Movie Reviews

The Reaping

The Story: A professional debunker of religious phenomenon is called to a town where the river has turned to blood. The Lowdown: A silly and stupefyingly derivative religioso shocker that is more funny than thrilling.

The Night of the Following Day

The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Night of the Following Day at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 15, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point…

The Namesake

The Story: A multi-generational culture-conflict story following the lives of an immigrant Bengali family in America. The Lowdown: Maybe a bit too ambitious, but a worthy and moving attempt to examine the lives of a transplanted family balancing between two cultures.

The Host

The Story: A carnivorous monster -- spawned by pollution -- comes out of the river to terrorize Seoul. The Lowdown: An enjoyable monster flick with a dollop of political satire. The movie's too long for its own good, but offers worthy compensations, especially in its last half.

Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams

Our VOICE, Inc., Buncombe County's rape crisis center, in partnership with the Fine Arts Theatre presents Grbavica as part of an evening of art and film to honor survivors of sexual assault and to benefit Our VOICE on Thursday, April 12. The event opens at 5:30 p.m. with the 7th Annual Survivors' Art Show in…

Firehouse Dog

The Story: A famous Hollywood dog ends up getting lost when a stunt goes wrong, and decides to use his unique talents to help a local fire department. The Lowdown: As kids' movies go, it will entertain your young one; but for everyone else, it's a movie severely lacking in just about every other conceivable…

Meet the Robinsons

The Story: A young orphan has to travel to the future to retrieve his stolen invention or the future will be changed -- and not for the better. The Lowdown: Kids will like this animated film, but adults may find it a bit wanting and too frenetic.

The Lookout

The Story: A brain-damaged bank janitor is lured into a plot to rob the bank. The Lowdown: A skillfully constructed crime film that's boosted by attention to characterization and strong performances.

Blades of Glory

The Story: Two rival figure skaters, who had both been banned from the sport, discover a loophole that allows them to skate competitively once again, but as the sport's first male pairs team. The Lowdown: Have you seen Anchorman? How about Talladega Nights? Then you've seen this movie.

Inland Empire

The Story: An actress (Laura Dern) gets a role in a film that may be "cursed," and her life spirals out of control -- and context. The Lowdown: Weird, audacious, challenging, David Lynch's latest redefines the phrase "not for everyone," but it's a remarkable work if you're open to it.


The Story: Early '90s pop-culture icons the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles make their return to the big screen, this time as computer-generated cartoons. The Lowdown: A surprisingly entertaining animated film that eventually just gets repetitive and suffers from a distinct feeling of "been there, done that."

Reign Over Me

The Story: A man (Adam Sandler) suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after having lost his family in 9/11 finds himself being reawakened when his old college roommate (Don Cheadle) re-enters his life. The Lowdown: Passable drama with good intentions that feels both too contrived and too simplistic to really work.


The Story: A down-on-his-luck former swimmer starts a swim team at an inner-city rec center. The Lowdown: Yet another inspiring, well intentioned sports flick that occasionally works due to a strong central performance by Terence Howard.

Until the End of the World


Wim Wenders’ Until the End of the World (1991) is both like a Wim Wenders film (check out the soundtrack) and not. The film—at least till it hits the final stretch—is as quirky as anything the filmmaker ever did, but it’s a bit more playful. It’s certainly one of the more quixotic enterprises imaginable. Wenders […]

A Face in the Crowd


Sure, A Face in the Crowd is a little on the overwrought side, but in all honesty, I’ll take Elia Kazan’s 1957 drama about the rise and fall of an increasingly psychotic “good ol’ boy” TV personality over the director’s more famous works. I’m not, in fact, sure that a film on this subject could […]

A Christmas Family Tragedy


On Christmas Day in 1929, a Stokes County, North Carolina farmer named Charlie Lawson murdered his family, laid the bodies out neatly, and then killed himself. The murders became an immediate sensation, and the house where they took place became a tourist attraction. The story was recounted in a popular 1930 song “The Ballad of […]


The Story: An embittered ex-Marine gets duped into being the fall guy for a presidential assassination attempt. The Lowdown: OK in terms of action and better acted than most such films (thanks mostly to Mark Wahlberg), but it strains to be more than it is and is just too long.


The Story: A woman whose husband is killed in a car crash wakes up the morning after the incident to find the accident hasn't happened yet. The Lowdown: A fatuous mess of a movie that never makes sense and squanders Bullock's talents.

The Lives of Others

The Story: In 1984 East Germany a secret policeman's life changes when he's ordered to place a dramatist under surveillance. The Lowdown: A finely conceived character study about repressive regimes and the redemptive power of human connectivity and art, but be warned, parts of it are truly slow.