UPDATED: Trump speaks to full house, protesters fill streets

Moments before Trump appeared on stage the crowd cheered and chanted. Photo by Dan Hesse

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will be in town Monday, Sept. 12, to hold a rally. Large crowds, along with potential protests, are expected throughout the day. The event is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. and Trump’s website shows tickets to the rally are no longer available.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a campaign stop in Charlotte last week, but there is no information about her making a stop in Asheville yet. However, her running mate, Tim Kaine, made an appearance in Asheville last month.

Mountain Xpress will have updates and pictures as the event unfolds.

A line starts to ahead of Trump's rally.
A line starts to form ahead of Trump’s rally. Photo by Dan Hesse
Preparations are underway for Trump's rally.
Preparations are underway for Trump’s rally. Photo by Dan Hesse
City of Asheville employees and law enforcement officers get ready for a visit from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Photo by Dan Hesse
City of Asheville employees and law enforcement officers get ready for Trump’s visit. Photo by Dan Hesse
Trump's rally is expected to draw a large crowd of supporters and protesters. Photo by Dan Hesse
Trump’s rally is expected to draw a large crowd of supporters and protesters. Photo by Dan Hesse

UPDATE: New pictures taken at 1:30 p.m. The line of people waiting for the Trump rally goes almost to the corner of Flint and Cherry streets. There is a noticeable increase in law enforcement officers, Secret Service agents and emergency response vehicles. Doors open at 3 p.m. for the 6 p.m. rally.

The Asheville Police Department has a visible presence hours before the Trump rally.
The Asheville Police Department has a visible presence hours before the Trump rally. The lot across from the US Cellular Civic Center is full of emergency response vehicles. Photo by Dan Hesse
Trump Rally8
Asheville Police officers gather across the street from the US Cellular Civic Center. Photo by Dan Hesse
Secret Service agents, in uniform and plain clothes, are walking the streets of downtown Asheville. Photo by Dan Hesse
Secret Service agents, in uniform and plain clothes, are walking the streets of downtown Asheville. Photo by Dan Hesse
People are milling around the entrance of the US Cellular Civic Center. Some holding signs, some waiting in line, while others seem to be taking in the spectacle. Photo by Dan Hesse
People are milling around the entrance of the US Cellular Civic Center. Some holding signs, some waiting in line, while others seem to be taking in the spectacle. Photo by Dan Hesse
A man with a Trump flag received cheers as he was running up and down the line of people waiting for the Trump rally. Photo by Dan Hesse
A man with a Trump flag received cheers as he was running up and down the line of people waiting for the Trump rally. Photo by Dan Hesse
People selling merchandise on the Interstate 240 overpass mingle with people waiting for the rally. Photo by Dan Hesse
People selling merchandise on the Interstate 240 overpass mingle with people waiting for the rally. Photo by Dan Hesse
Merchants are selling shirts, hats, buttons, water and more. Photo by Dan Hesse
Merchants are selling shirts, hats, buttons, water and more. Photo by Dan Hesse

UPDATE: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke for about an hour to a near-capacity crowd inside the U.S. Cellular Center.

Trump supporters stake out space in front of the stage moments after the doors open. Photo by Dan Hesse
Trump supporters stake out space in front of the stage moments after the doors open. Photo by Dan Hesse
Moments before Trump appeared on stage the crowd cheered and chanted. Photo by Dan Hesse
Moments before Trump appeared on stage the crowd cheered and chanted. Photo by Dan Hesse
A protester is escorted out by Asheville Police officers. Other people were asked to leave and it's unknown if other people were arrested during the really. Photo by Dan Hesse
A protester is escorted out by Asheville Police officers. Other people were asked to leave and it’s unknown if other people were arrested during the really. Photo by Dan Hesse
After the rally protesters held signs and chanted as attendees left the event. Photo by Dan Hesse
After the rally protesters held signs and chanted as attendees left the event. Photo by Dan Hesse
A tense moment between Trump supporters and protesters. Photo by Dan Hesse
A tense moment between Trump supporters and protesters. Photo by Dan Hesse
Trump rally attendees leave the event while protesters crowd the street and, some, climbed a wayfinding sign in front of the U.S. Cellular Civic Center. Photo by Dan Hesse
Trump rally attendees leave the event while protesters crowd the street and, some, climbed a wayfinding sign in front of the U.S. Cellular Civic Center. Photo by Dan Hesse
A man sells flags from his pickup truck as people leave the Trump rally. Photo by Dan Hesse
A man sells flags from his pickup truck as people leave the Trump rally. Photo by Dan Hesse

Xpress will have more coverage of people attending and working the rally, and also a photo gallery of the event.


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About Dan Hesse
I grew up outside of Atlanta and moved to WNC in 2001 to attend Montreat College. After college, I worked at NewsRadio 570 WWNC as an anchor/reporter and covered Asheville City Council and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners starting in 2004. During that time I also completed WCU's Master of Public Administration program. You can reach me at dhesse@mountainx.com.

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54 thoughts on “UPDATED: Trump speaks to full house, protesters fill streets

  1. boatrocker

    Let’s hope the Drumpf can pull off a rally in NC this time without anyone of color being suckerpunched in the face.

    Just out of curiosity, will he eat at 12 Bones like the current Prez or settle for a Trump steak on the plane?

    • henry

      Other options: Eat KFC with a knife and fork. Have another taco bowl to show his support for Hispanics.

      • boatrocker

        You know, it’s funny you mention that- I always assumed the Drumpf ate the children of his housekeepers, nannies, chauffeurs,caddies, etc before firing their parents once he could figure out how to hire illegals to do it for cheaper.

      • bsummers

        He’s already got the Hispanic vote locked up with his supporters (all white) wearing giant sombreros at his rallies, in order to fool Mexicans (who must be pretty stupid, apparently) into voting for him. Like duck hunters putting giant floating ducks out into ponds to draw other ducks in for the slaughter.

        • boatrocker

          Good grief, when I actually take the time to read the tweety twittering googlefacebookainstingramy messages on the right side of the Mtn X webiste, I am often amazed.

          Someone please tell me (ahem, Sanford, author?) what Rolling Stones song blasted over a PA system has any lyrics that would resonate with the Drumpf? I anxiously await your response.

          My guess?
          “Street Fighting Man”, for Drumpf supporters and their commitment to non-violence.

          • Virginia Daffron

            Hey boatrocker, that feed on the side of our page is an aggregator on certain accounts and hashtags. Sanford isn’t an MX employee.

          • boatrocker

            Thanks, Virginia.
            But arrrg now I’ll have to die wondering what Stones song Drumpf could ever co opt as none of my friends would ever be caught dead at a Drumpf rally.

          • boatrocker

            oh god, I should stop checking on all those tweety aggregator things on the website, now discovering that all the vendors who sell Drumpf crap also sell Hillary Clinton buttons, signs, etc.

            Congrats, ‘Murica. Everything is for sale.

            You built your Drumpf Towers with illegal labor, outsourced jobs to Asia under Reagan, ran all the mom n pop stores out of business cuz profit comes before people, dug your own grave with Walmart shovel, tied your own noose with rope made overseas, hung yourself and now have the chutzpah to complain about why the middle class is hurting.

            Caveat emptor.
            People get the gub’ment they deserve.

            Have fun eating bullets when you’re so broke you can’t afford seeds for a garden.
            Least we still got our guns!

          • bsummers

            Sanford isn’t an MX employee.

            Decidedly not, considering how he left.

        • HRH

          there were lots of hispanics there today supporting Trump.

          I was protesting Hitlery and the democrackkk party of slavery, having great fun educating the clueless and discussing
          things with real brains.

  2. Sookie

    ‘You can’t always get what you want’ re CT reporting of Rolling Stones input …

    • boatrocker

      What a lovely testament to 2016’s election cycle.
      As if that is what we need.

      Thank you – I can sleep well tonight know Drumpf did not pay any royalties to the Rolling Stones.

      • Dennis Patrick

        So I still don’t get it? Is it supposed to be insulting – like the way conservatives call the president “Barry Soetoro”? Or is it just another (petty) distraction from the dangerous and unstable ideas of Mr. Trump?

        • bsummers

          I think it’s just an illustration of how all of us (“Americans”) came here looking for a better life & tried to assimilate. Donald Trump wants to demonize those who are doing exactly what his grandfather did in coming here.

          • bsummers

            My family lore says that the Summers name first came to America when we were given a choice: go to the penal colony in Australia, or go to the New World. Four generations later, my father worked on the landing craft that helped us to take the beaches at Normandy, and eventually wound up lead designer at McDonnell-Douglas Experimental Aircraft Division, making us strong during the Cold War. He was a liberal Democrat, and bought MAD Magazine every month.

            Friedrich Drumpf’s grandson got rich screwing people over in New York real estate. F*** him.

    • boatrocker

      Drumpf was his family name until they ‘Muricanized’ it.

      Drumpf received $1,000,000 for a college graduation gift by Daddy, making him the ideal candidate to speak for the working man.

      His family, believe it or not were not American Indians, and were in fact………
      immigrants who were not ‘extremely vetted’.

      That does explain quite a lot about him.

  3. bsummers

    Speaking of Germany (“Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer!” – “One people, one empire, one leader!”), Trump’s new tagline on the end of his speeches is that when he’s President, we’ll all be “under One God”. And yes, in the speech transcripts handed out by the Trump campaign, they are both capitalized.

    That’s right, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, pagans and atheists. Convert now or get the hell out with the Mexicans!!


    • boatrocker

      Prediction/seeing the future time-
      if Trump does not become prez,

      count on an exponential increase in Dylan Roof/Cliven Bundy like violence against , you know, ‘them’.
      For documented proof that Bush v Gore 2000 was a theft of an election,
      count on people claiming voter fraud.

      • boatrocker

        Well, my comments come full circle. See my first comment wondering if a Drumpf rally (Krystallnacht?) could happen in NC without punchy punchy games. Somebody owes me a beer or lunch.

        Drumpf concerts cannot go down without white trash violence upon others who do not buy their brand of hate, but at least this time is was a white dude who was assaulted by a Drumpf type and the victim was asked to leave instead of the other guy. Justice is served, eh?

        Did I call it for my first comment or what?

    • The Real World

      Aaaww c’mon Barry – a) is Huff Po your Siamese twin? Geez dude, front another (and better) source once in awhile. b) you don’t believe in ID’s as they relate to politics, remember?

      Dennis Patrick – “dangerous and unstable”……. yea, we’ve got two primary candidates who fit that description this year. And Sunday offered a whole new meaning of unstable for one of them.

      Ain’t America grand? (rhetorical, as it’s obvious the answer is less and less so, sadly)

      • bsummers

        a) Oooooh, Kay.

        A man punched and choked protesters at a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina
        Business Insider read.bi/2cmUT9v

        WATCH: Trump fan caught on video punching and slapping protesters — and getting away with it
        Raw Story bit.ly/2c7970M

        Video: Trump Supporter Slaps Protesters
        The Daily Beast thebea.st/2cAjfOS

        Fists fly at another political rally as Trump supporter punches protester in the NECK – and slaps another – as police eject anti-Trump activists
        Daily Mail UK dailym.ai/2cSqiEl

        b) Pathetic. This guy assaulted people for exercising their rights to political free speech. If that’s just a snarky punchline to you, then they are much greater Americans than you, you anonymous coward.

        • Quasi

          Thats no different then Trump supports being chased and beaten in other cities, but I guess that doesn’t fall in line with your side. How many of them were arrested? The hypocrisy is hilarious. Cowards are the ones who chased a single person and beat them. But thats how you guys role.

          • bsummers

            Doesn’t matter. He hit these people including two women, not just the first guy. How hard he hit them isn’t the issue. He had his fist cocked back & was clearly going to start pounding on someone right up until the security guy ran up & stopped him.

            AC-T is reporting that an arrest warrant has been issued for “Thomas Vellanti Jr. of Flat Rock”. This sure looks like the guy from the video:

            And then there’s the 69 yr. old woman (breathing out of oxygen tanks) who was punched & knocked to the ground outside the Civic Center. They’ve issued arrest warrants for some hero from South Carolina for doing that… What kind of scumbag punches a 69 yr. old woman in the face, hard enough to send her to the hospital?

      • bsummers

        You’re clearly just some algorithm in a server in Abu Dhabi or something. I believe that a real American would have the gonads to use his real name, like those brave protestors who put their bodies on the line walking into that den of hate on Haywood Street yesterday.

        • Quasi

          Brave? Ha that was a good laugh. Overblown purpose and self worth, is the downfall of our country.

        • The Real World

          Barry – you get so worked up about this stuff. The chips are going to fall where they may (or where Deep State decides they should). Do as you like but, alot of emotional energy expended doesn’t change a thing.

          I’m quite serious that too much Huff Po reading (or too much Breitbart, WaPo, Natl Review, ETC) only distorts a persons’ viewpoints and the “knowledge” they believe they’ve acquired. ALL media is in the business of acquiring eyeballs and/or ears because that is what advertisers need — so most media will stretch truth and reality pretty far in order to acquire those. Which equals – take much of what you read or hear with a grain of salt.

          Yes, I thought my ID comment was pretty funny.

          Lastly, if the issues related to immigration are the same as they were 150 and 200 years ago then why do we have ANY restrictions? And what differences do you believe exist today versus then? Inquiring minds want to know.

          • bsummers

            Gee thanks for the advice about the media, Anonymous Sockpuppet. Maybe you’re right – better to remain ignorant of what the right wing is up to in this country….

            Whoops, I did it again. The Governor of Kentucky just gave a speech where he said that conservatives might have to resort to violence to get their way:

            Bevin says physical fight may be needed to preserve conservative values

            Yeah, we’re in a Handbasket of Deplorables To Hell, alright.

          • boatrocker

            Address FOX news with that same logic, please…
            Show me what I just don’t comprehend .

          • The Real World

            Apparently you need info about how the media works cuz you still buy it hook-line-and-sinker. Well, I might be wrong. It could be that you’re just part-and parcel to it — as you cherry-pick what that governor said. From the very link you provided: ““I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don’t have to do it physically,” Bevin said.

            Good God man, I think HRC has a spot in her Cabinet for you as you’ve let your brain be hijacked. Another case in point would be that you are NOT lambasting her idiotic and nasty labeling of millions of Americans — as you should be. But no, you go even further and adopt her stupid rhetoric. And it’s all coming from the party of PEACE, TOLERANCE and kumbaya. Right-o! Screenwriters couldn’t make this crap up, it’s so insane. The hypocrisy is disgusting. The left needs to clean up the sh^t in their own stalls before they go casting stones. It’s going to take quite awhile.

            Here’s another lesson in how objective the media is. Today on CBS Morning Show, Bill Clinton being interview by Charlie Rose says, “Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors, because frequently – well not frequently, rarely – but on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing happened to her when she got severely dehydrated……..” Guess what? The part I bolded was edited out of the live segment when it was posted online. So, the public wouldn’t hear Bill declare that her fainting (seizures…whatever it is) has occurred frequently — big Freudian slip! (I won’t bother to go into how her staff claimed: overheating, then dehydration before deciding to say she’s had pneumonia for days. Right-o, again. Oh and that “staffer” propping her up against the ballast while her vanbulance arrives — well, looks to me like non-other than her primary Doc, Lisa Bardack. Who takes their Doc to a short ceremony except someone with a high-risk health condition!!)

            So, go be another Terry McAuliffe / Tim Kaine bootlicker (hhmm, she seems to like the Irish, are you from the Emerald Isle?) and she will kick your arse to the curb when she’d finished with you just like she did clueless Bernie.

            But, I get it, you’re really all out-of-sorts and trying to point the finger elsewhere because your candidate is a consummate liar, cheater and sociopath with one foot in the grave. What you don’t seem to comprehend is that she’d be a lousy Prez because ‘how do you know when a liar is telling the truth?’

          • bsummers

            You’ve jettisoned all credibility, Anonymous Sockpuppet. You very carefully trimmed off the end of that quote, didn’t you? After praying that rightwingers won’t have to resort to physical violence to get their way, he said,

            “But that may, in fact, be the case.”

            Here’s an elected official, the Governor of a State, telling a rightwing Christian audience to be ready to use violence if Hillary Clinton is elected. A fuller quote from the Atlantic:

            “Somebody asked me yesterday, I did an interview, “Do you think it’s possible, if Hillary Clinton were to win the election, do you think it’s possible that we’ll be able to survive, that we’d ever be able to recover as a nation?” And while there are people who have stood on this stage and said we would not, I would beg to differ. I do think it would be possible, but at what price? At what price? The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood of who? The tyrants, to be sure, but who else? The patriots.

            Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I have nine children. It breaks my heart to think that it might be their blood is needed to redeem something, to reclaim something that we, through our apathy and our indifference, have given away. Don’t let it happen.”,

            He’s talking about sending his own kids out to die in order to “redeem” or “reclaim” some conservative fantasy about what America is supposed to be. This guy should be impeached.

          • The Real World

            You’re digging your hole deeper and becoming more irrational. If you took 10 steps back, you’d see it (I hope).

            Back to my questions, as I’m interested: If the issues related to immigration are the same as they were 150 and 200 years ago then why do we have ANY restrictions? And what differences do you believe exist today versus then?

            P.S. Give it up about the names already. It’s irrelevant, the record is broken and no one cares.

          • bsummers

            You selectively edited out the part of the Governor of Kentucky’s quote which shows he was talking about using violence for political ends. You are not intellectually honest. No wonder you are afraid to post under your real name. I would be too, if I were a liar.

  4. Karl Denninger

    And here you go…Hillary and Parkinson’s…HRC is medically unfit to even operate a motor vehicle, or baby-sit her grandchild let alone serve in any on-call position of responsibility.

    Let’s just use basic logic and the “explanations” of the Clinton campaign become ridiculous, without merit, and created with malice aforethought toward the electorate.

    Ever had a serious infection? Like pneumonia? How do you “recover” nearly-completely in less than two hours after suffering what is clearly a public event of catatonia and near-complete collapse?

    You don’t.

    But what if you have a neurological deficit that is serious, progressive but able to be — sometimes — controlled with medication and only produces visible deficit sometimes?

    Then you could have such a “collapse” and yet an hour later be visibly “fine.”

    But that’s not pneumonia, nor is it severe dehydration and heat intolerance. Indeed, if you were believed to actually be suffering from heatstroke and severe dehydration to a degree sufficient to cause you to collapse, especially if you had been diagnosed a few days earlier with pneumonia (which I remind you is a compromise of the lungs and thus your ability to exchange oxygen and CO2) it would quite-arguably be attempted manslaughter to fail to take you directly to the nearest ER. Hillary was not taken to ANY ER; she was taken to Chelsea’s apartment. The only rational explanation for that is that her detail and staff knew she was neither dehydrated nor suffering heat exhaustion and thus was at no risk of imminent respiratory collapse.

    This of course means that they lied to the media (and you, the voters) — again.

    Were a neurological deficit that person suffered to be temporary due to an injury or similar then it would not necessarily be disqualifying for a public office — including that of President.

    But Parkinson’s is not temporary, it is a chronic, permanent once contracted and progressively destructive neurological condition that cannot be controlled on a long-term or permanent basis.

    The drug used to control Parkinson’s, in addition, has serious long-term side effects and loses effectiveness over time.

    But the most-serious aspect of a neurological disorder like Parkinson’s is that the sufferer has no real control over when and where they will suffer the deficits it brings. This was on display on 9/11 at the memorial; certainly Hillary would not choose such a moment to suffer the outward evidence of a neurological deficit, as that particular moment in time would be one where such a deficit would effectively end her campaign, and she knows it.

    Yet that is exactly what happened anyway, when she had full knowledge in advance of the risk and thus would choose to medicate to the best of her ability to mitigate the potential for harm.

    Despite this, she failed.

    Unfortunately a President, in the discharge of their office, gets no such warning. Serious world events happen without warning and without notice. A President must be available on a neurological basis without prior warning, 24 hours a day in order to be able to discharge the responsibilities of the office. To be unfit for this need is a per-se disqualifying condition for the office of President or, for that matter, any other office or responsibility where public safety is involved — such as the “mere” and ordinary task of driving a car!

    Hillary Clinton appears to be incapable of safely operating a motor vehicle, say much less discharging the office of President. She has demonstrated same repeatedly on the campaign trail where she has had full warning and notice of potentially adverse and stressful events prior to them happening and yet despite this functional and factual warning in each and every case she has been unable to medicate herself, with medical advice and attendance, to mitigate the deficits she has and avoid its public display, including her recent all-on collapse on 9/11 in NYC.

    Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President of the United States, or, for that matter, to hold any public or other office where performance is required on a no-notice basis because even with full notice and warning she is unable to manage her condition and remain neurologically intact and unimpaired during the time required, even with the best medical attention that our current level of technology can offer.

    It’s that simple folks, and this has exactly nothing to do with your political preference.

    It has to do with the responsibilities of the office and you cannot vote for someone who has proved through multiple episodes during the campaign that they are incapable of discharging same.

    Does the Hillary campaign have a duty to respond to this? IMHO, yes. Specifically, I’d like to see an explanation and exploration of the truth of any such explanation of the email chain disclosed by Wikileaks in which she receives information on the drug Provigil, which is often used off-label for Parkinson’s.

    Folks wake the hell up about the 2-party paradigm and see the reality of what the NWO/globalist-banker oligarchy has been doing and will continue to do to us until the constitutional republic is restored….Hitlery or Drumpf will win and it won’t make an iota of difference because Soros and the oligarchs ultimately are the real winners and its BOHICA for the rest of us debt serfs….WAKE UP!

  5. Peter Robbins

    It’s true the Tumpkins only punched a couple women. One of them not even that hard. But don’t forget — they were admonished from the get-go to be on their best behavior. You can’t judge the whole basket by a few farm-fresh eggs on top.

  6. Murphy

    Why were the “merchants” allowed to sell at all?

    The buskers in AVL aren’t allowed to sell merchandise – they are harrassed with threats of arrest when they try to share their talents through retail… and told that a permit is required to “sell merchandise” in Asheville.

    Why did the APD make these folks put up their Trump Crap and move along?

    Sure seems like selective enforcement by the local police.

    • bsummers

      Says the guy who lawyered up after the warrant for his arrest went out. When a man hits a woman, and it’s his word against hers over what happened, the man is always right. Is that what you’re saying here?

    • bsummers

      The AC-T article on this has multiple eyewitnesses supporting the woman’s version.

      “Teter said she was telling supporters that “they better learn Russian” and that Campbell turned and struck her jaw with his fist. Several witnesses also said Campbell turned and struck her.

      In the words of one, who was willing to put his name on the line, “he turned around and absolutely decked her.”

      They’re all liars, I guess. But the lawyer for the guy who is facing charges (who’s been convicted of domestic violence in the past), she’s the only trustworthy one, right?

      • “They’re all liars, I guess.”

        It certainly looks that way, Mr. Barry Summers. These progressives should be sued for making false statements and filing a false police report. I can’t wait.

      • Here’s the WLOS report from Thu 9/15:

        The 69-year-old progressive political activist’s story is breaking down pretty rapidly. This must be embarrassing for the locals. It’s like a slow-motion train wreck.

        • bsummers

          It’s just more he said/she said. The video doesn’t prove anything other than there was a big crowd reaction to something. And there are still eyewitnesses who claim that that something was him punching her to the ground with his fist. Your “train wreck” spin is just that – spin for political purposes.

          • Yes. eye witnesses. They are such a bother, aren’t they, Mr. Barry Summers. They are always spoiling things for you progressives.

            WLOS: http://bit.ly/2cZ587A

            “I was like, ‘No, come on.’ That’s what boiled my blood a little bit,” witness Peter Leonard said. “You can be on whatever side you wanna be, but you should at least tell the truth. That to me was just a lie, from what I saw.”

          • bsummers

            That’s my name, Mr. Timothy Peck. Don’t wear it out.

        • Barry: “Your ‘train wreck’ spin is just that – spin for political purposes.”

          Dude. Speaking of train wrecks:

          Asheville Trump rally attendee sues protester, WLOS-TV for libel

          “A man who attended a downtown Donald Trump rally in 2016 is suing a local woman and WLOS-TV, saying they falsely characterized events that led to his arrest for assault on a female, a charge later dismissed. Richard L. Campbell of Edisto Island, South Carolina, brought the civil suit for libel and other actions Tuesday in federal court against rally protester and downtown resident Shirley Teter. He also sued WLOS-TV and its parent company Sinclair Broadcast Group of Hunt Valley, Maryland.”


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