Letter: David Wilson Brown is a true progressive

Graphic by Lori Deaton

I attended a rally at the White Horse Black Mountain music venue in Black Mountain for David Wilson Brown, the Democratic candidate for the 10th District U.S. House of Representatives seat held by Republican Patrick McHenry, and I want to say the man is real. He is sincere and dedicated to decency, fairness, honesty and to representing common people.

I most enjoyed watching him spontaneously and affectionately dance with his grade-school-age daughter off in an inconspicuous corner while a drum-circle group entertained. I also watched him hold back tears speaking of his dedication to making a world his two young children could feel the same optimism that past generations have taken for granted but now is threatened by growing cynicism and corruption, by economic unfairness, a degrading environment and the unraveling of democracy so that the powerful and wealthy can grab more power and wealth. I saw genuine anger at his opponent, at President Trump and the Republican Party, which are undermining our democratic, environmental and regulatory safeguards, creating an American oligarchy of the wealthy and corporations.

He wants to make health care and higher education a right and not a costly product and privilege as it is now. He wants to protect and enhance public education. He wants to expand democracy and accessibility to the benefits of the economy and society to everyone without discrimination. He wants to reinvigorate the economy with high-tech and good-paying jobs that enhance rather than threaten communities, neighborhoods and the environment and to provide the training for the workforce to fill these jobs.

He takes climate change very seriously. He is deeply insulted by President Trump’s trashing of people and institutions for his own political gain, and it was Trump’s election that kicked him into entering into this race. He is outraged at how the Republican Party and his opponent, Patrick McHenry, enable and protect Trump while also undermining democracy for their own and their corporate and wealthy sponsors’ advantage at every opportunity. David is a true progressive.

David’s not slick nor a natural public speaker and no polished politician, but as he spoke, his sincerity took over and he won my heart and the hearts of those attending with an honest, from-the-heart kind of eloquence. He’ll fight for the people he serves and not the wealthy — this was clear. I was impressed. We need this good man. And he needs active support from everyone who will benefit from a genuine human being of good mind and heart who is a true progressive.

The dishonest gerrymandering of the Republican delegation controlling Raleigh has made it very difficult — but not impossible — for a Democrat to succeed. I urge everyone who might be encouraged and hopeful of turning our current political mess around by a candidate such as I have described to support, work for, talk up and vote for David Wilson Brown for Congress. It is no exaggeration to say that in this election and all elections coming up in the next several years, the soul of America is at stake. Here we have a candidate who is worthy of our support. I am sure he can win and honorably serve the people if the people he will serve help him now.

— Bill Walz


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3 thoughts on “Letter: David Wilson Brown is a true progressive

  1. Lulz

    LOL he should stick to dancing. Cause this fool ain’t got a lick of sense.

  2. Enlightened Enigma

    Progressivism toward socialism is NOT a good thing, Bill … ‘socialism is the equal sharing of misery’ … is that what you want ?

  3. Floyd Mason

    He is running against a man that never really had a job. I enjoy people talking about socialism when the only work The incumbent has done is collect public money. Consider a candidate that is part of the real world and not just a product of social pay.

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