We are in a time of crisis, and the crisis is worldwide. The very last thing we need is the U.S. making more war on countries and dropping more bombs on foreigners who never hurt the people of the USA.
Sen. Burr, Sen. Tillis and Rep. McHenry, your vote against a cut of 10% from the U.S. military budget deeply hurt the people of the countries where we are making war.
And if you don’t care about foreigners living (or trying to live) under our bombs, then maybe you could care about the people right here at home. With record unemployment, record lack of health insurance/health care and record lack of affordable housing, there are many, many people here in the USA who could have used those funds right here inside our country. Instead, they will go hungry, have poor quality schools, lack access to appropriate health care, have record unemployment and sometimes end up homeless.
And a measly 10% of the military budget could have gone a long way toward addressing those issues.
— Susan Oehler
Could you get anymore negative?
The poster must live on planet Delusion.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone.“ -Eisenhower