What’s going on, you ask? Well, it appears that life is getting back to normal. With the election over, most bloggers have settled down to regular human activity, with the exception of Recovering Iowan, and even he has found something new to obsess on.
As Outside Clyde noted, the region got its second snow, and it’s not even Thanksgiving. But it sure is deer season, as Makoviney so effectively demonstrates.
A few bugs are going around, so someone got the funk over at Adventures of Supermom. The Asheville Janes had a break-in and then OD’d on the couch medicine. Supermom also appears to have gone on strike, putting her in dicey terrain given the economic clime.
And speaking of the sour economy, Bruisin’ Ales points out that beer has always been a loyal friend in tough times, and Blue Ridge Blue Collar Girl reminds us that we probably didn’t move to the mountains to get rich anyway. As Ashvegas points out, a local publication is having a bad time, but that doesn’t let them off the hook for Revenge of the Word Nerd.
At a time when so much of the country is wondering “What’s next?” things keep looking up for My Life In Cake. Also on the baked-goods front, What the Hell has this drama surrounding a shame-cookie.
— Brian Postelle, staff writer
Actually this is the third snow of the season at Outside Clyde.
My historically local neighbor just over the line in the Kingdom of Madison told me this frigid snowy weather was a bit early, but normal from ten years ago.
Deer, turkey, bear, whatever, the hounds have been let loose. Walk loudly and wear neon orange.
Just FYI, Recovering Iowan is a she.
I didn’t get nearly as much hate mail as I thought I would with the Mountain X linkage to dead deer. ;-)