Letter: Get on board and get vaccinated

Graphic by Lori Deaton

There are many versions of this joke, but this is a brief one. A man’s boat sinks in a storm, and he clings for his life to a piece of wood. A boat comes along and offers help, and he says, “No, God will save me.” Another larger boat comes along, throws down a rope ladder, and the man once again says, “No, God will save me.” Well, no more ships come to his aid, and he dies in the ocean. He gets to heaven and asks God, “Why did you not save me?” God’s response is, “I sent you two boats to get you out of the water, and you chose not to board them. What more can I do?”

This joke/story reminds me of what is happening now during this time of COVID. God has gifted humans with the knowledge, the ability and the science to help prevent the spread of infections, as well as COVID. We know that wearing a mask is the easiest way to help weaken the spread of the virus. So simple, just put it on.

Additionally, we now have the vaccines and the boosters. The same type of vaccines that have prevented and caused us to forget about such diseases as polio, tetanus, hepatitis, measles, whooping cough and mumps. God gave us experts with the knowledge and the scientific resources to develop these vaccines. So as God said, why not get on board? It is hard to understand people’s resistance to getting a vaccine or wearing a mask. If you are a religious person, it should be considered God’s will. If you are an anti-vaxxer, just look at what diseases you no longer have to worry about getting because of vaccines. It seems so simple, so logical, so easy to understand and certainly easy to do. What about the old adage of loving your neighbor? Don’t be a spreader! We have been given experts with the knowledge to develop these vaccines. As God said, “What more can I do, why not get on board?”

Topping this all off, we have elected officials like Cawthorn and Tillis pandering to the unvaccinated. Telling them not to wear masks and to keep up the good fight about not getting vaccinated. Send your kids to school without masks, exposing other children and teachers to the virus. Throughout our country and right here in Asheville, there are teacher shortages, nursing shortages, and employers are struggling to keep their businesses open due to employee shortages. But a lot of politicians only care about themselves and getting reelected. So they indulge constituents by working to get them unemployment benefits when they refuse to get vaccinated for their jobs. All the while they themselves are more than likely vaccinated.

Our hospitals are overloaded with new, unvaccinated individuals with COVID to the expense of individuals who need health care who are vaccinated. I say stop treating unvaccinated people; turn them away. They have made a selfish decision that is grossly impacting the well-being of their families, their community and the United States.

— M.L. Kates

Editor’s note: Sen. Thom Tillis noted on his website Dec. 8 that he plans to vote to repeal President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, though he has also encouraged people to get vaccinated.


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