Having read Barry Shoor’s letter in the Jan. 17 Xpress [“Schools Need to Reflect Parents’ Wishes”], I finally came to appreciate the need for parental control of education. Finally, parents are taking their rightful place in their children’s education.
They might not have a degree in education or the subject matter or even any knowledge in an area. But they can certainly tell when dictionaries and Bibles are filled with the sexually explicit. They understand teaching the truth about slavery hurts children’s feelings. They understand that teaching 2+2=4 will lead to acceptance of same-sex couples. We should not be teaching the adding of numbers of the same values, as this is insidious indoctrination.
What is getting ignored is sports. Why should one person who does not know the true value of our children decide who plays or what play should be called? With modern technology, why can’t parents make the decision? Before each football play, shouldn’t parents be able to text the coach what play to call or who should be in what position? I know some naysayers will tell us that the object of the game is to win, and it should be left to professionals. This is as idiotic as saying the object of education is to expand the students’ understanding and knowledge and should be left to professionals.
The only caveat is maybe with our desire to correct the system, it leads us to teaching our children to distrust and malign the very system that will assist them to become fully functioning adults.
— Neil Kravitz
I hope you didn’t spend a lot of time on this.