Letter: Runners, take a lesson from skiers

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Here in Asheville there are many nice paths for people and dog walking, and for those running. Now we have the addition of the great bike lanes to keep bikers safe, as well as keeping drivers from moving out across the center line to give cyclists more space. Most of us are considerate in this.

But the runners are the most inconsiderate! They come up behind walkers on a narrow path without any warning. These people are obviously not skiers! The rule in skiing is the person in front or the person downhill has the right of way. The skier who will be passing the downhill skier announces themself by saying, loudly enough to be heard, “On your right” or “On your left,” thus alerting the downhill skier not to make any turns in either direction and cause a collision. Unfortunately, I have seen this happen more than once.

I startle very easily. It is unnerving and frankly annoying when there is no consideration given to those ahead of you just because they are going slower. For both of our safety, please try to do better!

— Valerie Noble, a walker


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One thought on “Letter: Runners, take a lesson from skiers

  1. WAVL

    This analogy doesn’t make a ton of sense because runners don’t often collide with walkers, which is the risk that skiers are avoiding by announcing themselves. It’s a bit ridiculous to expect someone running or walking to loudly announce themselves to everyone they pass when there is no danger of collision and 70% of people on a path have earbuds in anyway.

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