I was out of North Carolina with the Army and Air Force when Tim Moffitt was a Republican legislator in Buncombe County (2011-14). He was tightly affiliated with ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, [which drafts] legislation purely in the interest of the large corporations.
What legislation do I remember? Moffitt introduced legislation to change how county commissioners are elected against the wish of [some of] his constituents, only for Buncombe County. Moffitt introduced legislation to strip Asheville of its own water supply and supported legislation to keep the city from charging fair prices. Most infamously, he introduced the “nipple bill” to control women.
Buncombe County Republicans kicked him out of office for working against them in 2014. Now, he has jumped over to Henderson County to run for Sen. Chuck McGrady’s open seat. I don’t think Henderson County needs him any more than Buncombe County did. He has dedicated his life to big business and selling off our mountain real estate. … I think he’s done enough for WNC.
I choose Josh Remillard for N.C. 117. He brings a soldier’s heart and loyalty to serve those of us in the district.
— Fred Nace
U.S. Army, retired
Editor’s note: Xpress contacted Tim Moffitt for a response to the letter writer’s points, but he declined to provide one for publication.
Tim “I am Corporate America” Moffitt wasn’t just affiliated with ALEC, he was on the Board of Directors.
But you’re just slightly not hard enough on Greedy Little Timmy. He hasn’t done enough ‘for’ WNC, he’s done enough ‘to’ WNC!