Movie Reviews

Letters From Iwo Jima

The Story: Clint Eastwood's companion piece to Flags of Our Fathers tells the story of the battle of Iwo Jima from the Japanese perspective. The Lowdown: An altogether more successful film than Eastwood's earlier Iwo Jima picture -- much more layered and much less obvious. It's a solidly good work, but not quite a great…

Hannibal Rising

The Story: The tale of how young Hannibal Lecter became the serial killer/cannibal who would one day be the focus of an Oscar-winning movie. The Lowdown: A good-looking but rather suspenseless revenge story that is never scary and might have worked better on its own without any connection to the Lecter mythos.

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Crimes and Misdemeanors is being presented by the Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte Street, at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 18 as part of a series of films from the Jewish Heritage Video Collection at UNCA's Ramsey Library. The weekly series will conclude with Homicide (Feb. 25).

Bagdad Café

The Hendersonville Film Society will show Bagdad Café at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 18 in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and park…

Notes on a Scandal

The Story: An art teacher (Cate Blanchett) becomes romantically involved with a 15-year-old student, providing an opportunity for emotional blackmail by an older teacher (Judi Dench) who's fixated on the younger woman. The Lowdown: What could have been sensationalistic trash is elevated to penetrating observations on human behavior thanks to stunning performances, deft direction and…

O. Henry’s Full House

The Hendersonville Film Society will show O. Henry's Full House at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11 in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance…

The Messengers

The Story: A dysfunctional family moves to a sunflower farm in North Dakota only to discover their new home comes complete with hot and cold running ghosts. The Lowdown: Nicely made, but a completely derivative spook show that's ultimately sunk by a silly and incredibly sloppy script.
Starring: Jeroen Krabbé, Renée Soutendijk, Thom Hoffman, Dolf de Vries, Geert de Jong

The Fourth Man

The Fourth Man is part of a series of Classic Cinema From Around the World being presented at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9 at Courtyard Gallery, 9 Walnut St. in downtown Asheville (enter at Walnut next to Scully's or at 13 Carolina Lane).


Daniel is being presented by the Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte Street, at 2 p.m., Sunday Feb. 11 as part of a series of films from the Jewish Heritage Video Collection at UNCA's Ramsey Library. The weekly series will continue with Crimes and Misdemeanors (Feb. 18) and Homicide (Feb. 25).

Because I Said So

The Story: An overbearing -- and apparently mentally defective -- mother (Diane Keaton) attempts to fix up her semi-klutzy daughter (Mandy Moore) with a mate by choosing one from a list of prospects who answer her Internet ad. The Lowdown: By far the dreariest of Diane Keaton's more recent cinematic outings, this movie is an…

Smokin’ Aces

The Story: A variety of hit men and FBI agents converge at a Lake Tahoe hotel penthouse in attempts to take out or protect a Vegas headliner who's about to rat on the mob. The Lowdown: Laughably over-the-top violence isn't enough to salvage this clunky, unfunny and tedious attempt at milking laughs out of random…

Epic Movie

The Story: Following a loose, insignificant plotline surrounding four orphans, Epic Movie is an attempt at satirizing so-called "epic" movies, which, by this movie's definition, is anything that happens to be popular. The Lowdown: Bad in every conceivable sense of the word, this film manages the holy trinity of all terrible comedies: It's boring, obvious…

Catch and Release

The Story: A young woman learns much about her late fianc/(c) when she has to piece her life together after he is killed. The Lowdown: An overlong and overly ambitious romantic comedy that isn't unlikable, but is ultimately disposable and forgettable. Playing at Epic of Hendersonville, Hollywood-Regal Cinema 14, United Artists Beaucatcher 7.

Gentleman’s Agreement

Gentleman's Agreement is being presented by the Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte Street, at 2 p.m., Sunday Feb. 4 as part of a series of films from the Jewish Heritage Video Collection at UNCA's Ramsey Library. The weekly series will continue with Daniel (Feb. 11), Crimes and Misdemeanors (Feb. 18) and Homicide (Feb. 25).

Blood and Chocolate

The Story: An itinerant comic book writer falls for a pretty chocolatier in Bucharest, who, unfortunately, is also a werewolf (sort of). The Lowdown: A mind-numbing array of bad ideas are badly executed in this low-wattage horror flick. Playing at Carmike Cinema 10, Hollywood-Regal 14.


The Story: When the dotty aunt of two sisters dies, the ghost of their mother (who's come back from the dead to take care of the aunt) sneaks into Madrid in the trunk of a car to take a hand in her daughters' lives. The Lowdown:The great fabulist Pedro Almod/>=var returns with another outrageous comedic…

Baby Face

The Hendersonville Film Society will show Baby Face at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 28 in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and park…

Pan’s Labyrinth

The Story: In 1944 Spain, a young girl, obsessed with fairy tales, travels with her pregnant mother to be with her stepfather, a fascist captain in Franco's army trying to quell a liberal uprising in the mountains. There she finds an imaginary world that both counters and mirrors the horrors around her. The Lowdown: Guillermo…