcripts of Robert Hur on Joe Biden willingly using government top secrets and reading then out loud to his ghostwriter then when the ghostwriter found out an investigation was underway he deleted his intel and that all of it was not recovered. Let me remind you that according to Robert Hur transcript the book retainer fee was added to the garage floor dumped box of our government top secrets of many scattered, handled by many and moved in personal vehicles to multiple locations.
Let me remind you of Jasmine Crocketts use of people she claimed one was her biggest fan.
Other new you don’t hear democrats taking about is the family of Botham Jean side of the story of expressing feeling used for political gain.
News quotes by
The family of Botham Jean, the Dallas man slain by an off-duty police officer in 2018, has asked congressional candidate Jasmine Crockett to stop using their name for political gain.
“Botham’s name is not an endorsement you can parade, and his legacy is not a sound bite you can use to garner media coverage,” the family wrote in an open letter. “As a result, we have requested our family’s legal team to issue a cease-and-desist letter.”
Botham Jean’s mother, Allison Jean, told The Dallas Morning News on Wednesday that she was upset that Crockett, in her view, was using the Jean family to advance her campaign to replace Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson in Congress.
She said that Crockett’s website incorrectly stated that she represented Botham Jean’s family. Crockett has taken that statement down from her campaign website and told The News it was a mistake.
“I don’t like politicians misrepresenting my family, especially my son, who is not here to defend himself, for political mileage,” Allison Jean told The News.
Crockett has not stated publicly or in campaign materials that she’s endorsed by the Jean family.
But Allison Jean said she is also upset that in a 2020 podcast, Crockett said that Botham Jean’s father was one of her biggest fans.
She indicated in her video that my husband is one of her huge fans,” Jean said. “But that is not true. My husband is not on social media. He doesn’t know Jasmine currently, so I don’t know how you can be a fan of somebody that he doesn’t know.”
Let me remind you of news on Joe Biden –
Of the many disputes that followed the leaking of Hunter Biden’s laptop contents, one of the thorniest has been the case of the April 2015 dinner at Cafe Milano.
Emails from the cache suggested that Hunter Biden hosted a dinner in a private room at the tony Washington restaurant that included both his father and an executive from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which had appointed Hunter Biden to its board. An email from the executive, dated immediately following the dinner, thanked Hunter Biden for the chance to meet his father.
As the media litigated the controversy, the White House insisted, in increasingly forceful terms, that no meeting between Biden and the executive had occurred.
At the time of the dinner, Joe Biden was heading U.S. anti-corruption initiatives in Ukraine. They included efforts by the State Department to recover assets allegedly obtained corruptly by Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, who had granted the company lucrative resource licenses while serving as the country’s ecology minister. Zlochevsky has denied wrongdoing.
While attendees of the Cafe Milano dinner agree that Joe Biden was present, his representatives issued repeated denials of any meeting between the then-vice president and Pozharskyi.
And some attendees of the dinner had made public statements that bolstered the notion that, despite the emails suggesting a Biden-Pozharskyi encounter, the two men had never met.
Archer testified that both Pozharskyi and Joe Biden also attended the dinner, an account that is consistent with Hunter Biden’s leaked emails.
Archer’s testimony specifically contradicted claims relayed in a Washington Post fact-check that Biden had not even sat down at the dinner and had only spoken to one other attendee: Alex Karloutsos, a Greek Orthodox cleric.
“That’s not correct reporting,” Archer testified.
Learn history, share history!
Fact check Hakeem Jeffries part two
“Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s basically running the Republican conference, shows up in campaign paraphernalia, and then these people want to lecture Joe Biden because he delivered a strong and forceful speech that made them uncomfortable because he exposed their lies and shamelessness?” Jeffries continued.
“We have one message for extreme MAGA Republicans who want to lecture us about decorum: Get lost; you’re a joke. Exhibit A: Marjorie Taylor Greene. Exhibit B: George Santos.”
Who else is blind?
Apparently Jaime Raskin might be a legitimate blind man again
who used this grainy photo that no way shows Tony Bobolinski wearing a ski mask!!
Where’s the ski mask kids? I think if asked to a classroom of kindergartners every child would say the person on the left is wearing no mask! Can Raskin get really specific here and circle like with a marker that mask?
Ask the kiddos in any kindergarten class -do they see any envelope? All kiddos would answer no!
Ask Raskin to circle with a marker the envelope!!
A photo taken by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson allegedly shows then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows meeting with businessman Tony Bobulinski, according to Hutchinson’s attorney.
Cassidy Hutchinson
First off that has to be one of the worst photos I have ever seen! It’s grainy, faces unrecognizable and tons of “ glare” so that’s from lights not darkness ! See the radials of light streaming down and the red hat fully illuminated so not at all some “ shady” area! I see folks above in the bleachers!
I can plainly see the person on the right facing the photographer on left wearing a red ball cap is wearing NO mask and the other wears a scarf!
“Mr. Bobulinski claims under oath that he was not wearing a mask, that Mr. Meadows did not hand him anything, and that Ms. Hutchinson was ‘fabricating facts,'” Hutchinson’s lawyer wrote in the letter. “Perhaps Mr. Bobulinski’s memory is impaired about the meeting, and a picture would help refresh his recollection.”
Lie number one quote
Exhibit A- The photo appears to show the pair meeting at night between SUVs with Bobukinski wearing a hat and a black mask.
Exhibit B Answer of truth -“Are you wearing a ski mask?” Bobukinski was asked and replied, “I was not wearing a ski mask.”
More baseless innuendos exhibit C-
“Ms. Hutchinson took a photo of Mr. Bobulinski meeting with Mr. Meadows from her vantage point just on the other side of the vehicle from their conversation,” Jordan wrote in his letter. “A copy is attached to this letter. Mr. Bobulinski may be somewhat hard to make out in this image — since he is wearing his Penn State hat … and a mask.”
Read the public comments to the Jaime Raskin performance above video!!
What a lie and waste of time by liar Jaime Raskin!!
Now of course Hakeem Jeffries left out the bold face lie Joe Biden did blaming republicans on the border crisis!!
Why leave out Joe Biden has almost fifty years to fix things not continue on neglecting the border crisis!! Let’s talk facts! Joe Biden cared this much to vigor the borders how many times all his years as senator? Answer zero trips!!
How many trips as VP did Joe Biden care enough to visit our borders as he keeps on saying he inherited the border crisis and excuses of how it is a broken system but his predecessors include himself !! What has he done? He visited zero as VP!!
Put a high wall on the border was senator Joe Biden Jeffries obviously forgot!!
Two that’s right only two trips for photo ops second of which Joe Biden made headlines appearing most in that press tiny area for his speech!!
Why not talk Joe our border czar said years ago she did her border czar job! W she saying now?
Talk the truth on how this administration has made our borders factually less secure than Trump had them and tell the truth how democrats incentivize still “ illegal” and even say that dreaded word attached to our countries immigration and facts are de-incentivizing “ legal immigration!” Tell the truth fir once!!
Tell the truth of who built the immigration cages!!
Tell the truth on what Barack Obama himself said was feasible numbers of immigrant entry !!
Border crisis by Jeffrey H Anderson city journal
Quotes that stood out to me and quotes of which I agree and also ponder why our administration would do this.
Example news quotes-
Under presidents of both parties before 2021, those trying to enter the U.S. illegally at least had to evade the authorities. This hasn’t been true under Biden.
The difference in the number of releases under Biden and under his immediate predecessor is like the contrast between the Himalayas and a pitcher’s mound. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics, in December 2020, the last full month under President Donald Trump, the USBP released 17 aliens into the U.S. In December 2023, the most recent month for which statistics are available under Biden, the USBP released 191,142 aliens into the U.S. In other words, the USBP released 0.009 percent as many aliens into the U.S. during the final month under Trump as it did during the most-recent month under Biden—for every one alien released under Trump, 11,244 were released under Biden. That’s not a normal increase; it’s a flash flood.
According to CBS News, during a so-called shutdown of the border, the bill “would preserve asylum at official ports of entry”—indeed, it “would require U.S. border officials to continue processing more than 1,400 asylum-seekers daily at these official border crossings.” So, this means that another half-a-million illegal aliens would be released into the U.S. annually, even if the border were “shut down” all year.
In truth, the reason why there are so many aliens to detain is because word has gotten out that if you come and request asylum, you’ll be released into the U.S.—and this has been the case since Biden took office. As Judge Wetherell put it in a 2023 immigration case, the Biden administration’s actions have been “akin to posting a flashing ‘Come In, We’re Open’ sign on the southern border.” As word has spread, the numbers at the border have massively increased, with the most recent month on record (December 2023) being the worst month to date.
And a commenters quote-
Wim de Vriend
a day ago
As a former immigrant I must say this whole purposely-created mess disgusts me. Before entering into the US I had to promise and swear — among many other things — that I would not take advantage of government welfare in its various forms, and to strengthen that promise I had to have a US citizen’s guarantee to support me financially should I need it. What Biden’s actions add up to is enabling not only another huge drain on the US Treasury and a bigger national debt but a veritable invasion of the country — which amounts to treason. But then, it’s obvious that Biden’s most fervent supporters are anti-American radicals.
And as Milton Freedman said, you cannot have a welfare state AND open borders.
Tell the truth on the following:
Border Crisis flashback April 2021
Biden officials said they would continue to use the order, known as Title 42, to expel families and single adults. But a week into Biden’s term, Mexican authorities said they would no longer accept the return of some families, especially in the Rio Grande Valley, the busiest area for unlawful crossings.
Word soon spread that families with children younger than 7 years old were being allowed to enter the United States and released from custody. Families fitting that profile began rushing to that span of the border, where U.S. agents were already overwhelmed by soaring numbers of teens and children arriving alone.
This next March quote sentiment is still going on today!! Let me get the WhiteHouse spokeswoman quote “ it ebbs and flows “ lie!!
With criticism from Republicans and some Democrats growing, Biden officials rejected the characterization of the influx as a “crisis,” insisting it was a challenge brought by seasonal migration trends that were consistent with historical patterns.
The message made it worse quotes-
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the administration’s message to asylum seekers was to stay home until the United States could restore full protections. “We are not saying, ‘Don’t come,’ ” he told reporters at the White House on March 1. “We are saying, ‘Don’t come now because we will be able to deliver a safe and orderly process to them as quickly as possible.’ ”
The message didn’t work, and border crossings skyrocketed through the first several weeks of March as a record number of unaccompanied minors were taken into custody. Migrants arriving as part of a family groups jumped to 53,623 in March, a sevenfold increase from January. So many single adults were crossing and attempting to evade capture that border agents said they were struggling to respond as they recorded nearly 1,000 “got-away” incidents each day.
The arrival of so many teens and children sent HHS officials scrambling to open emergency shelters, and Mayorkas mobilized the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help.
For rest see
Flash forward 2023 watchlist apprehensions by NBC
By Julia Ainsley
This year U.S. border agents have encountered a “growing number of individuals” on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist trying to enter the country via the southern border, according to the Homeland Threat Assessment released Thursday by the Department of Homeland Security.
As of July, 160 migrants whose identities match those on the Terrorist Screening Dataset had been apprehended by Customs and Border Protection trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border during fiscal year 2023, compared to 100 in fiscal year 2022. Fiscal years end on Sept. 30.
rest of story –
Biden Administration loses 85k unaccompanied immigrant children
The House Oversight Committee’s National Security Subcommittee held a hearing this week on the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Alien Children Program. Robin Dunn Marcos, director of the office, appeared, but if you watch that hearing you’ll learn a lot more from the questions than the answers — because there weren’t many answers on key issues, such as the fate of 85,000 children the office has apparently lost contact with. Someone needs to put a up a large “Help Wanted” sign in Washington, because the American people are desperately in need of accountability on migrant children — both in the government and in the media
Border guards suicides under the Biden administration skyrockets
The Center Square) – Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, testified before Congress about the hardships Border Patrol agents are experiencing.
Last year was especially hard, he said, with 17 agents committing suicide.
“To put that in perspective,” he said, the New York Police Department’s roughly 35,000-man force, they lost 4 to suicide.
“We see a lot of stuff out there that the average person doesn’t see. What hits folks the hardest is what happens with the children,” he said, referring to human trafficking and unaccompanied young children being brought across.
Try and find and commiseration speech on this by our president and vice president because I can’t find a single speech.
Kristen Burns-Warren
Childish, laughably verbose and wildly inaccurate GQP spam that no one will ever read, Kristen. The entire nation is immensely tickled that the whole foundation for the Biden impeachment “investigation” has been revealed to be Russian lies. Are you a Russian agent, too, or just a dupe of them?
Vrede icon,
GQP stereotyping cannot be found in Merriam-Webster to Cambridge dictionary definition but in the “ urban dictionary” and the not always accurate Wikipedia. So according to the loose interpretation this person that never met me and had no idea my political affiliation claims I am spreading what is stated as “ GQP spam” and at the same fine refusing to show anything I wrote was lies.
This person in pseudo name moniker claims to be an “expert on the entire nations emotions!” Yes this person claims to be the tracker of the entire nations emotions of “ tickled!”
Let me run that quote again that is shown in the remark “ The entire nation is immensely tickled that the whole foundation for the Biden impeachment “investigation” has been revealed to be Russian lies. is?
First off , it is LIES that you claim on
the ENTIRE NATION you have no claim to speak for of any of their entire nation emotions period!
Second, prove not innuendo anything I posted is “ wildly inaccurate!
Third , prove what is actually proven -is a Russian lie as you claim.
Fourth ,the fact that you ask if I am a Russian agent or just a dupe because I disagree with your opinions also reflects your hated with anyone that differs in opinion. No I am not a dupe or a Russian agent nor will I stay silent when someone makes derogatory questions personally about me which you did publicly.
Fifth, prove nobody will ever read what I posted because I don’t see how you could back that up with facts either.
Sixth, look at facts I posted and debunk the facts since you asked me if I am “a dupe or a Russian spy too!”
Seventh, Point out what of any facts you have that support your question you posed asking me personally do see this is personal- if I was duped and point out on what basis you formed that query to her very personal of asking if I am a Russian spy or duped!
Kristen Burns-Warren
Now tell us the moon landing was a hoax! I read it on the Internet! It has to be true!
Since you verede asked publicly if I was duped or a Russian spy let me then ask back these Russia topic questions to your fake name icon.
Is it not true that the democrats were busted for lying of Russia and how democrats were factually caught spreading false Russia allegations?
Did the bogus Steel Dossier happen yes or no?
Did the infamous democrat spurned Russia disinformation not pay up in court for the malfeasances yes or no?
Did the democrat liars spreading lies of Russian disinformation not get caught in the “ dirty fifty one letter yes or no?
Did our administration not once but they’ve now sanction Russian oligarchs MINUS Russian oligarchs that dud businesses with the Biden’s yes or no?
Here is a valid point nobody pushes:
It was Joe Biden himself that wanted the government to monitor all bank accounts of $600 dollars so why is it do NOT monitor the Biden’s accounts early over that with receipts of foreign unexplained money?
A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans’ bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”
So right here “regardless of even accusations of wrong doing” Joe Biden pushed for the IRS to have automatic access to not only bank accounts but other firms of cash accounts but refuses to answer and explain why Biden family have over twenty million from foreign accounts moved into the Biden’s USA accounts. Why not ask Joe Biden why he won’t explain these millions since it’s shown here he was for it (monitoring of banking over the $600) before he was shut down as opposition went against it.
October 25,2023
I would say what this looks like a good amount of individuals!
Fox quote
The busy Biden brand businesses quick look
Third Friday LLC Michael E Lewitt
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit last week against a company and a specific business deal that directly involves President Biden’s younger brother, James Biden.
The complaint was filed in the Southern District of Florida against Third Friday Management and Michael Lewitt, a business associate of James Biden’s. The SEC alleges that Third Friday and Lewitt participated in “fraudulent conduct and gross breaches of fiduciary duty” to their clients, the fund and investors.
How similar was Christopher Steele paid to “ inform” and he lied and fisa warrants filed out after and all other malfeasances fine after like the dirty fifty one letter to the dirty Clinton campaign court silent pay out? I mean when did Steele get arrested or rearrested for lying? He didn’t.
Now what about WhiteHouse stenographer whistleblower to then then VP Joe Biden who factually filled out an fbi complaint and is not arrested? Is what he said then true? Why did for YEARS the fbi say this fbi informant needs to not us e his nave divulged for his safety suddenly change?
Why did not Smirnov but the fby payer/hirers folks keep on redacting his stuff and saying we don’t name names to protect them back then said not the gop but the fbi said -yes this guy is a “ credible informant “ to a sudden 180 on Valentine’s Day 2024?
The informant whose cover now blown and legal scholars questioned his re-arrest from his meeting with his legal council plus his two year live in girlfriend cover was blown so now this informant is in news now known to still be working on gaining intel so see he is a guy like Christopher Steele or even McCormick whose job it was to relay what he over hears.
So it seems now it’s over the bribery but you can see in news reporters broke that piece years ago tapes are archived in the internet playback on bribes years ago plus Burisma executives were interviewed that said the exact opposite of what this administration said on Birusma corruption and Victor Shokin. The truth is the WhiteHouse refuses still to hand in her the Tada Joe Biden rough drafts so that’s telling to not simply comply but see that’s not the only non compliance.. There has been lawsuits through FOIA to gain transparency and thus far Joe Biden is in the public ways and means committee online transparency pledge findings listed to have met almost every single one of Hunter Biden’s business associates so just switch the names to Trump of in doing.
The fake Joe Biden emails also are not all handed over then there’s new searches in the Biden’s credit cards as well there should be as so far over 30 million was funneled and Still unexplained y a single Biden the legitimacy of how they all solidified into Biden accounts for immense foreign wealth sources.
Now news has yet again shown Joe Biden is sanctioning Russian oligarch but yet AGAIN the NY Post just reported not the Russian oligarchs AGAIN that did business with Hunter Biden!! Even treasurer Janet Yellen refused LAST time to explain these Russian oligarchs omitted from our government’s sanctions!!
When you look at all the facts, they are stacking up!!
It’s a thorough job Robert Hur performed filled with honest interview quotes, meticulous images such as one box of our nations top secrets dumped in a torn up disheveled topped cardboard box in the Joe Biden garage of which Robert Hur showed in great detail the classified materials with handwritten labels beside a dog bed, beside a Zappos shoe box, a bucket and various other waste.
It’s was driven home repeatedly as well it should when one finds a smoking gun of admission of knowing the items are classified in which Robert Hur repeats in his passages of Joe Biden telling his ghostwriter “ he found the classified documents.”
The box in the garage stash dump Robert Hur meticulous photographed the box upon discovery then took images of each folder which had newer items placed among our nations top secrets one to me was interesting of the eight million dollar retainer fee to Joe Biden for his book.
The senate boxes multiple stacked inside the same garage of Joe Biden’s senate papers included top security information so that also have me pause especially after the most recent Eric Schwerin testimony where Schwerin said he worked for Joe Biden for free. News abounded of questions why if all people would Joe Biden tap Eric Schwerin to the assignment of all his senator documents?
I question why the public has been so blatantly lied to. The senator troves where reported to be 1,850 boxes moved in trucks on pallets plus additional digital media to UPENN where numerous communications involved the copyrights as well as the public told they will continue to be stored from the public eye there until Joe Biden retires but now I know a closet filled with his senator papers including top secret information was hoarded and stashed along with various other places in just this one of many locations. I so far have yet to tabulate the grand total of top secrets but it’s way more vast than what was originally speculated. The senator papers Joe Biden has NO AUTHORITY at all as well for any senator to take home or take anywhere outside the secured government given facilities yet Joe Biden is proven had them stacked up white boxes in his garage closet of which I saw no lock.
The door in the garage dubbed long ago in the news as garage gate or garage-a-lago In images by Robert Hur in his finalized package shows also to the side of the roll up door appears in images to have what looks a hole where a deadbolt might have been above the odd shaped lever not round door handle so I unclear if the door by the search performed did that or if it’s the lighting making it appear a giant hole to the outside, but I also noticed a window with no bars and mentions of the hallway also to the garage so no this was never a secured location butby meticulous interviews Robert Hur described the known individuals that moved about in that area and it’s a long list from movers to other family members!
I truly don’t know how anyone can trust Joe Biden’s competence as it’s shown brick by brick Joe Joseph R. Biden “ willfully “ did this according to Robert Hur and Joseph R. Biden shared sometimes verbatim to his ghostwriter classified information.
The ghostwriter ( Mark Zwoniger) was written to be surprised to be interviewed and stated he didn’t think he ever would be, but the fact that intel the ghostwriter had was not all retrieved should give the public even more worry as what was in the missing unable to retrieve information he had stored?
There appears to me and also Robert Hur’s conclusions crimes and willful don’t by Joe Biden but Robert Hur explains the mental state of the president and Joe even during his interview with him Joe Biden couldn’t even recall at first the dates of which he was vp when interviewed as president.
The pattern of negligence is astounding as Robert Hur takes you back in time to exhibit how classified materials wouid travel via Joe Biden out of secured government facilities.
here are some reflective quotes-
“ the return of classified briefing books without all their contents frustrated the Executive Secretary team. 1/f1
“In response , Hogan implemented additional security procedures described below 152 But even after those measures were implemented, the Executive Secretary team CONTINUED to struggle to retrieve CLASSIFIED books from Mr. Biden”
Here is another quote-
“ August 2010 briefing of Mr. Biden on the handling of classified materials Days after the Top Secret, code word book went missing in 2010, Hogan met with Mr. Biden to discuss the handling of classified material. 1’54 Before the meeting , she prepared a briefing memo for him.” Y15 The memo, which was addressed to Mr.Biden and dated August 17, 2010.
Later on down the explanation’s on the mishandling of top secrets was how the top secrets were not being secured but left out on a table despite all the bridging to not do so. It was explained that Biden military aids often left the classified materials out on the round table per Biden’s request. This was noted as IG9.
Robert Hur in his exhaustive investigation of interrogation found only one military aid out of eight he interviewed recalling a safe ever being used to state classified materials. 174
Several aids Robert Hur interviewed also reported “classified material being left out on the second floor of the naval observatory 177 or in the Delaware home 178.
Joe Biden’s notecards
“ In contrast, Mr. Biden head his notecards close and his staff did not review them. After the administration , Mr. Biden brought his notebooks home with him and stored then in UNSECURED locations that WERE NOT AUTHORIZED to store classified information-even though the notebooks, like the notecards contained CLASSIFIED information up to the Top Secret level and includes Sensitive Compartmented information, including some from compartments used to protect information concerning HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES” 182
Here is another quick quote of Joe Biden saying how nobody knew he had notebooks or notecard plus how nobody was even sure what the naval observatory new safe installed was for or what was stored in the new safe.
“ why the safe was installed or what was stored in it.” 234f
“At the same time Mr. Biden’s staff was considering how to handle the notecards, he told his ghostwriter “ they didn’t even know” he had the notecards containing similar CLASSIFIED notes.” Pg 68
Further on quote “ he may have been advised to keep the notecards in a secured location.”
Other quote that stood out to me
“ McGrail explained the Mr. Biden knew classified information “ needs to be maintained in a secure facility (h) e was the was chairman of the foreign relations committee … (h) e understands how it works.” 271
“ Some pf the notecards found in the Delaware home remain top classified up to the top level .” 31G
“One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)” is the title song for one of the trademark segments in Sesame Street. In it, the adult actor presented four items, three of which matched, and one that was different. The words of the song asked the children viewing the show to figure out which one “doesn’t belong”.
Kristen Burns-Warren
It appears I did get some replies even by “ verede “ fake name icon commenter.
Why is it yesterday I received only certain selected emails times beginning yesterday from a “ Lord Barfington” that stated from Mountain x the pseudonym icon replied yet no post is shown by Mountan X a Lord Barfington ? Could it be the name ( fake) itself shows the type of non serious reply? I was really looking forward to that remark!!
Next, three emails arrived at very odd times, that’s right three emails stated from Mountain X times time stamped 3:56 am from Vrede, Email stated from Mountain X vrede again 4:13am and 4:42 am but there’s no posts visible? It appears Vrede was possibly blocked.
Now I also tried to post some replies that failed but some of mine were successful.
So these findings I find most interesting is Mountain X platform varies with posting, thumbs up or down varies as well as reports to you via emails on posts that simply aren’t posted and no emails when some posts are successful.
I was not expecting to see a post of calling a senator of NC “a traitor on a public forum “-so that was a first for me as was the other stereotype labeling of humans of which dictionaries do not list.
Kristen Burns-Warren