We need your help. Professional reflexologists are being threatened with the loss of their livelihood through unnecessary overregulation by the N.C. Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy in this “right to work” state.
NCBMBT has been an honorable licensing board, overseeing the ethical practice of therapeutic massage only. Because reflexology is not massage or its subspecialty, the NCBMBT has no authority over us.
Professional reflexology, an energy bodywork, uses gentle finger pressure on the hands and feet to access/stimulate nerve reflexes connected to all parts of the body. Therapeutic massage focuses physically on the muscles and fascia.
Both are honorable professions, yet the basic premise, training and technique are vastly different.
Professional reflexology has been practiced for decades in North Carolina without incident because we adhere to high ethical and professional standards put forth by our national independent accreditation board: American Reflexology Certification Board. We are also supported professionally by state, national and global associations.
So, as professionals, we want our training and professionalism to be honored and respected so we can continue to offer quality well-care to you.
We are ethically bound to protect you by practicing only in our area of expertise.
Remember our intention: to do no harm and support your health and well-being.
We have six weeks to petition the community for support, then submit the names to our North Carolina legislators.
For more info and to view our petition, click on reflexology-nc.org.
Thank you for your support.
— Phyllis Weimar, ARCB-CR
(American Reflexology Certification Board Certified Reflexologist)
Black Mountain
As I read this, it sounds like reflexologists, like most alt-medical practices and belief systems, mainly want to be be able to keep the wagons tightly circled, and left to self-regulate so that they can avoid being held to any kind of proven scientific or medical standards. If that is what they desire, then they also need to stop making bogus medical claims about the efficacy of the “treatments” they offer. As we face a very real pandemic, people need to know that alt-med promises (which include, but also go way beyond reflexology), of being able to “boost your immune system” (totally unscientific and unproven) are not only quackery, but dangerous quackery.