Letter: Please move Downtown After 5

Graphic by Lori Deaton

I suggest that the Asheville Downtown Association please use Roger McGuire Green for Downtown After 5.

Lexington Avenue is under the expressway, which spreads gas fumes and noise amid hundreds of people and drowns out music. It is narrow with increasing crowds and presents difficulty maneuvering to the businesses (few that there are!), vendors, etc. The acoustics echo.

McGuire park is lovely, with lots of room for crowds and vendors, and great acoustics.

Please use the park we have all paid for.

Thank you.

— Susan Hickerson


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3 thoughts on “Letter: Please move Downtown After 5

  1. indy499

    You appear to live in Weaverville, so no, you didn’t pay for it. We did. The bigger mooches are the unincorporated county residents who pay the same county tax as Asheville residents (and no city tax obvioiusly) and recive services that don’t find their way to Asheville, eg, sheriff dept

  2. KH

    I agree completely, and I have written to the Asheville Downtown Association to say so more than once. North Lexington is not the same as when Downtown After 5 began. It’s a much busier road and a much-needed additional artery into the City, especially with the growth along Broadway. In addition, there are businesses at this location that suffer because of the concert series. Loretta’s, for example, does a brisk lunch business (I know, because I buy from them). Without the parking on North Lexington, it’s virtually impossible to reach it on concert days because the road is blocked off all day. It’s way past time to move the concert series to the beautiful stage at Pack Square Park or to a side street location that does not interfere with traffic and commerce.

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