Letter: Add property manager to short-term rental board

Graphic by Lori Deaton

As the chief operating officer of Carolina Mornings Luxury Vacation Rentals, a Buncombe County property management firm since 1997, and a member of the newly formed NC STR Alliance, I have closely followed the county’s efforts to address short-term rental regulations. I applaud the county commissioners for recognizing the importance of this issue, as it impacts many facets of our local economy, neighborhood character and the overall vibrancy of our community.

However, I am deeply concerned about the process the county has engaged in by excluding professional property managers from the task force assembled to review these regulations. Professional property managers are directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of vacation rentals, and we bring a unique perspective that is crucial to understanding both the challenges and benefits of this industry. We are not only advocates for homeowners but also stewards of community standards. We work diligently to ensure compliance with regulations, maintain healthy neighborhoods and contribute to the local economy through job creation, tourism spending, taxes and partnerships with local businesses.

By failing to include a professional property manager on the task force, the county risks creating regulations that lack a full understanding of the practical realities of this market. I respectfully urge the county commissioners to reconsider this omission and ensure that the task force benefits from the insight and experience of those of us who manage short-term rentals professionally. Only through a balanced, inclusive approach can we develop fair and effective policies that serve the best interests of our entire community.

— Gay Weber
Chief Operating Officer
Carolina Mornings Luxury Vacation Rentals


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2 thoughts on “Letter: Add property manager to short-term rental board

  1. Think about it

    “… stewards of community standards…”
    Yeah, I think not. Apparently, people in this profession are purveyors of the death of community standards. The paychecks are derived from ensuring that neighborhoods turn into tourist carousels. ‘Come buy a house in our neighborhood where at least 25% of all homes have rotating owners every few days. ” Not a wonderful community standard, but thanks for really holding down a job that is readily replaced by an online booking agent/form and a payment processor.

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