Statistics show that when first responders live inside the cities they serve, the community benefits, and the first responders build a solid foundation of pride needed to commit to serving the populace.
Asheville Police Department officers should be lauded by the community, not ostracized by fringe voices calling for a defund movement.
— Dick Domann The Villages, Fla. (formerly of Asheville)
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4 thoughts on “Letter: APD deserves community support”
only the fringe is interested in the fringe …you know, the MAGA delusionists vis a vis the crazed WOKE folk. No one is calling for the defunding of the APD. I know it’s a bit difficult to grasp this down there in the la la land of the Villages when your insularity takes precedent over reality pretty much all the time. sigh.
luther blissett
The funny part of this is that I’m pretty sure The Villages is policed by the county sheriff’s department (and those officers presumably live elsewhere) because it’s an unincorporated community restricted to seniors.
Virginia Ritter
There needs to be a landlord group formed to explore the possibilities of renting to officers or firefighters! I’m one landlord who would definitely participate in offering one of my homes at affordable rates to have a police officer in the neighborhood!
Kristen Burns-Warren
Obviously some of the commenters here failed to read the original statement that had nothing at all written on defunding nor did it go on a biased stereotype rant of name calling or very personal assumptions of the original authors life.
The original writer formerly of Asheville expressed need for community support for police so support doesn’t mean always funding but in community support as in camaraderie for what the police community does.
I think it was a great point of police actually living versus commuting into the cities they serve. I think bringing up the benefits of police is also a valid point by Dick Domann.
What I didn’t find relevant and factual was the other commenters attempts to change topics and personally insult the writer.
Nowhere in this piece did the original writer that by the way is transparent as in used a real name as author on defunding but immediately was given negative and very misleading as well as highly personal assumptions direct at Dick Domann in feedback so let me look highlight the facts of to the original writer by using extreme hateful stereotypes and utter assumptions and assertions-
These are all derogatory terms and personal ones to personally attack the writer on even where he now lives now.
“Pretty sure the villages is policed by the county’s sheriff department and those officers PRESUMABLY live elsewhere
“BECAUSE it’s an unincorporated community restricted to seniors,”
Now these points have nothing whatsoever to do with the points the original author expressed at all do they yes or no?
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only the fringe is interested in the fringe …you know, the MAGA delusionists vis a vis the crazed WOKE folk. No one is calling for the defunding of the APD. I know it’s a bit difficult to grasp this down there in the la la land of the Villages when your insularity takes precedent over reality pretty much all the time. sigh.
The funny part of this is that I’m pretty sure The Villages is policed by the county sheriff’s department (and those officers presumably live elsewhere) because it’s an unincorporated community restricted to seniors.
There needs to be a landlord group formed to explore the possibilities of renting to officers or firefighters! I’m one landlord who would definitely participate in offering one of my homes at affordable rates to have a police officer in the neighborhood!
Obviously some of the commenters here failed to read the original statement that had nothing at all written on defunding nor did it go on a biased stereotype rant of name calling or very personal assumptions of the original authors life.
The original writer formerly of Asheville expressed need for community support for police so support doesn’t mean always funding but in community support as in camaraderie for what the police community does.
I think it was a great point of police actually living versus commuting into the cities they serve. I think bringing up the benefits of police is also a valid point by Dick Domann.
What I didn’t find relevant and factual was the other commenters attempts to change topics and personally insult the writer.
Nowhere in this piece did the original writer that by the way is transparent as in used a real name as author on defunding but immediately was given negative and very misleading as well as highly personal assumptions direct at Dick Domann in feedback so let me look highlight the facts of to the original writer by using extreme hateful stereotypes and utter assumptions and assertions-
These are all derogatory terms and personal ones to personally attack the writer on even where he now lives now.
“Pretty sure the villages is policed by the county’s sheriff department and those officers PRESUMABLY live elsewhere
“BECAUSE it’s an unincorporated community restricted to seniors,”
Now these points have nothing whatsoever to do with the points the original author expressed at all do they yes or no?
Kristen Burns-Warren