Letter: Kids’ safety should take top priority

Graphic by Lori Deaton

I am writing to express my opinion about two items.

According to the following direct quote from the Oct. 19 Citizen Times: “Finally, commissioners unanimously approved carrying forward $722,480 in unused funds from the fiscal year 2023 budget’s general and solid waste enterprise funds to the 2024 fiscal year.”

1. There is a need for sidewalks in the Reynolds High School/middle school area. At present, students have to walk a dirt path when they travel between the two schools. All the infrastructure bond money voted for by the taxpayers was spent, and no money was used for those sidewalks to be put down.

I think kids’ safety should take top priority. It’s not fair that those kids’ parents pay high property taxes and don’t get seeable improvements.

The students need a good concrete sidewalk. I know they probably walk in the gutter curb to avoid getting mud on their shoes when it rains.

One of these days, a kid will be run over. Then the commissioners will say, “Well, we were intending to start putting a sidewalk in on the day before.” It’ll be too late then.

Before 2023 ends, some of the leftover 2023 budget money should be spent for a good cause — kids’ sidewalks.

2. Another seeable thing that should have 2023 excess money spent on it is a new sign for the Fairview Library (on Fairview Road, near the Fairview Fire Department). Recently, the last time I saw it, it was definitely in need of replacing. The old one is severely dilapidated. Within the last couple of months, I sent two letters to one of the commissioners about the library sign. I hoped he would use his authority to get the sign replaced. To date, no reply to either.

From the time I was a teenager (I’m 63 now), I believe it’s been my calling in life to try to get taxes spent on seeable things.

I write letters, send carbon copies or call the powers that be, who tend to ignore me because, at present, I’m considered a nobody nothing. Perhaps in the future, I’ll throw my hat in the ring to become a power that be. From a nobody nothing to a power that be. Sounds great!

Well, that’s my opinion.

— Tom L. Nanney


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3 thoughts on “Letter: Kids’ safety should take top priority

  1. Hiram

    I’ll vote for you. It’s time that so-called leaders focus on residents and the needs of children and stop kissing up to tourism related endeavors quite so much. And yes, I know that some pedantic fellow is going to respond with that same old lame nonsense about the importance of farm system baseball and overpriced beer…

  2. Curious

    “Perhaps in the future, I’ll throw my hat in the ring to become a power that be . . ”
    Why don’t you go ahead and do it? County Commission? City Council?

  3. Enlightened Enigma

    Throw down some mulch or road bond and make do…let those neighborhood wealthy parents put in a sidewalk if it’s so critical!

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